So I don't believe this at all and wanted your guys opinion

So I don't believe this at all and wanted your guys opinion.

Other urls found in this thread:


It's a pretty simple concept. Sex is biological; only two sexes exist.

Gender is social/cultural. Many cultures around the world acknowledge third, fourth, etc genders.

This sounds like newage faggottry to me. Like the orange juice cancer cure.

I'd say there is only 2 genders

>newage faggotry
>conveniently ignores the acknowledgement of third genders dating back to mesopotamia and ancient egypt

Stay ignorant newfag.

always thought gender and sex were the same thing... did i just get educated

>How are a babies made?
That answers the question.


Natives have had the "two-spirit" Transgendered folk for hundreds if not thousands of years.

Hardly new age

Are you in high school?

Sex does not equal gender.

>sex does not equal animal

if transgender different than sex, why do people cut their dicks or get a boobjob ? it's sex at this point, not gender anymore

I dont think you understand the definition of biological sex. Making a modification to your body is simply that - a modificiation


Doesn't erase your history of being born with male or female genitalia, simply is meant to make you feel better in your skin

I couldn't care less if someone wants to cut their dick off

Gender are mannerisms assosciated with a sex
There are only two sexes.
Therefore there are only two real genders.

Associated with, not bound to. Females in the US act different than females in New Guinea

Good to know mental illness was alive and well back in ancient times too.

Are you underage? Just because you amputate your penis or attach meat from your leg where your vagina used to be does not change your dna. You are born with a certain set of chromosomes and will stay that way for the rest of your life.


Some day you'll graduate high school and understand.


>these faggots thinks biological sex is separate from gender.

Fuck of sjw cancer snowflake

We have a word for that, it's faggot

Not when it comes to basic biology, the new guinean woman will whine and act just as entitled as a woman from the west given half a chance.

Aww look...someone who is unwilling to accept truth.

How's that GED treating you these days?

if those sick fucks could change their chromosomes, they would

The human brain can only be either male or female because our genes either have code to make a male or female being.One cannot claim he is neither of the the two because code for biologically making a being of a different gender doesnt exist.All the examples of "other genders" we see today are simply the result of mental disorders coupled with exposure to the whole idea of other genders existing

says the one who's only proof for their claims are failed experiments.

>failed experiments

Thousands of years of history with hundreds of different cultures accepting and acknowledging more than two genders.

Keep living in denial.

i think her teory looks like shit.


Yeah hundreds of cultures placing the freaks with the defects in a separate house/room/village. Strong case there.

And those people weren't mentally ill spoiled children. Like you.

>sociology is a real science!!!!

I hate people who only see one tiny part of history.

>freaks with defects

You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. It must be nice living in total ignorance. Please go back and get your GED.

>one tiny part of history

Egypt, Mesopotamia, India...Incans, Native Americans, Mayans, Greeks, Romans..

lol okay buddy

Sorry numnuts, but gender is actually entierly biological and based on genetics. You guys are refering to what is called "gender roles" which is completely different. If you claim that gender is different from sex, then you're also wrong, because genetaliais NOT a social construct.

There's 3 genders.
>mentally ill

Yeah i do, there are real transgenders, the ones with hormonal imbalance defects, where they didnt develop properly during pregnancy. These are the ones that deserve help and surgery to feel like a part of society.
These are the ones that have existed throughout history. And have always been put in a special place away from the rest of society. Not accepted, some have been given mythical status, but still to be avoided.

Spoiled children like you who want hormone treatment for attention and special pronouns for being dragonkinbeaverfluid or some other shit deserve nothing.



>implying I'm a child
>implying I'm transgender

Ignorant rednecks like you think the world only operates in black and white and if it doesn't subscribe to your notions of correct then it's some special snowflake syndrome. How sad.

> Auror at Auror for the ministry of magic

this explains a lot


This thiser, thissisit! You crazy motherfuckers are fucked up in the head thinking you can be something different than a male or female. If you try to make other genders up, It's not a question of gender, but how sane you are.

>nothing but namecalling

Yeah definitely not a genderkinfaggot child

>nothing but namecalling
>ad hominem in every post

dat hypocrisy. Definitely a conservative.

yes i am, but atleast im not a mentally ill faggot who believes this sociology bullshit about gender being a spectrum.

You where the first to only spout ad hominens, but woe if there ever would be a liberal with any kind of common sense.

2 genders
2 sexes



look at some ancient drawings or do some research, you'll find they inform you of what a 'sub gender' is

>...b..b..but you were the first!

Typical response of a child incapable of any critical thinking skills. Your single mother must be proud.'re totally triggered. lolololol

Not him, but you are in one stupid delusional crisis. Your stupid broken brain cells failed to put the puzzle together. You are either a man, acting like a man/woman or a woman acting like a man/woman. There are no inbetweens. Or are you gonna tell me you invented a new color in your color book now too? "Special" snowflake.


... Jesus christ dude, no wonder you believe in this faggotry with that kind of reasoning and argumentation skills.

says the faggot who spouted memes about retarded people as soon as someone disagreed with him

bureaucratic nonsense smh

If the meme fits...

I didn't realize you'd be so offended by people with down syndrome. I'm sorry I've offended your people. Don't worry'll get to colors and shapes next week.

Im more offended by someone who uses forth grade name calling and calls it meming....

tbh i think we should all get safe spaces away from these type of people and their pushing opinions that are trying to redefine established stuff which is just common sense, should be considered a micro aggression

Aww...special snowflake got his wittle feewings hurt.

Any gender other than male or female is a mental illness and needs to be treated like one.
It's fine and somewhat normal for someone to be gay,hell more than 130 species on earth are shown to have same-sex relations, but only one claims to be a different gender than what they were born with. Being anything other than male or female is against all science and chromosomes should define gender, NOT feelings.

