Can someone share the pictures of the monterrey shooting?

Can someone share the pictures of the monterrey shooting?

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Read the report

Apparently this kid shot three people in the head, but didn't kill them - although their condition is still critical

Then he tried to shoot himself in the head - missed - reloaded and then successfully killed himself

.22 caliber pistol

Nice dubs
I know but I want the pictures

bump for interest

Fuck, if you're aiming for the head don't do it with a pellet gun, that just fuckin hurts holy shit.
I saw pics, how the fuck are they alive


fuck the pictures.

bear in mind, Cho used .22 cal pistols at Va Tech.

Video of it (it's really messed up)

pictures are best


Yes, I'm just a unique little snowflake with very little actually gun experience and a 200 hours of CS:GO experience - in my head, 22 cals were precise and headshots lethal - but I guess different 22 cals can still have different punching power - maybe depending on shape of the projectile (caliber only measures diameter, right) and amount of powder in the shell.

Gun nuts, educate me



is this kid one of the victims? Damn, this looks kind of pretty, somehow.

and that's all I have folks

youre wrong they were 9mm

He's the (very autistic) shooter

he was the shooter

hes the shooter

this kid is the killer

hes the shooter

sorry worng post

hes the shooter

>Tries to kill classmates/teacher
>Kills himself shortly after
>They survive however
>Basically he accomplished nothing

theres a few different types of 22.

Sounds like they could still die - and while you're only allowed to claim PTSD if you've been deployed by the American military, there migth be a nervous twitch or two in this class for a while after.

Educate me

did this just happen today? Any motives behind the shooting?

these are the most common. the longer the cartridge the more gunpowder they have.

Maybe, they're still in critical condition, personally hoping they pull through.

I guess it would be traumatic to see a class mate pull out a firearm and start shooting, but I doubt it'd give anyone PTSD (I'm no psychiatrist though)

>none of them stayed to help their dying friends
>they died alone

>did this just happen today? Any motives be

Same as always. He was bullied and got sick of it.
Sandly, he was also a faggot, and failed.

Not everyone has your steely nerves, user, you can't expect us to be as brave in the face of danger as you

I mean, they're kids.
First instinct was probably "I gotta get the hell outta here"
They're not dead yet, but they're in critical condition.

Run, Hide and Fight is Bullshit. Rush the shooter. Some go down, the rest swarm him and stomp him until unrecognizable. Kill of be killed sheep!

tbh they did a hell of a job pretending they were dead.

sure thing, edgelord. hell, with your attitude you must have been in a number of firefights and handled yourself like a pro.
what's your MOS?

Hopefully they finish the cowards who abandoned them. That's what they should do.

>handled yourself
Hey, fucking moron, did you even READ WHAT HE SAID?!
Holy Jesus you're a fucking sack of leftover nigger cum

>multiple crit fails

Somewho know why he did that ?

these ones were the bullets that he used

because autismo

looks like 22 long.

some one say me that he submitted a post in hispachan

and some friends of him posted on a facebook group apparently that he was going to shoot someone at the morning.

I doubt lr would fit in a pistol. (long rifle)

not .22 LR, .22 long.

you can see the same floor in the other pictures too

What? I'm trying to comprehend this post.. You are saying that you doubt he would fit these in a pistol, after he did exactly that?

Or are you being another military specialist operator ITT and objecting to the wording used?


I was trying to confirm that they're not lr. I guess I wasn't really thinking out my post, or I'm retarded.

And I've now learnt that lr is a term. Hug it out?

They're called .22lr

they could be. but most likely long. you can fit magnums in pistols. just deoends on the action.

I feel like you wouldn't be able to, but I'm no expert. How would they fit in the mag/would they even eject properly?

Kill all phonies

But you yourself failed to use that description, you merely used lowercase lr

So other calibers cannot have the "long rifle" kind of shell?

.22 Mags work in revolvers. I didnt really pay that close attention to the gun but in that picture those look like longs. not to be confused with LR's.

Different guns and magazines for different ammo?

But besides, if caliber only describes diameter, there would be some leeway on length of the shell, I'd imagine. Although certainly not too much.

Disclaimer: Still an unique non-gun-owning snowflake interested in the subject. I'm sure I'm just displaying ignorance still.

WTF! He had enough bullets to kill them all.

I guess he wasn't interested in killing them all then

>trying to understand the 22

>he liked some of them

There's a vid on youtube

He was depressed and suicidal he just need that push to be able to kill himself, after killing people he knew he had to kill himself or he'd spend his whole life is a cell. He wasn't interested in killing them all.

this tbh