Sup Sup Forums plz help me with mah school project I am supposed to write about Nazi and US military technology of...

sup Sup Forums plz help me with mah school project I am supposed to write about Nazi and US military technology of World War 2 so yea any suggestions what should I mention?

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mention nazi and us military technology of world war 2.

good idea m9

Do a report on how awesome the man who shot Hitler was.

The Nazi Rockets ..... The Tanks .... General Equip of low level soldiers .... stuff like that would be good i guess

I see what you did there

don't foget to mention that hitler did nothing wrong

Mention Battle toads and how the costumes were designed from the Stalin era


I hear the Nazis were very effective when using gases

damn I forgot about gas weapons thanks

Jeez, you kinda want to narrow that down. That is a very broad subject. But military revolutions still used today might be a cool subject. Radar, rocket engines, sloped armour, missles, nuclear weapons etc.

Fuck, first trips ever

And dubs to follow up.

Nazi tech was bleeding edge, nigger.

They were the first to utilize automatic weapons.

Hitler discovered ancient blueprints hidden in Antarctica.

Maybe jet/rocket tech like the V2 or Messerschmidt

The nazis were so highly advanced they got their teeth kicked in by Joe Frazier and my not fat uncle

Talk about how their biggest tanks got captured by the Slavs, how Dora was a failure and how the p1500 monster was so gay it had to be scrapped

Talk about how Dora was so retarded it would flip over if the angle of the gun was too "large"

Well. You can start with a short discussion of the effects of the Treaty of Versailles on the German military and economy. The treaty stipulated that Germany must disarm and pay war reparations which were economically devastating to post World War 1 German. Compare and contrast the German military during the post World War 1 period with the American military, and you will find that they were both similarly depleted, although in America's case it was due to isolationist policies and a looming economic crisis.

If you choose to, you can then discuss the buildup of military infrastructure by the Third Reich after coming to power, the consequent development of new military tactics which grew from advancing technology, such as more efficient and adaptable aircraft and armored units, as well as the development of the Blitzkrieg or Lightning War, which stood in stark contrast to the outdated tactics used in the trench warfare of World War 1. This new type of warfare was to very much define the way that Allied and Axis powers went about developing their arsenals to fight a new type of war. Moreover, while we consider the United States Military to be the strongest in the world today, consider that at the onset of World War 2, they were not even in the top 5 of the most powerful militaries. However, the manufacturing capablities of the private sector as well as access to raw materials that the German's lacked, provided a huge advantage to American military growth, insofar as they did not have to rely on foreign trade (which because of the U Boat menace) was difficult to impossible to maintain adequate levels of supplies. Furthermore, the American government being able to essentially comandeer American private enterprise, such as Ford and General Motors, to switch production from a peace time, civilian commodities to war time production was an inherit benefit to the Allies.

Or you could read a fucking book you millennial degenerate.

The nazis were so highly technologically advanced they lost on every front when their people started fighting back

Which only happened when America intervened

They weren't that advanced honestly. Maybe 20 years ahead of everyone else, not 50. They lost because of Russia basically. If Russia didn't fight them, they would have won.

Russia did everything, America joined in later.

Highly unlikely. They would not have been able to maintain a drawn out conflict once the Allies inevitably invaded France, simply because they had no access to crude oil - which is why they invaded Russia in the first place, to secure the Caucasus oil fields.


Fokus on the typ XXI (21) "Elektroboat"

If they were invented 1 year earlier, Nazis could won that war

Or if u dont like that idea, make researches about the STG44 (Sturmgewehr 44), the first assault rifle

That's not true. He tried fought the war on 2 fronts. His only mistake.

They should have gone for the Middle East. Nobody would have intervened.

Russia absolutely steamrolled them.

I'd mention that the nazis had outside help with their tech. Specifically aliens.

the Luftwaffe had a lot of cutting edge aircraft from the bf-109s at the start of the war to the first jet fighter the me 262 and the experimental horton 229,

One good person to do some googling about would be Kurt Tank

Don't mention the war.

They did try to go for the Middle East, via Egypt but Rommel was defeated by the British (sorry Americunts, you didn't fight war by yourself). Otherwise, they would have had to mount an amphibious assault via Palestine, but would have had to face the Royal Navy. If they had tried to invade from the North, they would have had to defeat the Russians anyway. But it doesn't matter, because at the end of the day the German's never had enough manpower to defeat anyone. Which is why old men and 10 year old boys were fighting in the last year of the war.

no one shot hitler , its bullshit that he died in that bunker , he wasnt even in berlin when soviets came


>Only Mistake


-Invaded russia some weeks befor winter
-Build Battleships instead of submarines
-makes DUMBASS GÖRING to the boss of the luftwaffe
-Never ket his army retreat so they can regroup (Stalingrad is the best example)
-wanted to use the ME262 as a BOMBER
-wasted Rommel in useless Northafrika, jzst because mussolini is a douchebag like him
-wanted to stop the production of the STG 44 because "it looks ugly"
-consumed more drugs than a hole Burning man festival
-Gassed jews during the war (what is a waste of Elite-SS-Troops, soldiers and money)
Wanted to built a fucking 1000ton panzer, just more useless than his "glorious"battleships

I could do this the hole night

The Nazis had a head start with rocket technology because they were banned from developing long range artillery after WW1.

Watch the greatest story never told on YouTube.