Claiming to be trans is a mental illness. More than 40% of people who claim to be trans end up committing suicide. You'd think, "Yea, well it's because they don't feel comfortable in they're own body and are confused and depressed!"
Well, mutilating a person's genitals don't help. Even AFTER a trans person has a sex-mutilation operation, the suicide rates are STILL above 40%. These people need to get help and feel comfortable with their own body AND THEN realize their sexuality. You wouldn't treat a schizophrenic patient by agreeing,"Yes, the walls are talking to you." You would get the schizophrenic patient treatment and help so that they can be happy with their lives.

There are still only two genders, faggot.

Totally! And the world is flat! The moon is made of cheese and God is real and roots for your favorite sports ball teams.

>w o r d s

Altough i agree with you, i can still show some respect for transgenders, still keeping in mind it isn't normal. But people spouting nonsense about, being hexacurious, and transcended beyond male or female gender are just fucked up in the head big time.

I think your brain has started to melt.

What do you expect? I've been dealing with uneducated Americans.

tl;dr Chomosomes>Feelings

That's why people don't want to accept that trans people have a mental illness, since they see "mental illness" as a rude and demeaning word. Of course we should show them respect, but not sugar coat it.

>implying im american
The self important european socialist smugness.

What shithole are you from then faggot?

sex is just archaic for gender, they are interchangeable and literally mean the same thing. ie male\female ieie dick\vag

Oh you're's obvious by your childish mentality.

I'd show you my country's flag, but I wouldn't want to force you to use Google for educational purposes.

I would be amused, but you complete lack of reading comprehension is just tragic.

Native translations of almost all of them literally translate to "being two things at once".

Even if broadened to some kind of slider. Gender is still defined by the binary that is sex. It's basically a meaningless term independant of it.

I'm sorry I'm not as amusing as those cartoony picture books you struggle with each week.

Look all I wanna say is maybe Hitler made a few good points.

Ok, I agree sex has both cultural and biological dimensions. And if you wanna separate the cultural aspect and cal it gender, then ok. So, if gender is a social construct, why would you want to promote more genders rather than abolish the existing ones? The existing ones have at least biological basis, the other are just made out of thin air, based on " how you feel about yourself". There was a tumbl trolling action recently, called the clovergender. Clovergender is a child, trapped in a grown person's body, with sexual preference for children. How is that any different from all those genders proposed.
> all made from thin air
> no biological basis
> only difference is legality

But wait, aren't laws made by people? So they are social constructs as well. So the law prohibiting pedophilia is no different than the laws that prohibited homosexuality in the past. How do you justify supporting gender theory but not clovergender? It even makes more sense, because there are people identifying themselves sexually as wolves, dogs, etc. (for which they have no biological excuse), but everyone was once a child. And a child may have no sexual identity(gender), but it sure has sexuality, however premature.

>Insulting instead of facts
I expected nothing less

You guys are just arguing semantics now because of how retarded you are. Who gives a fuck what someone 'identifies' as. If you feel their rhetoric is going to impede on your rights, make your voice known through the right channels.

Arguing semantics about gender/asex makes everyone look retarded.

>hasn't presented a single fact
>constant insults

top kek are either a male or a female that is it. If you feel like you are something else you are either a fag or have some sort of mental illness. This is literally all that needs to be said on this topic.

people in glass houses shoudlnt throw stones, fuckwad


Well, in your case it would be a glass trailer...

I'm not btw.
Check for facts

Hows living off welfare going for you?

Welfare is for Americans. Nice try kiddo.

So your daily meals arent paid for by the state?
What country faggot?

Ok so conclusion of thread is
>there are only 2 genders
>trans people have a mental illness
>the end

I wish I wasn't on my phone so I could tell you why you're wrong. One being you committed the appeal to nature fallacy. There are instances of animals that transform from male to female, one being a species of seahorse. Your fallacious logic lends way to this being an argument for your opposition.

The other is your numbers are completely inflated. Trans people face different isocioeconomic issues than normal peeps do right now which is a h huge contributing factor to depression /suicide

seahorses=/=homo sapiens

seahorse's don't transform you idiot. The male receives the female's egg and inseminates it inside it's body. Learn to science dumbass.

I don't agree with the argument first off, I was showing him how I just used his same reasoning to make a bad argument.

Which means his argument was bad

Hence appeal to nature FALLACY

I literally agreed with you, moron

So you where only pretending to be retarded?

here's an idea, stop reading sociology and post-structuralism and read some biology instead.

This is what I meant, not a species of seahorse. Mixup

Species: Cirrhitichthys falco

Habitat: Kuchino-Erabu Island in southern Japan, swapping sexes effortlessly

When it comes to selecting mates, hawkfish keep their options open. The flamboyantly coloured reef dwellers start life as females but can transform into males after maturing. Many marine animals do this, but these fickle fish have a rare trick up their fins: they can change back when the situation suits.

Tatsuru Kadota and colleagues from Hiroshima University in Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, have observed reverse sex changes in wild hawkfish for the first time in the subtropical reefs around Kuchino-Erabu Island in southern Japan.

Animals that transform from male to female are biologically capable of doing so. Humans are not. Saying that because one unrelated species can biologically change sex doesn't mean that other animals that cannot biologically do so can as well. That's just dumb and illogical.
Also, what economic issues do trans people face and how wouldn't treating them and fixing their mental illness fix those issues?

quality bait. 9/10

Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise? It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith so powerful and so wise, he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to He had such a knowledge of the Dark Side, he could even keep the ones he cared about...from dying. He became so powerful, the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power...which, eventually of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew. Then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death...but not himself.

And what has this to do with humans?