Whats Sup Forums vaping? i got this, Black series cream and honey

Whats Sup Forums vaping? i got this, Black series cream and honey.


OP is fag

Man, as a smoke shop owner, that stuff is sold to weak people who go with any trend to be cool. You spent money on liquid nicotine. Why not just smoke really nice tobacco? Or if it's flavors you crave,a traditional hookah?

Smoking is shit. IT STINKS!. It makes everything stink. If you smoke, YOU STINK. Smoked for 20 years and would never go back.

Not op but what the fuck do you mean? Vaping has been the only thing that completely supplanted smoking for me.

Yes, vaping can look stupid, I only ever use it in my room in front of my computer, but it's still far less stupid than suggesting smoking instead because "it's not trendy".


smoke like a Man you pussy.

you still stink though


still less harmful than the weed...

Do you even understand the difference? It's like saying I'm going to drink diet coke because it helps the urges to drink real coke. You spend money on useless contraptions to make water vapor come out of your mouth. But for what? Why do you feel this is necessary? What made you feel like this was the best alternative? I'm literally making more money on people like you because I can sell a little vial of liquid for much much more than a pack of cigs. You're just spending more for less. It isn't "healthier than cigarettes" it was a marketing ploy to make cash quick. Kids like flavor. Remember when cigarette's could advertise with cartoons on tv? Wonder why that stopped... what cold they do to get the same effect...

this Sup Forumsro gets it, best way to kick cigarettes. Fags who vape to look cool or surround themselves in clouds of obnoxious cherry vanilla shit can go eat a pile of shit. Doubly so if they're vaping nicotine for no reason.

you paid way too much for that shit haha

just buy the shop brand stuff. There is literally no difference in quality.

I'd post but i shant.

>K4 aspire w/ .4 coil
>Propaganda Illuminati 6 mg juice

Is gud but leaks like a bitch sometimes

So replace one addiction with another more expensive one? Hmm.... smart.

i'll stick with the 3 chemicals rather than the 60+ in fags. And well done for saving the world health and making money on the way.

CBD oil and a blend of some added nicotine juices

Checked. And same smoke shop owner here. Smartest thing you could do is just not but it. But next best thing? This. Cause it's just garbage we don't know how to make and you smoke it. Good job ol chap

I didn't stop to save money. I have lots of it retard.

I only do cannabis oil. Faggot.

It's cheaper, It's scaleable, it's less dangerous.

Vaping some Venus chai on my Kopor w/ a Sub Arctic tank. Way better than tobacco.

Obviously uninformed.

Started mixing my own because it is cheaper. Vaping peach right now have some pineapple too but I don't wanna change cotton.

I spent 60 bucks on the stuff and make a 30 ml batch for like 3 dollars.

i smoke cigarettes when i want nicotine. the only thing real men vaporize is crystal meth.

What about heroin then?

heroin is a useless, unproductive drug. i said REAL men who have to go to work and DO SHIT

You made me jelly af. Bastards.

You are tweaked, aren't you?

Who tf vapes?

This stuff

OP vapes.



Like the porn I watch (;