This was probably the worst movie I have seen so far this year

This was probably the worst movie I have seen so far this year.

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Why is that man standing in a ps2 game?

What Comodore 64 game is this?

>that hairline

Why did Sam Jackson agree to be in this shit. He was the best part of the movie by far, but it's kind of sad that an actor as good as Jackson was in one of the worst movies of the past 5 years.

Gods of Egypt laughs at you

it was OK

Are you under the impression he acts in quality films? It's not the 90s.

I'm going to guess and assume it had something to do with money.

What ZX Spectrum game is this?

Unexpected chuckle, thanks neighbor

>those natives painted in mud

My only problem with it was that a strong human (like Tarzan) had such a difficult time beating up a gorilla. Gorillas don't have any tactics while Tarzan had a high functioning brain and could calculate moves better.

I'm not sure if you're kidding or not.

A gorilla is 10-20x stronger than a man.

What? Angry Joe said it was good.

>A gorilla is 10-20x stronger than a man.
Well duh, all you have to do is have basic understanding of how to fight and a human could hold their own. Just use a strategy against the gorilla's big, dumb, brute strength.

Brute strength is pretty fucking effective you idiot. a human wouldn't stand a chance one on one against a silverback gorilla.

holy fuck is that real
there's no way that's real

> Brute strength is pretty fucking effective you idiot
Counter attack and side stepping the attacks are key. Hope on the ape's back and choke him out. It's literally like fighting a giant baby.

is that leslie jones?

lol are you actually this delusional you fucking neckbeard

what a fucking retard, those things are built to fight. You're a flimsy human that would get his anus pounded so hard you'd need a lifesaver size donut to ease the butthurt.

We need proof of this

Put me in a cage with one of those hairy babies and I'll show you how it's done. I'd love to see the look on your faces when I use one punch to knock Mr. "King of the Jungle" on his big ape ass.

haha holy shit this guy

He is an actor-for-hire. He will do any film if you pay him enough. He is like a deluxe version of Eric Roberts. He works constantly to keep himself from drinking because he's an alcoholic.

The average man could use his brain to counter attack these animals. Look at all we have accomplished.
There are literally documentations of gladiators beating gorillas with bare hands.

what do you think ashes are you fucking retard

you didnt accomplish shit, its you naked vs a gorilla youre ded kiddo.

Can I say how much I Love the man v gorilla meme. The bait always gets taken and it's so funny each time.

It has a white male lead of course it'd be awful

i think you're below average though

He was in that movie Cell with john cusack

>mfw Colin Mcrae Rally on PS1 looks better than OP's pic


Does Poop Lives Matter and SJWs even realize that Tarzan was a white guy since day fucking zero? He was never a PoCky. Ever. DO these fucking dunces read anything besides online tabloids?

also theres documents about fucking dragons and human sized moths do you believe everything you read?

a gorilla is hugely disadvantaged. a reasonably smart human would be able to break bones and go for vitals with his knowledge of anatomy. the ape would be helpless pretty fast

nearly everything about it was bad. like, it's difficult to know where to begin with all of the things this movie did wrong.

i will say this though, the movie is 2 hours long but it goddam feels like a 4 hour movie.

> its you naked vs a gorilla youre ded kiddo
Of course I'd share the same attire as the beast, I am an honorable warrior after all.
Not in mind and spirit. Especially when compared to a nonhuman.

> also theres documents about fucking dragons and human sized moths
You cannot disprove that they do not exist. I don't doubt that fire breathers once roamed this earth.

>counter attack

>he thinks fighting a gorilla is like playing arkham city

theres no proof they did tho, a painting isnt proof. I can paint you a gf that wont change the fact ull never have one.


If I give you a shitton of PCP and $500 cash upfront, can I film you fighting a Silverback 1v1?

I want to turn you into a legend

He was in all 3 star wars prequels where he played a boring monk.

