Something about the unironic nature of all of this, how genuinely strange and bizarre it is, is really fucking charming to me.
The really cheesy acting, effects, fucking ninjas and shit flying around everywhere, Kurt Russell fucking radiating charisma, it's good stuff.
That being said this is as far from Escape From New York as you can get, which I find fascinating since they're gonna be crossing over in a comic later this year.
What do you all think of Big Trouble In Little China and the works of John Carpenter?
John Carpenter is a great director on the whole, his audience just dried up somehow sadly. Big Trouble is one of his best, you'd figure Hollywood would applaud the fact the hero is actually a minority and not a fucking WHITE MALE.
Austin Diaz
Probably one of the greatest funnest movies ever made. Truly patrician taste, OP.
Brody King
They Live is his best work
Jose Hernandez
I think the fact that the entire movie is a massive racial stereotype kinda cancels that out
But yeah it is kinda funny to look at Wang as the hero, considering how Jack is mostly useless here.
Henry Watson
>his audience just dried up somehow sadly
His work is being fully embraced by our generation though, EVERYONE loves his movies now. And rightfully so. Some of his movies might've flopped when they were released, but at least he's lived to see people rediscover and embrace his work
Connor Morgan
Delete this!
Landon Sullivan
Village of the Damned (1995) Escape from L.A. (1996) Vampires (1998) Ghosts of Mars (2001) The Ward (2010)