Where were you when misoginy was officially purged out of film criticism?

where were you when misoginy was officially purged out of film criticism?

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>Both the All Critic rating and the Wanting to See percentage are going down


>Average Rating: 6.6

>implying misogyny has been or ever will be purged from any facet for society

Fucking white male detected, ugh.

We already established that RT is trash, m8.

So this is Girl Powerâ„¢.... damn.....

if by "we" you mean angry white basement-dwelling virgins, I agree

>"No one's better at quantum mechanics than you"

What happened to muh top critics Sup Forums LMAO

>certified fresh

Isn't that only gave to more than 90% movies? Good job with your propaganda RT, and all of you who still looking it.


>It's a someone who doesn't know what he's talking about speaks their opinion episode

so are some of the critics really praising a mediocre movie just because it has women in it?

Someone should make an idiot's guide to Rotten Tomatoes I could honestly use it

This film would have had a much lower score if idiot misogynists had kept their mouths shut instead of turning it political. Everyone who posted threads about how it will suck because they're women single handedly made the film a success. Well done Sup Forums.

>women getting praised just being a women

you clearly never been outside in the real world, user. women are getting/demanding special treatment pretty much everywhere.

It can't match the original but is it actually enjoyable? Is it what Jurrasic world is to jurrasic park? Non meme serious answers pls

That wouldn't have made any difference. Sony knew what they were doing and planning this all along. Maybe in the reviews they would talk less about perceived misogynist, but they would still give the movie a good rating just for starring women.

>managed to make a consistently mediocre
>score reasonably okay on RT
>men btfo
An absolute non-story.


wow what a masterpiece it must be I gotta see it thx feminism

not really. jurassic world was formulaic but a competent and fun movie.
ghostbusters 2016 on the other hand is so far up its 'GIRL POWER FUCK YEAH' ass, it is unbearable. the characters are weak stereotypes, the jokes are lame and EVERY male character in the movie is either an asshole or an idiot. feminist movie my ass.

redditra BLOWN OUT

isn't 75% really fucking average now a days? Aren't good movies supposed to get like 90%?

>Starring section has Chris Hemsworth first
Tippity top kek

This isn't some corporate boogeyman conspiracy. It's simply critics saying "OK, this movie would normally suck but since it's gotten so much backlash simply because it has female protagonists I'll give it a good review. Otherwise the morons win."



>6.6 average rating

Hey that works too, thanks Crabman!

The Neon Demon is under 50% and its one of the best films this year

90% + = Classic
75% = Really fucking good
50% = Might be shit. Depends on one's taste


When does this release? I want to laugh at the box office numbers

Little did they know, they were the morons all along.

>people being over the top with positive reviews to counter-act misogynistic reviews

k bud. it's not a funny movie.

>implying people give a shit about Sup Forums
It was all the faggots posting on twitter and youtube that ruined it.

And it still only got 6.6/10

babbies first year on Sup Forums?

China is pretty lucky right now

Whelp, they are PROPER fucked.

by your words Civil War is a classic and some many actual good movies are "maybe shit"

fucking redditor

>ghostbusters 2016 on the other hand is so far up its 'GIRL POWER FUCK YEAH' ass, it is unbearable
None of that's in the movie actually. I get why the marketing ran with it but literally nothing in the movie has to do with gender.
>not really. jurassic world was formulaic but a competent and fun movie.
That pretty much describes this movie desu. Predictable, dumb, referential, competent, summer blockbuster. Not nearly as revolutionary as the first but it holds its own.
>EVERY male character in the movie is either an asshole or an idiot.
Every character is an asshole or an idiot regardless of their gender. I'm not trolling when I say that Leslie Jones is the closest thing to a normal person in the entire movie.

Friday. I'm sure it will do just well at the box office.
Nice trips Satan

It has a 4/10 on IMDB

Checked, and no, the chinks are not the least bit interested.

I have asked everyone, and not one person has been the least bit interested in this movie.

They're not just not interested, if they know about the original franchise and this movie already, they are openly hostile toward it.


Well there goes a shit ton of their profits. Even Fanfourstic earned some cash in china. So yeah SONY is still fucking stupid as usual. Watch they try to sell the GB franchise for an outrageous price like Spider Man (which didn't work)

>average rating 6.6/10

the fuck

>Review embargoes are the hallmark of success.

Is it too late to get a seat, or will this masterpiece be sold out for months?

Shouldn'ta slept on it I guess. Who knows? Maybe I'll get lucky.

>Every male character is either an idiot or a dickhead

I genuinely have no problem with women having their own movies and shit. But if you're going to do this whole women empowerment/equality thing, then making every male an arsehole or idiot is just flipping things over from one side to the other. It's not actually making anything equal, you're just swapping misogyny for misandry and that won't gain you any points or popularity

>Even Fanfourstic earned some cash in china.

The fuck are you talking about, it didn't get released in China either.

Wait till the user ratings go up. There's a reason there's an embargo you know.

Just think about it. The people that put together this movie also though it was a good idea for their new Ghostbusters to go see dying kids with all their gear on and act downright jolly for photos.

This movie is a comedy indeed. It's one comically bad decision after another.

I can't believe it's getting theatrical release.

That is just the icing on the cake.

Wait, is 48% from Top Critics certified fresh?

>the only actual video game ethics scandal

Jesus christ that's the nail in the coffin right there.

With a budget of $145M and likely another $140M spent on marketing I can't see this making it's money back. Especially with no China release

Reminder that Sony got a Youtuber with 30 subscribers and 50 views a vid to come out to see and review the film

it's already made 40 million dollars and its not even out in america yet. which is like 99% of the profits.

