Tell me about the culture of Argentina

Tell me about the culture of Argentina.

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buenos aires is just a bunch of assholes living in one place

it's basically italian culture mixed with spanish one.

But what does that mean? I need specifics!

you again, you have no life always posting on argentina threads and bashing on argentina

we're a mestizo aboriginal country, leave us the fuck alone nigger

of which region?

>we wuz rich
>we wuz european
>odd mix of misplaced superiority (towards other mexicans)and inferiority (towards westerners) complexes
>imperialist ambitions
>extremely qt


that's their personality, not their culture

There are three cultures in Argentina. You have the faggots whose family came from Europe and they are all 'but muh Argentina is white' memes and shit. They don't really have a proper culture, but a bad copy of European cultures(like bad pizza making that looks like bread with sauce on top, bad traditional beer like the one from Bavaria, etc). Then there is the culture of big cities like Buenos Aires, which isn't really a distinct culture but it's the typical globalized shit, they listen to music in English, watch series in Netflix, this is the kind of people who would leave Argentina if they had the chance. They are the ones that usually browse Sup Forums too. They could be Americans and it'd be the same.

And then you have the countryside culture, Argentina's true culture. The one brought by the Spanish, and perpetuated by the gauchos. That's folklore music, drinking mate(which has become common in the cities too), making asado, dressing like OP's pic and riding horses, etc. These are the real Argentines, the rest are fake.


>but muh Argentina is white'

I only ever hear of these delusional faggots on the internet. They are rare IRL.

So, replace gaucho for any other countryside culture (caipirras/sertanejos in our case)and you have pretty much all other big south american nations. Globalization killed our true cultures meus broders

I can confirm that

el argentANO senores

why are you such fucking luddites?
you can dress like any other western and still preserve your cultural identity


There are many types of Argentines, you have the people living in the capital city and some surrounding places, and the people outside of it.
The middle class (anything below is a mix between Peruvian, Bolivian and Paraguayan cultures) in Buenos Aires is pretty italianized, we are far more direct and open to touching than the rest of the country and the people are generally far more narcissist.
The rest of the country can be divided into north and south, southern people are either Chileans, full blown amerindians or germans. You'll hardly see any mestizos, germans are quite deattached from their German culture and are more like people in Buenos Aires, I got to practice German in Chile when in Argentina people could hardly say guten tag. The south near Chile is beautiful, just ignore the mapuches.
Northern Argentines are barely "Argentine", some take the chilean indirectness and way of talking which is disgustingly annoying and combine it with Argentine narcissism and sense of superiority; others are literally extensions of Bolivia and Paraguay.
The stereotypical Argentine is the one from Buenos Aires. But it really varies.

España es una MIERDA ya que nosotros los GAUCHOS gente de bien y protectores de la fe CATÓLICA y la pureza de nuestras benditas TIERRAS tenemos que compartir estado con garrapatas ARAGONESAS,JUDEIDIZANTES CATALANES,puercos VALENCIANOS, mofetas BALEARICAS,perras VASCAS Y NAVARRAS,vacas GALLEGAS gitanos MURCIANOS,moros ANDALUCES y traidores LEONESES. Cada día rezo a San Fernando rey cruzado de estas nuestras SANTAS tierras y a DOÑA Isabel de Trastamara para que resurezcan y nos guie a la gente de BIEN, LOS GAUCHOS, a una nueva época dorada de FE, CULTURA Y PROSPERIDAD COMO ACOSTUMBRABAMOS ANTES DE TENER QUE AGUANTAR A LA CHUSMA DE ESTA ARGENTINA SIN MORAL NI VALORES.

irony aside, we kinda do around here, but in Brazil this really depends on the state,
here in sao paulo for example we still hold some traditional celebrations and parties like festa do peão and such, they do the same on the northeast and their sertanejo/cangaceiro culture.
But weirdly it's very artificial and feels even more forced than the big city things we do. Truly, our state identity died some 50 years ago

If an argentine steak doesnt crunch when you bite into it, its not cooked enough.

