Ask a Baptist virgin anything. I'm here to spread my wings and loosen up like I was told today in class...

Ask a Baptist virgin anything. I'm here to spread my wings and loosen up like I was told today in class. Im 19 and go to church 3x a week.

Other urls found in this thread:

why you are not muslim ???

Cause its false. I also dont want to be beaten every day for not wearing my head covering

Are you excited about you upcoming lesbian experience in college?

lol i doubt that will happen

head covering is reason to be baptist??? its any logic to be in religion because head covering??
can you prove islam is false??

sure mohammed was a child abuser. soooo by definition he was not a prophet of God. He married what a 9yr old or something. That's one thing.

tits w timestamp or gtfo

Alright let's break this down.

Assuming this ain't bait, why did your classmates suggest that you need to loosen up? Are you bitchy? Are you overly-sensitive? Are you offended by vulgarity?

We actually don't mind bible-humpers around here if you are at least funny.


if someone is abusing childs how can be leader??

i think you dont know why you are baptist and why you are not muslim ...

you dont have any argument for both solution

>He married what a 9yr old or something
I'm surprised that Sup Forums hasn't set him up as a patron saint.

A guy told me that I was 19 and a virgin so it meant i was prude. He told me id end up hating my life and never able to have a stable relationship. Maybe im a little sheltered too but here i am.

im a baptist cause i believe the bible. the bible makes me a baptist. also, 40% of the Bible is prophecy. there are hundreds of bible prophecies to the last detail. do u know another book that can say that.

What dose God tell us about the Mandela effect and why is the King James bible changing?

Muhummed in the Bible

how did kangaroos get down to Australia

no idea about mandela effect. the kjb isnt changint to my knowledge.

Then you are new as a Baptist GET!

by boat. whats it matter. im not here to debate religion. just here to try to loosen up like i said.

Hey, that's great, post your nipples.

Ahmed Deedat vs Josh McDowell Debate: Was Jesus Christ Crucified?

why did you pick Sup Forums of all places to loosen your vagina we all have tiny dicks that will do you no good

Crucifixion Or Cruci-Fiction

dont give in to college brainwashing. it will lead to regret after regret and depression.

...look at Sup Forums.

also, tits please.


Christianity Judaism or Islam

the kangaroos made their own boat and went down to Australia after Noah left em in turkey that's not very reasonable

not really. he just hates you for being different. most liberals are like that.

lol i didnt pick Sup Forums i was told by a friend to post here tonight. and see if i could answer whatever and he told me how to introdude myself.


i think he might dislike me...but he doesnt hate me

If you're trying to loosen up start by taking off some clothes.

have you experienced the grace of god?
do you believe you are protected by the holy ghost?

(i have had both but m not a true belieber)

definition of hate is to dislike another/something.

so im not the ugly hag he says?

Yes to both.

will you buy a higher resolution camera for your nudes? I don't think I can get off to low-res breasts

nope, let your girls free. Put yourself out there. You'll have a few dozen fapping to your pics.

wow..well i thought hate was stronger. Maybe he does hate me. I would go on date with him so he began to tell me the things above


brief examples?

i dont have anything ud like anyways.

way to waste your life In a dumb room confusing your inner monologue with a connection with a non-existent deity

get back at him for being so disrespectful by showing how much yu truly love your body by sharing pictures of yourself nude with us


you right a letter to your locale centataur with an image of your clock. theu give you the timestamp and you use that on you're letters than post an image of you're tits on facebook for us to listen to.

not op we want girl op is showing


Waitaminute... do Christian girls save their pussies?

the hope is for wedding night to be special...what i was told...

gotta include that baptist face.

your face + tits + while holding your Bible.

show us God's wonderful creation.

baptist is a very special form of Christianity

anyone can shave mate, its hygienic when they bleed

thats just sacreligious and im not doing that

yes. yes they do. they go swimming as well.

not sure what u mean by that. i think it is

alright, do it without your face then.

at least give us a timestamp

obligatory pic related


Tits and face please. Timestamp, too.

So why have you come to the Devils playground?

it would be a good pic though.
also didn't god intend us to be pure and we were punished by him to feel pain in childbirth and ?humility? towards the naked body or something like that

Tits with timestamp please

to loosen up some. to prove to myself i can

And he's right, go out and sleep with some people, start having a regular healthy sex life or you won't be able to

Well honestly this thread is a pretty poor example of Sup Forums, but whatever.

Post your tits

one woman ruined it for everyone, if she didn't eat that damn orange we would of all been pure

just be happy with these. it shows i ahve boobs at least.

Look we have rules here. Tits or gtfo.

Do this: 8FB3D95

not true. you can have a great sex life with partner of your choice from marriage. Im an example of this. My wife and I have great sex and as often as we can. Our love feels deeper than most of our friends' marriages. Putting yourself "out there" only leads to depression, guilt, and hate.

Sounds cheesy maybe but it is true. A dedicated love is very rewarding.

Premarital sex is not biblical

The only reason why you believe in any of that mumbo hombo is cus you were indoctrined to believe that shit since you were a child who would believe litteretly anything.

But thats besides the point, what makes Sup Forums any more of a "devious adventure" that you gotta make this thread. Its pretty silly to act like an anonmous anime website go's again your programing so much.

A timestamp is a piece of paper with today's date right next to your face and tits btw. So we know your real, it it required by all females who announce they are a girl on an anonmous board.

Understand the rules or get out of here.

Tits or gtfo

>implying you are female

give us a picture of right now with tits and writing somewhere on you or on a slip of paper of the current time and date

Looks inbred

Answer me this question? Why..

>implying there ever was "pureity"
>implying that sex is impure becuase lol why not right!
>implying you have to be scared of your own body
>implying its all not made up to control stupid people

Shiggy diggy

Btw tits or gtfo

You know posting your pics is ok. It's not having sex before marriage. You're still pure

Timestamp or gtfo u dumb hoakie pig

If you're feeling too sheltered or tempted to go out and have sex then putting your pics player and letting yourself go a little bit would help you not go out and have sex all the way

Did you support and vote for trump

If so why do you support the destriction of America and the kkk white supremasis domestic terrorist candidate knowing over 22million white Americans will be without healthcare when they try to appeal it costing the USA over 1 trillion dollars just to do that.

OP, please post more casual pics. You're real cute, don't need to be creepy.

Fuck you I hate bible thumpers

Why do you believe in the bible?

Do you think it is ok for someone to be gay?

>can you prove islam is false??

Can you prove Christianity is false?

Can you prove the tooth fairy is false?

Can you prove a negative?

underrated post toasty


Prove god exists.

Pound town. Baptised in cum.gods will sweet heart

pro tip yes you can.
you can prove i don't have two hearts.
you can prove im Caucasian
you can prove niggers are not honest upstanding people.

>start having a regular healthy sex life or you won't be able to

So everyone on Sup Forums can call you are whorish slut cum dumpster... nice plan


Don't cut yourself edgelord

But, you're having trouble proving you're not a moron

What do you do?