How can Marvel even compete?

How can Marvel even compete?

>Score is better
>Actors are better
>Effect are better
>Action is better
>Costumes are better
>Actual consequences and stakes rather then "DUDE LAMO HE DIN DIE WE STILL NEED HIM 4 THE AVENGERS PART 1 COMING 2018"

Literally Saturday morning tier vs KiloKino production

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The studios only care about numbers, and even fucking Ant-Man made 3/4 as much money as BvS.

You almost had me, but the part about stakes was overkill.

>How can Marvel even compete?

Financially, the only metric that counts, where it completely demolishes the competition.

Was there one good line in the whole movie?



end yourself

>Wonder Goyim's ear rape intro score
>generic snyder music no. 121
>pathetic performances from Gadot and Eisenberg
>cave troll shit doomsday cgi
>MoS level shitty anime fights

No one died in BvS what are you talking about

I'm gonna argue anyway.

The effects and costumes are on par, but not superior.
The action for the batman fight scene is the best superhero fight scene to come out in a very long time. Unfortunately, the rest is shit.
The score, instead of being completely unforgettable, is seared in my mind with how bad it is.
The actors are good. Even arguably better than marvel's. It's just a shame they've given the worst characterisation of any superhero. Instead of being one-dimensional, it seems they've given it up for having no character at all.

Consequences and stakes barely fucking matter when you don't care about the consequences, and superman dying is the oldest trick in the fucking book.

>Why wasn't the reception better?

I agree with all the points the fact though is that they didn't come together to make a cohesive enjoyable movie.

As dull as civil war was it was still a better made movie

>tfw gal haters knew the fucked up

Realer than real life.

Superhero movies are supposed to be for children. But if you want to keep pretending that you're flying around with a red cap beating up bad guys, be my guest.

>no one touching his dick
>in spite of a huge crowd surge toward him nobody is near his crotch
>no one fondling his pecs
>he's not wearing a dancing bear head

It's garbage

I disagree with most of these points (if not all), but you forgot the biggest one. STORY FOR FUCKS SAKE

>Actual consequences and stakes
He shitposts, as we all know they're doing the EXACT SAME SHIT because Justice League movie.

Marvel flicks are like musicals, enjoyed by fags and normies. BvS is Wagnerian opera. Gesamtkunstkino.

>Actual consequences
>Main character dies and is hinted to still be alive
>Back in time for Justice League

>Actual consequences and stakes rather then "DUDE LAMO HE DIN DIE WE STILL NEED HIM 4 THE AVENGERS PART 1 COMING 2018"

You mean like how superman died except he didn't because they need him for Justice League?

Here's your (You)

>How can Marvel even compete?
With le power of reddit and normies everything is possible, user.

>Wagnerian opera
You mean only enjoyed by a few people, all of which think themselves better than everyone else?

>Score is better

Agreed, but Michael Giacchino is scoring Doctor Strange.

>Actors are better

No, not even, and have you seen the cast for Doctor Strange?

>Effect are better


>Action is better


>Costumes are better


>Actual consequences and stakes rather then "DUDE LAMO HE DIN DIE WE STILL NEED HIM 4 THE AVENGERS PART 1 COMING 2018"

You're an idiot if you think this is true in a series that killed off Superman before the Justice League even started. Superheroes are not about consequences and stakes.

I'm amazed at the effort that went into this movie. Shame really

B-b-but it was expected for him to resurrect!

fucking great score
you got that right

>kino meme isn't dead yet

>How can Marvel even compete?

By having good franchises and not silly ones like ((((superman)))

she still sucks but she had like no lines in this movie

the one line at the very end showed that she's got a strong accent and that she can't deliver a line very well

imagine her having her movie and having nothing but lines

Apparently they compete quite well if you judge by box office and reviews, and anyone who's not memeing on Sup Forums.

>jokes are synonymous with quips

also how the fuck did you equate Do you bleed with quips? jfc mahvel fags are this stupid

oh no! a woman with an accent??
better build a wall!

This is so gay yet so true.

Snyder goes out of his way to make his films pure kino case in point

compared to marvel's generic popcorn flick