Pick a girl or two to fuck. How?

Pick a girl or two to fuck. How?


5, missionary, lights off, after emotional attachment and marriage cause not being married and sexual relations is sin and no attachment means no passion

christ the lord saviour approves

3, down the throat, while 2 licks my asshole

i chose grete


1 and 4 kill the rest

is she ever going to see them

i hope so

will you ever make it happen

dont think so, but you can surely find others

would you like to see it happen though

of course

what do you think the reaction will be like

4. she'll be a great mommy

confusion. she would stop posting pictures on social media.

that would be a shame

2 and 6 my dude. Shag'm side by side and nut inside 6.

Do you know all of them?


Lucky you. How old are they?


Would fuck #2 and #4

Do you have kik?

no but email [email protected]

gief moar 2


Polish, Czech, Lithuania?

Fuck 2 in the ass and have 4 lick the shit off of my dick

without thick heavy clothes?

I want to cum on #4 boobs.

close, but not quite


I'd bury my face between her legs.



6 and 1 and i would be in heaven.

why 6 bro? i think 1 and 4 go togheter

Which one has the biggest boobs? Show us.

6 looks very similar to this 10/10 girl i went to high school with so ye

i need a pic

blonde mid


you like her so much?


Post more of 1 and 4!

Hard to say something specific, but she has awesome lips

So Estonia?

So where are they from?
Seems like northeastern europe


1, 4, 6

1, i would fuck her so hard, while number 4 is watching

and then after i finish number 1 , i would have number 4 give me a blowjob

OP post 6 plsss

sure one second



Bless you


One year later, and you still keep posting their pictures. One of kind are you, aren't you? Still find it amusing?