A 15 year old boy went postal tris morning

A 15 year old boy went postal tris morning...

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he sure did



I want niggers on the internet to stop saying this middle school shooting happened in America. It was a private school in Mexico.

look at the kids sweatshirt tho.. lol


look at the posters translating spanish to english you fkn tard


wheres the actual video? the article said it was posted. surely some Sup Forums tard captured it

where is the live leaks link?

cool. i just saw the video of this on best gore. they werent sure if anyone died tho. i think its cleaar now he got the teacher and a fellow student at least before he became an hero.
you see a lot in it

This happened..




> eyes on the tv cause tragedy thrills me

Kid in Mexico went columbine in the classroom today.

Here's the link

no shit. but it was an 'american' school in mexico.

that blood looks fake

nothing to see here,just another liberal media distraction from obama's executive order tyranny

lol there have to be better sites than liveleak

what does that mexican slang mean... naiks? ward?

"I'm not asking for anything just for a ward (reply) because I'm gonna do a massacre at my school"

-fellow tacospeaker

the gun jams when he first tries to do it, but then he gets it right and puts it under his chin

Pretty much a reply

Typical day in America. Only thing more unsurprising would've been if he had a burger in his hand

what do you mean? This was a private school in Mexico

Mexico is in America

the school was in mexico..

In the end nobody died but the shooter, the victims are in critical though, hope the little bugger suffered enough before he went braindead.

no shit then its a mexican school. jesus fucking christ. just because we eat tacobell in america doesn't make it a mexican restaurant. its in mexico you autistic fuck.

Obama really fucked up with his open borders policy then.

The one school shooting that doesn't take place in the US.

We need to make this a holiday guys. This is truly special.


Fark me, wrong link. Ignore, it's above.

how is that kid not dead. hes lifeless like that forever.

3 died retard b8

I knew which kid it was going to be in the video before he pulled the gun

I guess I got good at looking at what the weird kid is doing in the corner

Mexico is in Central America you dumb fuck.

just another day in murika u fat fuck



for christ sakes the people talking while filming the monitor are speaking spanish loud and clear

did you read the fucking article? " 15-year-old student opened fire at a private school in the northern Mexican city of Monterrey"

>Mexican City of Monterrey
>must've been in america.
>inb4 its bait retard


Guess you can't read Spanish to understand how stupid your comment is.

The name of the school in northern Mexico is Colegio Americano del Noreste which is partially visible on his sweatshirt.

poor eurofag detected

actually they happen in various forms all around the world, though some gov'ts suppress the media (makes it easier to make it seem like a western decadence problem); but america is the king though

it seems like europoors geography is as bad as there dental hygeine

So why did he do it anyway?

Whatever flavor, it happens to be
Like, killed by husband, shot by his own son, she used the poison, in his tea, kissed him goodbye
That's my kind of story, it's no fun till someone dies.

Good job retard

No one looks into anything anymore user they are just basing it off the pictures because they are dumb


Easy come easy go


>but if you mean the USA, then you have to SAY the USA because I'm too autistic to understand what you mean if you just say "America"
You knew what he meant you hair-splitting faggot

>20,000 mexican civilians killed per year
>beheadings still wildly in fashion
>outstanding amounts of gang violence
>kidnapping and sex trafficking rates rivaled by few other countries in the world
>many homicides not even investigated by mexican police

I hate to sound like a hippie faggot who's trying to "enlighten the masses", but seriously. It's fucking mexico.

Statistics suggest 52 other innocent mexicans died the very same day, because the place is a war ridden shithole.

That is some thick blood..

Because he couldn't get a girlfriend

No. Happens much more in Mexico and Brazil. This one was only reported because it happened at a private school.

How mad kiddo

Wanna shoot me?

I think he was the one that got the head shot in the begging? And yes that is what thick red blood from deep head trauma looks like and I am not even a doctor. No false fag, kid was probably bullied by the teacher too since hes sitting alone and she was the second shoot in line.


>Mexico is in Central America

No, it is not.


Suprised NE1 not post the video yet.


No you're dense retardation will get you that sooner or later.


"There was this huge mess we had to change the floors."
"The floors?"
"You see his blood drained into the boards and we had to change em"



Failed school geography eh? You should shoot yourself like that kid did.

Its a geography thing. Spics are taught that North and South America are one continent called America, so they get all butt hurt when Americans (of the USA) "appropriate the word for themselves.


Black and white are
all i see in my infancy
red and yellow then came to be
reaching out to me, lets me see

Typical Mexican, he had one job and only managed a partial job before laying down to sleep.

I don't pick on the mentally challenged.

+1 yeah it actually isn't Guatemala is the most northern country in Central America

>you're dense retardation

Quite possibly the worst joke I've ever seen on Sup Forums

i believe you ment to say B tard newfag.

hahaha perfect gif !

I find disturbing the amount of Mexican teenagers posting the victim's pictures and jocking about the incident. I mean, I'd do the same, but not using my personal Twitter/Facebook account, damn.

Fucking kek

at least you tried you fucking beta

Grammar nazi here..

It's lying down, not laying down. People lie down, the object of a sentence are laid down.

God that poor kid. I hope his family can find peace, jesus christ. Wish we could all stop killing each other.

Jeremy ... Jesus ... all the same.

It's good, you don't want to pick battles with people who are above your skill level

You should try picking on people in coma's, you may have a chance there


Actually it looks really really real to me.

When peoples lungs start filling with blood they cough and it makes this blood/foam which has a different colour.

The darker blood is more likely arterial blood from inside the body.

found another retard here.. that fell for it...

>Implying the US is any better
> implying the US isnt a shot hole to at least 70%of its people
>being that ignorant about Mexico and probably every other country confirming how shit of a hole the US is.

Anyone know why? I guess it ultimately doesn't matter. But these spychos usually have a motiv

where you from amigo?.

52 dead is a monday in chicago alone nigger, fuck off

>I made myself look retarded so now I'm gonna pretend it was bait

he did it for the lulz

lol birdman is that you lurking?

So much edge in this thread. Hopefully all you idiots will be ended by some retard with a gun.

She looks hot. And her tits rock. I'm down for her.