Comfy thread

>others are literally STOLEN* extensions of Bolivia and Paraguay
and if you don't like them you can give them back

pity you then

Also, I don't know if it's me and the places I go to but Buenos Aires has a LOT of Jews and Muslims, both are generally wealthy and I feel like the Jews really made an impact on the whole metropolitan area culture, in a good way I mean.

Again you? No CHI, you will not test your point by doing this thread

The people are still nice, communities seem to be far more united than in the rest of the county, they are just way too different than the people outside the north

los porteños no tienen cultura


post your anime, mr argentina and mr chile

You get our garbage TV? I feel really sorry for you.

You're overthinking it.

Culture is what you live - going downtown to get drunk on wine, drinking yerba mate to cure your fucking hangover, speaking lunfardo to avoid outsiders to get it, the indigenous languages on the north, putting sauce and cheese on a milanesa and eating it with fries because it's nice...

everyone does, it's called "cable tv"

We send you our """"""""""""actors"""""""""""" and """"""""""artists"""""""""" so we are even

where is the ARGENTINA IS AMERINDIAN guy ?
i miss him

you didn't ask me but here, i contriboot

Me parece justo. Basura por basura.

its white

salimos perdiendo acá
nosotros enviamos a Arnaldo André nomás

I didn't want to jerk off

now you're forcing me to

now i'm the one making you


This is a map of Argentine cultural regions

In yellow, Andine culture, very similar to that of Bolivia. Very Amerindian area

In red Criollos, which are basically the gauchos, people descended from original Spanish colonists and sometimes mixed with Amerindians. They have a very autoctonous culture because they have lived in the area for centuries.

In Purple, areas with more European culture(where majority of population live). They are descended from European migrants from late 19th century and early 20th century. Very strong Italian roots. In the countryside you have the 'Gauchos gringos', which are of European ancestry but have adopted some of the Criollo customs.

In Green you have the Wichis, Tobas, Guaranis etc, which are indians that left a strong trace in local culture. The culture of this area is similar to that of Paraguay

In pink you have the area of Chilean influence. People here have very similar accent to that of Chile, they are very close culturally to Chile

And in gray you have areas with no distinct culture, this is because they have been colonized only recently.

>all those slavs

what the fuck

We've taken care of him for good. He won't be a problem anymore

I want to commit a crime with 14yo Natalia Oreiro

Gauchos are based.

i saw her first, bye

go away

>Thread about argentina
>Waiters come to talk about their irrelevant shithole, claim to hate argies but openly suck argie cock
Every time

Chile please, don't be butthurt just because of your inferiority complex towards Argentina.

They're white and mostly descended from German war criminals who escaped Nuremberg

A bunch of Italians move to the nice part of South America, but lack QT mixed genes

>lacked qts

>Posting the most generic looking person of all time
Yes, you south Italians in denial

>Tipical retarded nigger

Ta pal crimen



>in denial

Your country is a meme, maybe you fool americans and eurofags by saying that Chile is the first world, but the truth is that outside Santiago, Chile is a shithole full of ugly amerindians and haitians, you invade Argentina for our health and free education and better quality than the chilean

In the words of the chileans themselves: "we have cheap cell phones and TV but we have no education or health"


I'll save that pepe.


>claim to hate argies but openly suck argie cock

They're the ones sucking our cock though

>el 42% fue para argentinos, seguidos por brasileños (18%) y venezolanos (13%), las tres nacionalidades que más trámites iniciaron desde 2015. Incluso en 2013, los pedidos de argentinos ya venían creciendo un 16% respecto del año anterior.

>Según detalla el documento, en 2014 se otorgaron 613 permisos, en 2015 ya fueron 6.919 y en 2016, 8.098. Y en enero de este año se entregaron 305. La seguridad, la educación gratuita, el sistema de salud y la estabilidad laboral son los motivos que esgrimen quienes buscan instalarse allí. Los postulantes a la residencia tienen perfiles profesionales –la mayoría está en edad económicamente activa, sobre todo las franjas de 25 a 34 años y de 35 a 44–, y según la Cancillería uruguaya en el último tiempo “se modificó la tendencia habiendo un aumento de familias con niños menores”.



