ITT: we post good nazis

ITT: we post good nazis










Sure is great being on the glorious and righteous allied side just to be ruled by those that Hitler was ridding europe of.



Are you triggered




Only liberal faggots get triggered, faggot liberal.




Is this why you guys hate snowflakes





A+ thread

lol buttmad nazis BTFO

follow your leader

cute little cuddle puddle there, too bad they're nazis, good thing they're dead nazis




These are russians, Sup Forumsro.

I'm not sure these are nazis.


Ukrainian nationalists







That pussy does not make me think master race.





the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi



I can assume you're a jew, nigger or a communist




The only thing worse than a nazi is a modern day skinhead


And communists I guess




That's actually a really impressive photograph.



did they all have OCD, or was their underwear always two inches up their buttcracks?

Someone else post more good nazis I'll be masturbating



