Any movies about Muslims being the good guys?
Any movies about Muslims being the good guys?
Other urls found in this thread:
kingdom of heaven
Batman v Superman.
Munich (2005)
United 93
World Trade Centre
Four Lions.
muslims aren't good they must be purged from the earth
Every film about the Crusades.
Not even kidding, literally every Crusades era film has Saladin portrayed as the ultimate warrior-poet, philosopher-king.
shut up pigskin
There was a movie made about the life of Muhammad shot from his own perspective so you never actually saw him.
Unfortunetly making a movie to promote your religion and putting out some good muslim publicity for a change was too good of an idea for muslims to be happy with it. The director now gets daioy death threats.
Don't remember the name but I'm pretty sure you could look it up based on my summary of the premise.
It's about Turks freeing Istanbul from evil Europeans.
Your head would look good on the end of a pole (WAR)
>against gays and degeneracy
>against feminism
>supports strong family values
>has harems of waifus
>wants to get rid of jews
I wonder who could be behind this post
>rape children
>rape women
>no freedom
>marry cousins
>no progress
Fuck off sandcoon lover
Saladin was a pretty cool lad in his time desu
That's kinda true though. Saladin was notably honorable.
What I really want is a couple of movies about the pack of mass murdering degenerate rapists all the other muslim leaders were. Ideally a "Muhammed: The Movie" with long scenes of graphic child-rape.
>marry cousins
I don't see the problem with this one.
All things considered Saladin was not a bad king.
13th warrior
I mean... Even Richard the Lionheart though Saladin was a chill dude even though they were enemies.
>marry cousins
Dont white bois cream their pants about wincest
I'd like to see one about burning anyone who agrees with that map.
Any movies about patients happy to be diagnosed with cancer?
Dune if you count Space Muslims.
Conservatives are mentally ill.
While the Bedouins are mostly muslims, the Fremen were based more on their lifestyle than their religion.
>Is a dogmatic bronze aged religion keeping them stuck 600 years in the past with no sign of reformation and leaving them in squalored conditions suitable for literal rats
>t. dune coon
Really makes you think
>t. Habib
Mohammad was a pig fucker, my brown middle-eastern friend
Granted the religion has changed over millennia and the Bene Gesserit manipulated it on Arrakis, but the Fremen were Zensunni.
>Conservatives are the mentally ill ones
>t. demisexual nonbinary pansexual, gender nonconformist, bi-gender male-to-female trans, trans human feminist
This triggers xir