>it's already made 40 million dollars
Source? All I've seen is $40M-$60M tracking for WW OW

You asked 1 billion chinese if they were interested in the movie?


I'll never understand that publicity stunt. Putting aside the whole terminally ill kids visited by essentially grim reapers,

The fact that they visited kids in the early stages of the film being announced. The kids would have literally had NO idea who these actresses are, NO idea there was a Ghostbusters reboot and probably no idea what Ghostbusters is in the first place. Yet the producers thought that these kids would be so happy to be graced by the presence of literal whos to them?
Baffles me

That's the projected box office for opening weekend

It hasn't made anywhere close to that yet

It is now baby yeah!

Take that mysoginists!

Asked hundreds in Hong Kong, They aren't showing it in China.

No one in Hong Kong is interested either. They don't want all that progressive shit here. I respect that.

This movie is going to B-O-M-B hard.

because it's the kind of thing the original Ghostbusters did. the original cast often fulfilled requests from sick kids and visited them in hospital in costume to cheer them up. These women doing it is just a lame attempt at legitimizing themselves by emulating the genuine article with this whole Annie Oakley "Anything you can do I can do better" mentality.

Thanks for reminding me of that horrible "just because I have different genitals" line.
Thank god they made fun of it in the later seasons.

But they were the Ghostbusters already.

user is saying these women weren't established at all back then and these kids knew nothing about them.

They waltzed in all happy and jolly for pictures, with a bunch of confused, sick, dying kids.

That is marketing level: Fucking retarded.

Women, amirite guys?

>these women weren't established at all back then and these kids knew nothing about them

I know, that's just part the hubris of it all. We're Ghostbusters now and the children WILL love us.

>caring about judentomatoes

Just look at that guy's shirt with the melting Mona Lisa. That whole idea was beyond fucking retarded.

He's got a dying Mona Lisa on his shirt! I know! Let's get a shot with this guy and look cheerful as fuck while some kid is dying in the background!

Great idea!

Literally fucking retarded. There's a reason this is such a popular meme.

Its 2016 user. Itd be misogynistic not too.

>not putting the 48% Top critics in that image
RT is contradicting itself with it's own bullshit system

>literally nothing in the movie has to do with gender

Fuck man. I'm a big Stargate fan but even I have to skip the "reproductive organs" scenes

That shit is so cringeworthy

Find me a positive review that isn't filled with politics. I fucking dare you.

fuck off neckbeard

Based (((Edelstein)))

>mad max 4 fresh
>boyhood fresh
>now ghost bustings fresh
How will the children of Sup Forums even come back from this?

Oh, it's because of the ghost ban. Maybe they should ban polluting. Chinese fucks.

it just bugs me how when the reviews are middling or positive, the consensus is generated and posted almost instantly. But when the reviews are negative, it takes months.

>all critics 75%
>top critics 47%

Hmm... Really makes you think huh?

>the consensus is generated and posted almost instantly
There's a little something called review embargo. You should google it.

>But when the reviews are negative, it takes months.
Nice bait.

the top critic score is 48%. we all know it's shit, and meta and RT say thebsame thing. there's no reason to even argue about it anymore

'Top Reviewers' are 14 Fresh, 16 rotten. How does that add up to certified fresh?

>the top critic score is 48%. we all know it's shit
>48% is shit
Boy, I could post a lot of great films standing at 30-40% and you'd still don't understand how RT works.

>A straight up C is considered a success

Way to set the bar low feminists...

Where the hell is the Top Critic rating?
It's literally half of the regular one (aka the one that allows Tumblr blogs as a rating).

Are the delaying the Top Critic rating on purpose?

>warner bros paid reviews, a real genuine fucking scandal, has 17 comments and is way down the line
>ghostbusters everywhere, basically unrelated

Fury Road and Boyhood are good movies though.

There was some misogynistic bashing of Fury Road but after the trailer (and definitely after the release) that pretty much went extinct.

As for Boyhood it's no doubt it did so well with such an interesting and successfully executed concept. The majority of the trolling came from how it (deservedly) didnt win Best Picture

That place was always shit though. Rotten Tomatoes has been shilled by studios since its inception.

Gee, I wonder why that might be?

At least years ago, they weren't so obvious about it.


And the site is centered around people's opinions on movies.

Rotten Tomatoes is as bought and paid for as Loretta Lynch.

Wait until the 18th and check out the general feedback on there. All of it.

Sup Forums called it.

>nothing to do with gender

they aren't even close to the kid at all. They're treating him like a background prop

Wait really? My mistake then


So is the tomatometer just based on "do you recommend this or not?"

Kind of a dumb metric. I much prefer average rating out of 10

RT is kinda clunky and slow. I remember in the few first hours of the BvS reviews everyone was going crazy because some people were able to see the (negative) reviews while others were calling them liars because on their page the reviews wouldn't load yet for some reason (i guess it was related to timezones?)

That's what I love about this place.

People here actually think ahead. No one else does that anymore, online or in real life. They've been taught to 'just roll with it' no matter what; that's what everyone does.

How long until thinking ahead, or out loud, is hate speech globally?

Fuck this movie sucks!

>A middle finger to the screaming brobabiez. If girls can't be Ghostbusters, then here, guys can't do anything.
- Amy Nicholson
*Top Critic

Seriously, how does one get to be a top critic and let her review be influenced like this? She went in there to like it no matter just to say f u mean boys! Goddamn, everything about this movie is cancerous.

>implying misogyny is bad

>movie has to do with gender.
They kill the last ghost (yes kill a ghost) by shooting it in the crotch.