At least they're not refugees kek. You'll be whited
> inb4 they're all illegal bolivians and paraguayans

no te creo que el mogolico de mollo se come ese ojete

la patagonia y la pampa también tuvieron una oleada de inimigrantes ,son las versiones injunable de buenos aires, diría que van pintados en purpura.
en Formosa no habitaban tantos guaranís,la mayoria eran Qom o tobas, wichis.
eso si en corrientes y misiones hay un montón de guaranies.
pero en la mayor parte del norte quedan un montón de criollos puros aunque no sean ni la mitad de la poblacion

> name of the pic
> 16

Si hay pelito no hay delito. Mi conciencia está limpia

>Si hay pelito no hay delito

Siéntase aqui porfa.

Mmm yo estuve en Santa Cruz y la mayoría de la gente era inmigrante de otras provincias que había llegado hace poco tiempo, así que no había una cultura distintiva. Era una mezcla, había un santafesino por un lado, por acá otro jujeño, uruguayos, chilenos, bolivianos.... La verdad es que es muy difícil definirlo porque la mayoría de la gente que vive ahí no nació ahí


They're fine(pic related) and you're not allowed to ask for residency unless you have a job in the country and a stable income.

That's why
>la mayoría está en edad económicamente activa, sobre todo las franjas de 25 a 34 años y de 35 a 44–, y según la Cancillería uruguaya en el último tiempo “se modificó la tendencia habiendo un aumento de familias con niños menores”.
I know they'll fuck off eventually but at least they're contributing.

And if they want the nationality they need to have a clean sheet, jobs and a preferably a family here.

do you think the stereotype that most Argentinians are pretentious snobs is true then?


That's just the number of the pic, she wasn't 16.

>Si hay pelito no hay delito
esta es la cultura argentina?

En el noroeste de Argentina también hay muchos árabes, más que en ninguna otra parte de Argentina. Pero ya casi no conservan su cultura, salvo por la comida

her legs were amazing

13 is legal in Argentina

en jujuy hay muchos sirios y libaneses, sin ir mas lejos el vicegobernador se apellida haquim


Sí, no sé por qué se fueron hasta tan lejos. Los otros inmigrantes se quedaron más que nada en la región pampeana

I'd live in Uruguay after all it's just another province of Argentina.

Uruguay is poor and underdeveloped, so there is an invasion of uruguayans here using our hospitals and free universities and stealing our jobs and fucking our women

According to National Census statistics, there are 116,592 Uruguayan immigrants in Argentina and every day they continue to arrive more and more

In short, the uruguayan is an argentine who did not pass the quality controls

Pichu Straneo esta ok..

You're welcome if you get a job, we don't need NEETs

>using our hospitals and free universities
Both are better in Uruguay, we have the best healthcare system in the region, only france and some other country are better.

>stealing our jobs and fucking our women

Fucking cucks


>stealing our jobs and fucking our women
We've been doing that for a long time user, we're superior males so your females want us.

>all those butthurt argies screaming to Forlan in Copa America because he broke up with Zaira and called her a slut

>yo estuve en Santa Cruz y la mayoría de la gente era inmigrante.
ahora mismo es unos de los mejores lugares para vivir dentro de Argentina, por eso mucha gente decide irse para allá.
como en esa provincia hay poca población (338.542 mil) la gente "nativa" puede ser desplazada fácilmente por los inmigrantes.

no sabia eso. con razon la mayoria de los jugadores y politicos que salen de alla tienen apellido árabe

Forlan is the definition of alpha man tbqh

ahora mismo me estoy yendo a un matine a ver si desvirgo a alguna wuachita

wtf I like Argentina now

Son como los judíos, tienen mucha plata. Explotan a los negros autóctonos

In Argentinian culture, if you don't work and live in Argentina, you instantly turn into a second class citizen, too much of a pussy to endure living here.
You should read the comments on our online newspapers about that fag and that ugly tomboy that openly admitted to being an illegal """"dreamer"""" on a conference

why do argie jews have the coolest names

vid very related


the safest provinces are in the northwest, who would have thought

t. Fernando Zylberberg

sounds like Paris