What are some essential loneliness/depression films
What are some essential loneliness/depression films
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The sunset limited
man up you whiny pussy
That depends. Do you want stuff that deals with real loneliness/depression, or the normie kind? I'll give recommendations for both.
Note that while these films may not all have the desired themes as their main theme, they do still relate to them.
Taxi Driver
All About Lily Chou Chou
The Deer Hunter
The Sopranos (TV series but who cares)
Lost in Translation
Lilya 4-ever
Lost in Translation
Why don't you watch some Mystery Science Theater instead, it's great when you're depressed and most of it's on youtube
Station Agent was recommended here once.
Was a nice movie about isolation in the beginning.
See Nu male faggot
what is the normie kind?
pls elaborate
The kind that isn't actually real loneliness or depression
>wahh I've had a million gfs and they left me
do you even know what loneliness is? you can have a partner and still be lonely
>beep beep beep
my tard dector is off the charts
very good argument bro
>you can have a partner and still be lonely
that's normie loneliness
>waahhh im surrounded by people
>but i'm lonely :(:(:(
Its a Wonderful Life is the perfect film about depression. Prove me wrong
You don't know what loneliness is
Consider suicide
trying to attack people on an emotional lvl because he can't explain himself.
You must be an expert on feelings and shit.
That wasn't even me you fucking nu male.
he's talking about how dumb you are bro
you proved him right again
The "normie" kind is pretense depression formed by sheer ego of the "depressed" party.
The real kind are the losers of the world who were born losers, meant to be losers, and will forever stay losers. There is no happy ending for them, no matter how much they tried; whether they got fit, whether they got smart, whether they got rich. They will forever be the autistic little kid who was a social outcast in the eyes of his peers. He will never find true happiness because he was destined for a lonely life constantly hating others and himself.
>dude ur dumb haha
Nu male please.
This, The Quiet Earth (1985), it really sums up the state of depression. I remember the "End of Evangelion" movie feeling similar too with its visuals, but it's way too blunt about it. But they both remind me of Edvard Munch's depictions of melancholy and anxiety.
Ding ding ding
ITT spergs confuse being alone with feeling alone
Feeling alone just because you are alone is the true sign of egocentric, you retarded ass cockholes
cast away :->
>wahh I feel alone even though I'm not
Nu males. You're literally complaining about something that ain't real. Do you believe in cyberbullying too?
everything is so black or white to you people
it's such a common trait among females with borderline/bipolar disorder. it's very disturbing to see here
Too early for this shit man
Here's your (You)'s
Only females think they can be lonely without actually being alone. You histrionic cunt.
Head on back to plebbit anytime cuckboi
i think you missed my point
i am happy people like you are confined to the internet. have fun having a spergfit at some other guy, i'm out
I take it you boys were never sent to solitary confinement for 1.5 years because my parents thought I was going crazy for being a kid.
>people are disagreeing with me
>must be samefag
>im out
And stay out normalfag.
This one
Its about a drone pilot who murders innocent children due to a miscommunication and then seeks absolution in isolation.
>I'm wrong and or can't tolerate differing points of view so I'm leaving
Thanks for taking the time to write this.
So you are seperating between a selfmade lonliness and a by birth given one. How are they different in it's subjective way of experiencing it? The one that thinks he is lonely and the one that is lonely, they both feel lonely afterall
>cool haircut
>buddies with a hot child hooker
Pure normie shit, get that trash out of here
Here's my favorite one.
Nothing about All About Lily Chou Chou is about depression. What a cheap rationalization of some of the fucked up things that happen in the film.
Selfmade one can easily be corrected with lifestyle choices. The genetic, ingrained one cannot.
Because you aren't alone and you're just a whiny nu male faggot.
Flopped because the trailers made it out to be a wacky comedy rather than a dark comedy but it has a lonely/depressed lead.
The subjective experience is irrelevant in this context because we're discussing films; whatever the characters would realistically be perceiving or feeling is immaterial next to how we as the audience manage to relate to those characters.
Being able to clearly see that someone's "Loneliness" is just a contrived farce or otherwise something they've effectively subjected themselves serves to diminish how well those characters can be related to because it makes them come across as simply being inauthentic.
but /fit/ said we are all gonna make it
Old boy.
