Why do you hate us Sup Forums?

Why do you hate us Sup Forums?

Were we not a satisfying conclusion? :(

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what a shame
fucking disgrace

You're a conclusion to a movie that doesn't exist. Seriously, why are the sequels so dramatically different in style and tone to the gritty and brutal original?

First one was perfect the sequels didn't hold to it.

Pigging out on CG

>dark, violent sci-fi trilogy literally ends with a little paki girl giggling and pointing at a rainbow

Too up its own ass.

I liked the sequels

George Lucas syndrome. On the set of the first movie, there were producers and studio executives telling the Wachowskis what they could AND couldn't do. When the first Matrix turned out being a runaway smash, the Wachowskis got all the credit and were given a blank check for the sequels.

>pleb detected

does anyone else hate this faggot? I don't know exactly what it is, probably his face and voice and his cunty attitude on SHIELD

They are even worse than Lucas

Have they done anything of note since it?

He's actually pretty tolerable on SHIELD because he's the only one actually entitled to know everything and not tell other people secrets.

Fucking Skye/Daisy always whining about how stuff is kept from her in a fucking spy agency.

She has a nice ass so she gets a free pass.

Hey, that rhymed.

The only thing about the sequels I liked was Trinity's sexy outfits.

>Why do you hate us Sup Forums?
Only plebs do.

are you people serious when you say that the original was brutal and gritty ?

At least Reloaded had the best fight in the series


Wrong, you got the diagnosis correct, but the symptoms wrong.

The Lucas Effect is when directors stop favoring storytelling in favor of CGI and special effects, which is what happened to the Matrix sequels as well as the Star Wars prequels.

soft reboot when?


it would've been kinda cool if it were different charaters, like, a different matrix with a different One

but instead they ruined one of the best (if not the best) sci-fi movies ever made

Cloud Atlas is kino tbqh