Do you use subtitles and have you ever used them to learn languages?

Do you use subtitles and have you ever used them to learn languages?

no, im not autistic. Who in the world puts in that much effort when watching a flick

I learned a lot of danish from subtitles

>wanting to read a movie


I'm deaf. I don't have much choice.

>this summons the cunnyposter

Do you use to assisted subtitles with things like [SOUND OF DOOR BANGING] like you would know what a door sounds like or even what it means to hear the words "I love you" without retarded hand signals

this wouldn't work user. i mean you could read it sure but you wouldn't be able to speak it or understand it

They help learning

I've been watching subbed anime for 12 years and I guarantee you'll learn more in a few weeks of language class.