Would you take a Canadian on a date?

Would you take a Canadian on a date?
If yes, how would it go?

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My spoken english sucks

No you subhumans deserve a bullet in your head

>Would you take a Canadian on a date?
>If yes, how would it go?
Something like this: youtube.com/watch?v=20JB6wIr78M

only if she's a girl and 18-25 years old

Yes but it went horribly

I would take the canadian to my bedroom

I'd then molest him

Are we talking about a Canadian girl (male) or a Canadian girl (female)?

Why would it be any different than a date with anyone else?

Women are women.
They all want to be tamed, cared about and occasionally rammed hard with a cock.

I might if they were cute
It would probably go badly because I dont usually share interests with normies so spaghetti spills trying to find something to talk about

>Would you take a Canadian on a date?
Yeah why not.
>how would it go?
Past experiences say badly but you never know

Yes, want qt canadian bf to date me and fuck my boipussy


>can write but not speak

no shit

if you're shy and have a heavy accent like me you would understand, but you could say it's autism too it's not really wrong


I'd take her to maple forest and cut maple trees and lick the juice together.

Only if he wants to hug all dutch people :3

No i want a boipucci

Absolutely awful since I am no casanova. If they spoke french then I would probably faint as soon as I met them.

Yes, I don't know. I have only been on two dates before and they were with the same girl.