Hay Sup Forums

Hay Sup Forums
Roast me
And yes I'm 18

you look like a lesbian

How pig is your benis?

there's already a thread

you look like it'd be easy to persuade you to suck a dick

Are you a dude or a chick?

Hair lookin' hella soft RESPECT

who is this little lesbian and how tight is her pussy

Around 5
You guys saying I look like a girl and I look gay kinda makes me feel good

pretty much this

What type of sand monkey are you ?


what do you do to you'r hair?

Are you one of the 72 virgins?

Post butt, you're kinda cute

glad you feel good when called gay. let's be honest here, if you were straight you would end up committing suicide sooner or later

I'm a dude
I'm a half breed
I use an all natural shampoo. Ocasionally use coconut oil over night, and also I wash my hair with somewhat cold water before I get out of the shower, other then that it's mostly genetics, I naturally have thick and wavy hair
Thanks man, I'm bi and no joke I get a good bit of attention from both genders Maybe

Forgot pic, I'm a dude if anyone is still questioning that

Are you a virgin?

Yes but out of choice


he has not been raped yet (shocker I know)

kinda looking for the right person.

I almost have been a few times,

soo no gf yet?(or bf idk)

Your girly hair is so soft and cossy i want to lick it and i want to cum in your glasess then clean them with my tonge

I-i can be your right person, user

You look like sammyclassicsonicfan and twice as autistic.

You're pretty hot, post nudes

gay harry potter

Why the glasses?

Stories. Now.

I remember you OP, I wanted to date you xD

rawr xD

Get eye brows threaded,grow hair and ur a good trap


I can't roast you cutie, I'd rather fuck you instead

cute as fuck

Sorry guys my power went out for a second

what's your #?

Would fuck with a bag over your head/10

He's beautiful. Why would you do such a thing?

Had a bf, almost had a gf, bad experiences and ended up with depression after
So basically you wanna eat your own cum and my hair
Finally some roasting
Heard it before
Not really worth telling
I dont wanna
Aren't you a gentalman
I'm too classey for dat
My eyes are fucked and I'm doing my collage work
Thanks, if only you were in Ireland
I like good looking dudes that don't act gay as fuck and I like girls that aren't cunts

dude, your really cute (im a faggot and dont see many cute people here)


You're so fucking adorable.

What is your ethnicity?

you are so fucking cute, i just wanna hold you and snuggle you, and never let go

post your cock, fucker

Would still fuck you

I'm not, it's all about the lighting fam
Middle eastern, grew up in ireland, place sucks.
That would be really nice
Not the first to say that

Would bang 7/10

modern day Aladdin?

would love to see him dressed like this


You look like that Ahmed bomb kid if he went emo

I should totally play him in the live action remake

if you were here right now, i would just hold you all night (nothing sexual would happen unless you want it to) i would keep you warm and safe and rub your back.... you are so fucking cute, i cant stand it

Which city you at? i want to fuck that mouth

would love to see it

you stay away from him

you gotta film it right now!

Aladdin is 18 in the story

Ok, were kinda the same race I guess
All this just makes me feel lonely
It ain't fun without feelings
My entire animation class makes fun of Disney and I'm into sci-fi tbh

Fuck that. Saw that he was a dude, still dont care.
Would fuck that mouth!

Forgot the pic again

Fine, Ill give you tender and sweet feelings. =)

>animation class

how could you be even more attractive? gosh


dude, where are you? i would so go pick you up

Congrats, not only did you roll trips, but you are officially bisexual. :)

Why thank you =)

hey, do you have a skype? its

Welcome to the dark side
Midlands, and no I don't wanna meet a stranger.
Is being incredibly shy attractive?
Could you drop me off at ait by 9
Long distance is torture, I have a kik

super kawaii desu~

too much kawaii to handle at once

>Is being incredibly shy attractive?

it can be.

ive never used Kik, skype is more convenient, should i get it?

Jesus, youre too adorable to even roast.

I only use Skype for family and close friends, kik is ok I guess

im downloading kik and making an account right now

That was a fast fuckin reply,
Zad3r is my username

sent a message

>still questioning if a dude


i think O.P. Left...

I'm still here, thread is dead though

how big is your cock OP ?

Please date me :3

I want to have gay sex with you, faggot.

Nice address.
Want some pizza?

I would actually love that tbh, just get the extra dip
Cool as long as I'm the one giving

I have collage in like 2 hours so I might leave soon

you try to trap but you're so much of a beta that you actually show pussy

damn quads

you are gorgeous

it must be hard being so pretty

any chance we can hear your cute Irish accent?

I'm not too keen on brown eyes but I'd still fuck ye

I get called a faggot shot and some girls are fucking cunts to me, also the occasional black dude hitting on me.
Just came down from a feaver, voice sounds weird
