Death of Native America

I'm I the only one devastated at the loss of many cultures and languages of the Americas?

Instead of having English and Spanish culture dominate, I wish we had a Maya country, a Lakota country, a Meshika country, a Inca country. Instead we have a culture less continent that has one of the most crime ridden urban areas on the planet.

What's sad is that many of these languages are dying as we speak. There seems to be no sense of self preservation among the Natives. Maybe they have given up... :(

Other urls found in this thread:í_massacre

>dozens of cool vibrant cultures
Now everything's generically Spanish/white.

Fuck you spaniards.

I completely agree
I think the few remaining native tribes that are neighboring should join their reservations to build something more complex
But of course, that's never going to happen, since they don't want to give up on their older ways

And Lakotah was probably the people that had the best chance of becoming a native nation (they technically were, for about 40 years)

As for the mesos, had they not been so obsessed with human sacrifice, they probably could've built some actual empires that would've had a lot better chance to stand against the spaniards when they arrived

I think the Incas did that, but they didn't have a written language, so they would've fallen anyways

Yes, I am really sad that the noble Aztek culture died out.

Aztecs go hard

I agree, the whole south-central america being spanish'd in boring.

Incas had a pretty cool civ 2bh. Aztecs are durka tier though

I don't feel like learning Quechua.

based spain saving this part of the world forever
i for one am very happy they are christian and speak a normal language

natives were terrible people who were cannibals and sacrificed each other on altars btw there needs to be a stop to romanticizing them and all the noble savage bullshit, spanish were MUCH better, thank you spain, i love you spain

>What's sad is that many of these languages are dying as we speak. There seems to be no sense of self preservation among the Natives. Maybe they have given up... :(
It's for the best.
I don't want to be the people who halts the progress into the future.
Maybe someday someone will invent the time machine to visit our ancestors.
You'll laugh at the backward ways of our lives and even make a zoo out of it.
It's a dying race anyway. We're losing against major race. We're not that important and basically irrelevant, even our knowledge of nature inherited from our ancestors hasn't really contributed to the world. It's okay. Just please let us..sink as the time goes by.

t. the native minority tribe of Borneo

Did Argentina even have natives?

Plenty. And there are still are. But none of them were as big as, say, the Incas (although part of our territory used to be part of the Inca Empire, hence why we have our own dialect of Quechua).

Piruw atiy paypata allin!

Natives were terrible people, the noble good guys it's a recent meme. Killing and enslaving each other was the most normal thing. Euros winning was just the new bullies beating the usual bullies, same with post independence govs.

Smallpox is a hell of a drug.

You are welcome

what is this peru, speak in christian plz u mek me nervous

The uppity aggresive ones were exterminated, the subservients were spared and a few communities survive to this day

We don't need more Mexicans decapitating each other.

I don't give a fuck, hehehehe.

>I don't want to be the people who halts the progress into the future.
Making their culture to evolve != halting the progress.

All the progress is made upon borrowing.

>yfw aztecs sacrificed less than mexicans kill in a year

They did but argentinians removed themí_massacre

OP didn't say they would have to keep their tribal life style. They could have become modernized while keeping their language and most of their culture. Christianity has done terrible things in the past, but for the last centuries Europe has remained Christian without Inquisition or shit like that.


But we got that from Spaniards

>his body, along with the bodies of Allende, Aldama and José Mariano Jiménez were decapitated, and the heads were put on display on the four corners of the Alhóndiga de Granaditas in Guanajuato.
>The heads remained there for ten years

I don't know what happened man, natives were already dead when we got here


>Instead of having English and Spanish culture dominate
Well its kinda funny since the English and esp the Spanish-speaking parts think they are diverse for some reason, what is the difference between a Hondurasian and a Nicaraguan?

Also have pic-related, the only Carribian country which has preserved some of its indiginous roots.

>japan in charge of talking about genocide...

That's a 19th century meme manolo.


Thanks Spain!

Aztecs were the niggers of Mesoamerica they could never be like the noble Inca or Maya

Why do they have so many traps ?

It makes you sad because they're your relatives.

Asians and native americans are literally the same, ones are just more tanned than the others.

>I'm I the only one devastated at the loss of many cultures and languages of the Americas?
yes Daviddo-kun, you and a bunch of hippies have expressed DEEP CONCERN

as for the languages and other cultural artifacts, they can be preserved at museums by the living people, no need to have a bunch of neolithic age savages alive for it

ITT: people literally defending genocide

that's not surprising on a website full of actual nazis desu

>Japan didn't colonize the Americas

Injuns are worse than niggers and gypsies put together, The reason why only eurofags are defending them is because they never met one.

Maybe they should have been better at not getting smallpox and not getting shot. Loss of culture happens when you get subjugated.


IMO mapuches are alright

Americas would have had potential but Euros ruined it.


In Chile maybe, they're useless parasites here.

that's because you've never dealt with them

back home there's an tehuelche/mapuche reserve shared by argentina and chile and everybody hates dealing with them

I've heard this 1k times but everyone fails to explain why they are considered cunts.

The Romans exterminated the Iberians and their culture, we have scripts but we don't know how to pronounce the words or the meaning. They extracted a lot of gold (pic related) yet you don't find Spaniards complaining about that. On the contrary, we are grateful and we recognised ourselves as their heirs. Throughout history it has always been like this. The strong conquer the weak.