Must not have seen BvS.

revenge of the sith was great faggot

leave it to a namefag to be a complete utter retard

What bowling score screen animation is this?

yeah, this. Just sidestep the first attack, press X to quickly pick his eye out with your japanese two-finger technique


I didn't like BvS, but there really was nothing good about this movie. I wanted to kill myself while sitting in the cinema. Even the normies where like "wtf was this" after the movie.

protip: interrupt its attack just before it lands to build your power meter!

There are many similarities to the real world and video games. If I time it right, I can knock out a gorilla with one punch/kick.
Dragons did most likely exist. Where do you think the concept came from.
I would do it for $300, but I would also like a 12 pack of Mountain Dew before and afterwards
Leave it to user to not know basic physics/kung fu.
I have an imaginary power meter myself, so this is a good tip.

M8 my gf just left me and yet here I am crying with laughter

You've made my night thank you user

Also this fucking costume Digimon was wearing. I was really struggling to not burst into laughter whenever he was on the screen.

I'm so happy I'm not the only one that enjoyed it. I liked the soundtrack and the stupidly complex choreography for saber fighting

I didn't care about te plot because we all knew it already

You guys realized you're getting baited fucking hard right now right? This sad, lonely piece of shit is so depressed that no one will acknowledge his name that he has to resort to pretending to be a neckbeard for (you)s

Not sure what "baited" means, but I don't care if anyone replies. I'm just trying to enlighten people. If you ever come face to face with a gorilla, don't show fear, you must dominate it.

augh! augh!! b-baited!! B-BAITET U GUIS! HahheHAhaheahea Fucking HEPATITIS N(igger) HPV whITe fucking folks need to Di3

>This sad, lonely piece of shit is so depressed
Sounds like you were baited and made this as a quick defense. Keep projecting.

So many people baited...


I like it. He looks like a pokemon.

Did ya'll know that Samljack was in the Hair movie?

I remember when the trailer first came out, people were saying that it was going to be good.
It was so obviously shit even then.

Why do plebs have such shit taste?

Trailer looked shitty but David Yates is a more than capable director.

>falling for this shitty b8
newfriends, go back.

The trailer was nothing like the actual movie. The trailer makes it look like a Tarzan movie, but the movie is in reality more like the sequel of Tarzan. The movie would have been a lot better if it was more like a live-action Tarzan movie. Unoriginal maybe, but at least it wouldn't be total shit like it is now.

>worst movie of the year
>same year as this


Dat body though.

>worked out everyday
>only ate a fistful of chicken meat every few hours
>all of this shit in 9 months


Jackson rarely turns down offers. He wasted the early days of his career (from the '70s through the early '90s, remember, he's not young) in a drug-induced haze that he barely remembers, so he feels he can't afford to be picky, lest it come to an end.

>from the '70s through the early '90s
I don't think any actor from that period remembers exactly happened then.
Fucking everyone was high on coke.

It wasnt made for you, it was made for chinks who havent seen the original tarzan movie due to communist embargo.

>it was made for chinks
Welcome to 2015+.
That's how it's going to go from now on.

you realize that this isn't an origin story right. it was made for people with a certain familiarity with the source material and from the beginning was an attempt to bank on brand recognition, which is much weaker in asia

i feel like there are a lot people on Sup Forums with only two or three opinion that they attempt to insert into every thread whether it's relevant or not

Every single thread you post about humans fucking up gorillas and these retards keep falling for it.

They arent banking on recognition you retard. They are remaking the same animated movies because they know its a format that works instead of "risking" something innovative.

That body tho. I want Alexander Skarsgard to pick me up and fuck me

low quality m8

I feel like I was the only other person in the thread about Gorillas fighting bears that devolved into 300+ shitposts about bruce lee and how fighting is universally all about skill and any human could beat any animal because thumbs.

Were you in that thread too?

I can't believe people keep going for it, nonstop.
Yup, that just exploded out

> Being this autistic.

Man, that looks cool as shit