>hurrrr people in cities cant be lonely because look how many people are around
>hurrrr tfwgf will solve all my problems
Eliot plus go and sTay go
FUCK me man that was too hard to watch
>>hurrrr people in cities cant be lonely because look how many people are around
Quite possibly the fucking stupidest straw man ever conceived. If you can't understand how being in a romantic relationship and being in close proximity with strangers are fundamentally different things then you're either just an idiot or a genius level troll.
>a relationship is always intimate and stays intimate until we both die holding hands
Again, Eliot pls go
I'd like to say Moon but it's more about desperation, however it might fit what u are looking for
>wahwah someone desires to be around me ;_;
Just kill yourself whore.
>legs wide open in the window using a skirt
you are a fucktard
un homme qui dort
peppermint candy
It's his best
What's it like being a proto human that can only understand things that have directly happened to you?
You know a million dollars exists despite you never having seen it, right?
prove it
That feel when angry lonely people fight about what lonely is supposed to feel like and who's loneliness is more worth.
This as fuck.
I watched Green Room last night and it made me want to kill myself.
>road trip with your best buds
>just wanna make music and chill
>wrong place at the wrong time
>watch all your friends brutally murdered
If I was that guy sitting amongst all my friends' corpses in the end I probably would have shot myself.
Even all these "good" movies about depression are always ruined somewhere in the movie by the magical antidote called love.
ITT: i love all you lonely faggots
no one else gets it
... fuckers
This one goes out to the spergs in this thread who think people in relationships can't be lonely
Add What Time is it There?, Je tu il elle, Mouchette, and Red Desert to that list.
Not detachment
>tfw can't understand the concept of loneliness as I am inherently more happy alone 99% of the time.
ITT: normies get mad when called out on their hypocrisy and attention-seeking behavior
if you have any of these you're incapable of experiencing true loneliness
I'm not sure getting sold into sexual slavery and being raped repeatedly is normie tier, my man.
I have none of those and I don't feel lonely.
Anyways. you are implying you can't feel alone among people, and thats false.
Love liza
PSH is fantastic in this and it's an all around gut wrenching film
>I have none of those
no you're lying to make a point
>you are implying you can't feel alone among people
no i'm implying they can't experience true loneliness
Leaving Las Vegas
The Deer Hunter
World's Best Dad
For TV I recommend
In Treatment
You special little snowflake.
Your feels are the biggest feels of all feels, don't fret.
>tfw the flashback shows kaneda genuinely liked and cared about tetsuo but tetsuos own insecurites ruined everything
hits way too close to home
>I'm so fucking lonely right now damn...#lostsoul #alienation #depression
>135 likes, 4 comments
>tfw don't feel good or bad, just feel nothing
Dancer in the Dark and Breaking the Waves can also be depressing to watch.
I don't think you have the right to say whether their loneliness is real or not. Just because you have lots of people in your life doesn't mean you can't be genuinely lonely. Why do you think people like Robin Williams get depressed and end up killing themselves? Having people in your life means nothing if you can't connect with them.
They're depressing but they're not really about loneliness/depression like Melancholia is.
why would I get sent to solitary confinement because your parents think you're a spaz?
thats not lonliness though, its depression
>being this retarded
I'm not the user you're responding to but you truly don't know what you're talking about. I can't say it better than he did
You can have a loving family and friends who support you and you can still feel utterly alone, in fact I'd imagine in some ways it's worse for people who do have those things because what else can they do and hope for if they're not happy at that point?
>having no arguments
That is normie as fuck.
>Being too dumb to know about cartesian doubt
I agree that loneliness isnt neccessarily a result of being alone but as long as you have someone to talk to you also have the potential to improve your situation.
You have hope.
If you're surrounded by people who love and cherish you and want to help you it's kind of your fault if you cant make an effort to connect with them.
If you are really alone or surrounded by people who hate you that choice is taken from you.
Hope is in the mind who feels it, not a fact to grab unto.
People around aren't necessarily people you can talk to. That includes anyone.
Stop making absolute statements. Generalizing like that just makes you seem dumb.