Does anyone on Sup Forums live alone? How do you find it?

Does anyone on Sup Forums live alone? How do you find it?

If you hate people, it's fucking awesome.

I do hate people, there was rent sharing but im going for a place alone that I probably cant afford to see how it goes

it makes you feel like that cat looks.

It's great for alcoholics too, start drinking at 9am

It is heaven op, the freedom to shit in the kitchen sink if u can't be bothered walking to the toilet is in your hands

Best choice I ever made, did have to get a cat though just so I had something to talk at

drinking a cold beer in a hot shower is also fantastic. sure you can do it while living with others but its not the same. so many questions.

i like it im still pretty social but its just calm defiantly glad im in a pretty small place i big house would get lonely

Place I am going has no pets allowed, but at least I don't have to pay to feed them. I figured I was ready to jump off a roof living as I was so what the hell even if I can only afford it for a year

Ok all these guys ITT have weird freaky reasons. I live alone because I love the solitude and silence. It lets me socially recharge and escape from a social world. It is also emotionally liberating because I can let go, be really happy, pouty, moody. etc, you know just, like relaxing. It's mostly the aspect of privacy

if you dont count their moms, ya most of them live alone

They also ask questions when they catch u rubbing your dickskin on the tv when the bachelor is on... Main reason I live alone
Also checked

I lived alone for 3 years before moving together with my girl, I'd say it's definitely better to go it with one other person, preferably that you can have sex with.

>Jerking off whenever you want
>Staying up as long as you want without annoying anyone
>Taking a shit with the door wide open
It is the absolute best.

Get a fish or a turtle or even a cactus

This one is a shithole but I love it, its a danky tiny bathroom/laundry with a kitchen/living/bedroom with no windows and fast internet available

Was married for 10 years, split from that cunt, living alone...couldn't be happier....freedom...FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

do you bother keeping the place clean or worry about looks? Right now I have a fold out chair facing a floor television as the living room

it will suck at first. once it sinks in that everything is on your terms (noise, visitors, drinking beer in the shower) you will start to enjoy or at least appreciate it.

I have a bunch of my shit from the marriage I left...I keep it neat for me and no one else.

most of /b would kill for such a setup user

I have lived alone since I was 17. Am 33 now. I forget sometimes how nice it is and in what ways. Like not having to close bathroom door. Not having to worry about noise levels (below the threshold of pissing off next door neighbours). No one steals my food from the fridge. No one complains if I skip doing dishes for a couple days.

I do have pets but they're all geckos and only minimally interactive.

I'm in a 1400 sq ft house alone. Two bath, three bed. Shit gets real big real fast alone even though it is a relatively small house.

I like living alone, but I'm not allowed a pet which I'd love to have. Living with a girl is pretty cool too for a warm bed.

Taking a shit in the kitchen sink is a rare pleasure

fukkin right. also, pizza box for bathmat. throw it away when its had enough, nothing to wash.

How do you grocery shop without buying a bunch of unhealthy shit? It all looks so good

are you me except a bit younger???

Similar to me. And agreed with what you said.

Currently 49 and I've been on my own since 14 1/2. Not always easy but I'm now in a 3,400+ sq ft house that I own. 5 Bedrooms, 2 baths, a media room, my own bar / game room. Fuck why would I want to share it with anyone.

On the downside... If I ever do meet the "One" it would be impossible to change my ways at this point. I like my shit the way it is now. I see my current g/f once a week (going on 6 years) and I'm good with that. She has her own house etc.

How come you like living alone? TBH that seems like an odd living arrangement

After a while you get used to things a certain way. She had been married before and already has a house of her own. Neither of us really wants to sell our homes.

I've been enjoying my own space for so long I don't need anyone mucking it up. I have had live in g/f before and it crashed a month into living together. Yet I can date them for years if they have their own space. It just works for me.

I don't like it when others think they know what's best for my stuff. Like "Bitch! Who told you I needed a new coffee pot? My old one worked fine!"

I enjoy it. I have an extra layer of reclusiveness by working night shift.

Me too! I work nights and drink during the day. No traffic, neighbors are out during the day

You are never alone. There are ghosts to keep the company.