No dude, what I'm saying is if the Nazis ALLIED with Russia, the war would have been decided quite quickly.


simply put

merica won da war , nazi are fags

present paper

Germans also invented the assault rifle and the jet engine. Done forget hitler did nothing wrong. You can include operation paperclip and how former nazis scientists worked in top echelon positions to it her developed tech. Talk about the work they did for the nazis befire and during the war and what they did aftwr

When you consider the hatred that fascists and communists had for each other, I'm not sure this would be a viable scenario. The Molotov Ribbentrop Pact, while technically an "alliance" was shortlived because Hitler desired to wipe out Stalin, and Stalin only signed the pact in order to create a small buffer between Germany and Russia, but more importantly to buy time so he could build his forces.

Simply put,

The ALLIES (which included the United States) won the war, nazi's are fags because they learned how to be from Americunts, present paper, go whack off in girls locker room.


Operation paperclip/Wernher von Braun

He brought the US on the moon, nobody else

Saturn IV was his construction, the V2 was just the smaller prototype

Sorry, i meant Saturn V

Well, that's true. Hitler shouldn't have pissed off so many people at once. He got zerg rushed pretty hard.

I still think he should've tried to hold back Russia with political means as long as possible. Even if war between them was inevitable, he probably would've had a better shot if Russia attacked him in 1945, as opposed to him attacking in 1941.

>>Sup Forums

True, considering that if they held off the Western allies they may have had enough time to finalize their atomic bomb development.

One of the big US technologies was the proximity fuse.

You talking Heisenbergs plans? Oh well.. I'm not so sure about that. Heisenberg himself mainly wanted to make electricity, not a bomb. He probably was far away from a solution. It didn't help that Hitler drove a lot of jew scientists out of the country, something Heisenberg himself was aware of.

You should check out "The heavy water war" on netflix (or torrent) if you haven't seen it. It shows both the allied and german perspectives of the whole "heavy water conflict".

STG 44 Vampir night sight
Zielgerat 1229


















K5 railway gun
Gustav Gun
Jet engines
Chrystal Meth (pervertin)
Tanks (Tiger, Porsche Tiger, King Tiger, Maus, Elefant, Ratte)
v2 Rocket
A4 Rocket (America Rakete)
Flak Gun
Channel Gun

I see what you did there ...


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write about goerings dildo

Mention the remote controlled mine the Goliath
Mention the maus tanks
Mention the E-100 chassis prototype
Mention the superior 8,8cm the germans had
Mention the superior AA guns
Usa :
Mention the pershing ( only tank that could face the tiger 2 , although deployed too lately)
the revolutionary m1 garand
mention the M12 US artillery
Mention the tommy gun
Mention the sherman tanks

fucking idiot

I didnt read a single post except yours

so im sure you have a lot of good suggestions

However if you like rockets, id suggest you could write about that, getting a rocket to find its way to a target especially during that time is a commendable achievement in the least, no micro processor no laser ring gyros, hell wiring about the gyros alone should prove more than enough and interesting

gyros are pretty awesome when you read about them, and they are mandatory to make a rocket find it way anywhere.

here is a guess of mine

They probably used a heavy iron ball or something that was brought up to high speeds in order to maintain its orientation, this ball had to be suspended on ultra low friction mount (that would also be able to handle to Gs or take off), and i guess they use some kind of pontentiometers to indicate the angle of each gyro (minimum 3) and this would mean the rocked probably wouldnt be able to turn more than 300-340 degrees since that would jam something due to finite cable length

this is just a qualified guess of all the problems they would have

Lol then why did they lose


need I say more?

Because they were fighting a two-front war, obviously.

Srsly come on,

Russia was lazing around copying Muslim and Walt Disney infrastructure for their capital city and dying while the Nazis were killing them all.

America took the fight into Germany while the Germans already conquered Stalingrad. America cut straight to the heart of the Germans and saved everyone from them


Germany is one country so there's only one front

>two front war
>hitler had autism
>invading russia instead of britian
>not giving shit about afrika korps
>invading stalingrand instead of putting it under siege

You know that it was unstable, every shot would push it back a mile and if they angled the shot any bit it'd flip.

Plus they had to retreat it from the advancing Russian children with bricks so it wasn't that effective

SeeYa derp

Wonder how the Nazis supposedly had developed crematoria that could consume 50K bodies a day... then somehow lost that technology. How did they incinerate all those Jews? Doesn't add up.

Lol great idea

hitler didnt suicide you autistic cunt

do the one with the big cannon

So op you will inevitably have to mention that their technology was good enough for conquering all of Europe but none of that was enough for when America knocked on their door

Didn't the navy seals kill him and spread his ashes around the ocean

maybe he can explain why the murricans and britain lost about 60k shermans while the germans lost about 1500 tigers

Ha ha ha I've heard this weird shit before

fucking retard , germany fought on the eastern and western fronts
it also Conquered all of western europe

Did they conquer Spain Portugal AT ALL? I could google but that's long

Maybe he can also mention on how German and British scientists helped with the Manhattan Project, but I agree German tech was better than ours in the west but we just had better manufacturing (The USSR is a perfect example of this too)

but.. the russians won the war


But it was big. Like my dick

On a serious note... Talk about project pigeon.

First guided missile system which involved pigeons pecking video feed of ships to steer the missile.

Hope you found some inspiration, kid

Hey, if people can post furries and traps he can post something history related? Right?