
why continue to keep living ?

I don't know.

videogames, alcohol, cock

so we can keep getting head.

To extinguish the spread of falsehood and ignorance.

why not?

wtf sausarito, pls. who is that semen demon?

Because you'll eventually find a chick to do that to your dick. Believe in yourself OP.

Check my dubs. That's the power of believing in yourself.

Pic related!

Just like browsing Sup Forums

Often shit but once in a while something good happens

Not getting toothjobs from inside out penises

To watch more porn.

why are you encouraging him? If he kills himself it's more chicks for the rest of us losers

Well, my living does tend to piss off the right people. So, it has some value in that regard.

And I have found happiness and joy, no matter how screwed up my situation. There's always a way to fix it. If you're crazy enough to be suicidal, you're crazy enough to find and act on an eccentric solution.

What's the picture from ? Anyone knows ?

I promised myself that before I die I would left something in this world, a memory in people I don't even know and never gonna know. So I can't die before I do that.

you can smoke weed and eat candy while watching tv
it's better than Dawkins' afterlife

For the good succ


Looking for that special someone to share my life and love I'm 28 and still looking

I actually thought about killing myself by jumping off 3rd deck today

Because I'm waiting for Israel to fuck shit up. It's going to be awesome.

I can share my live with you if you're a convincing trap.

I can't stop laughing at that pic holy shit.

There's no reason. None. In fact, If all of humanity dies today, it will make absoultey zero difference to the grand scheme of things. This rock will continue to float around the sun in space. And even if that stopped happening, it wouldn't change anything.

We're insignificant, non-contributing biological organisms that only strive to sustain ourselves during our short lifespans until we die.

Pretty much this
Theres a handful of diamonds in the shit heap

Planning on following my role model.

in the hopes that it will one day be me on the left

Well you have my reason in the gif


Is that the mexican kid?

The legend

who was he?

an hero to us all

The school shooter from today.