
>When did it all change
>and why?
The Jew

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The music really fucking helps.

No, not the hip-hop theme song. The other music.

New York was a shithole all through the 70's and well into the 90's. Watch Death Wish or Death Wish 3 - there's certain parts that look like bombed out Eastern Europe that were actually filmed on location in NYC.

I find it amazing that in the crowd scenes, there are just normal everyday people, the actors look like someone you could see on the street. This is the same thing that Seinfeld shows I think, even the rich people look just normal regular people, not like steroid monsters from Instagram.

1990 - 2245 murders
2014 - 238 murders

1980's New York was a fucking shit-hole. Yeah, I wish it wasn't quite as Disney-fied as it is now, and also that I didn't have to pay over $2,000 for a halfway decent apartment (thank god I've got a gf to split rent with), but I still have access to all great things about New York, and don't have to worry that every time I walk down the street, I might get shanked by some crackhead.

's New York was a fucking shit-hole
In what way? What do you dislike about the New York from Ghostbusters or Seinfeld?

>I wish it wasn't quite as Disney-fied
I hate this complaint. It's always from white people too. They can feel free to go hang out in East New York and the South Bronx if they're so in love with the notion of getting murdered. I'm personally glad I can walk outside at night in Manhattan without having to worry about getting stabbed in the dick. And seamless if fucking great. They can take their 80s nostalgia and move to fucking Detroit.

The score really gave New York a whimsical feel.

Too bad the city is a shithole these days. Pretty much all the good changes that Rudy Giuliani made were undone by Michael Bloomberg's administration, and de Blasio is even worse.

The fact that it existed on a backlot is Los Angeles.

Except besides the opening shots in Death Wish 3, the entire thing was shot in England you fucking idiot.

That music is actually played through loudspeakers at all times in the city. It's neat.

My mistake not the entire thing, but most of it was.


Its because niggers its shit fuck off

Listening to this is a bizarre sensationalistic... sensation. I'm having synesthesia, or something. Can nostalgia be measured physically?

>The fact that it existed on a backlot is Los Angeles.
I have no idea what you're saying here.

>Dem crackers not liking crime n sheet

No shit nigger, now if only there were no blacks, there would be no problems, go figure.

>The Jew
Which one?

Wut? They purposefully make it look like shit? They even discuss it at length.

I get that Sup Forums can't do subtext but now they don't even look at the fucking surface of movies.

>inb4 b8
Yeah, you troll'd me real gud by fitting in so completely.

Visiting NYC in the 90's was such a cool experience. Living there in the mid 00's was fucking shit. Like living at the mall.

>When did it all change and why?

One answer - gentrification.

>he doesn't know about the reptile hivemind

>Living there in the mid 00's was fucking shit. Like living at the mall.
I heard this already, can you explain it further please? Is it the lack of public spaces and the privatization of everything so as soon as you exit your apartment you're practically in a giant mall with all that entails? That's how I understood it.


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