Cause that happened 2000+ years ago and the native iberians were entirely assimilated. The colonization of the Americas lasted for ~300 years and natives still exist.

t. proud cuck

>They autoproclaim themselves autochthons when they actually arrived here in the 19th century.
>They continually victimize themselves, while being hypocrites who try to deny the genocide they committed against the actualnatives. with moredeaths than the Conquista del Desierto.
>Usurpe lands where they never lived to live off the oil royalties.
>Usurpe touristic spots when those places become profitable, although they did not matter previously.
>Do not consider themselves as Argentines, but complain until they get all possible benefits of being argie.
>Want to live on their own reserves because muh better culture, but then emigrate to cities because their actual traditional life sucks.

And the most active turbo lefties mapuches I know are the sons and grandchildren of immigrants from La Araucanía btw.

they think they are entitled to a better lifestyle without no effort on their own whilst drinking shit tier wine and living of welfare and if they get a job they try to con everybody they interact with

i always compare them to australian abos, though these are less ayylmao looking

Oh ok. If they behave like that they are massive cunts

Didn't they star fires there? A chilean here told me that



>While Hernán Cortés was in Tenochtitlan, he heard about other Spaniards arriving on the coast – Pánfilo de Narváez had come from Cuba with orders to arrest him – and Cortés was forced to leave the city to fight them. During his absence, Moctezuma asked deputy governor Pedro de Alvarado for permission to celebrate Toxcatl (an Aztec festivity in honor of Tezcatlipoca, one of their main gods). But after the festivities had started, Alvarado interrupted the celebration, killing almost everyone present at the festival, men, women, and children alike.
>The Spanish version of the incident claims the conquistadors intervened to prevent a ritual of human sacrifice in the Templo Mayor; the Aztec version says the Spaniards were enticed into action by the gold the Aztecs were wearing, prompting an Aztec rebellion against the orders of Moctezuma. While differing so on Alvarado's specific motive, both accounts are in basic agreement that the celebrants were unarmed and that the massacre was without warning and unprovoked.

The loss of culture and peoples is one thing, but I shed no tears for the loss of languages. Frankly, I want English to be the sole language on the globe. Apart from that though, only Spanish, Mandarin, and Arabic really justify their existence still as regional powers.

Language is meant to unite people by allowing them to exchange ideas, plans, and feelings effectively. What a marvelous thing it is that I can talk to people from all over the world this moment with a standardized set of words, without having to worry about massive deterioration of my expressions caused by language barriers.

Language is not meant to divide people into camps, pitted against each other as they see the others' language as an existential threat to their own, refusing to interact and enclaving themselves away from the foreign.

There will be much less cultural misunderstanding, inefficiency, and better business and personal ties between peoples when we can all understand each other fully. This was the dream behind Esperanto, though the power of commerce and the anglosphere-led internet and media have basically set English up as the world's tongue now. For the most part, only the impoverished, reclusive, and inaccessible communities struggle with English still.

Thank you for reading this english language post and implicitly condoning our lingua franca.

>Pope Clement VII had given his support to the Kingdom of France in an attempt to alter the balance of power in the region, and free the Papacy from dependency, i.e. a growing weakness to "Imperial domination" by the Holy Roman Empire (and the Habsburg dynasty).
>The army of the Holy Roman Emperor defeated the French army in Italy, but funds were not available to pay the soldiers. The 34,000 Imperial troops mutinied and forced their commander, Charles III, Duke of Bourbon and Constable of France, to lead them towards Rome.
>After the brutal execution of some 1,000 defenders of the Papal capital and shrines, the pillage began. Churches and monasteries, as well as the palaces of prelates and cardinals, were looted and destroyed. Even pro-Imperial cardinals had to pay to save their properties from the rampaging soldiers. On 8 May, Cardinal Pompeo Colonna, a personal enemy of Clement VII, entered the city. He was followed by peasants from his fiefs, who had come to avenge the sacks they had suffered by Papal armies. However, Colonna was touched by the pitiful conditions of the city and hosted in his palace a number of Roman citizens.
>The population of Rome dropped from some 55,000 before the attack, to 10,000. An estimated 6,000 to 12,000 people were murdered.
>Many Imperial soldiers also died in the following months (they remained in the city until February 1528) from diseases caused by the large number of unburied dead bodies in the city. The pillage only ended when, after eight months, the food ran out, there was no one left to ransom and plague appeared.[5]

>natives were terrible people who were cannibals and sacrificed each other on altars btw there needs to be a stop to romanticizing them and all the noble savage bullshit, spanish were MUCH better,

Well the ones that do that claim to be mapuche, and in some cases are, but mostly lefties supported by yurofags. The average mapuche is not an entitled prick like the one you guys describe. They are mostly farmers that get along with the chileans in the areas where they live. The fires are against big corp that ownes huge lands and literally are killing the native forests to plant foreign trees like pines. I've been to some of those plantations and it's really sad how everything dies around them because they can not sustain the natural ecosystems.

Of course there's never a sacrifice of the priestly class.

That's a good thing.

another aztec-tier native people

check the language also

Guess how I know you are monolingual.

If the fires weren't on natives forest nothing of value was lost desu. I've seen those "dead" pine forests here but they're in the steppes at least.

Je parle couramment le français, mais je peux aussi ne pas être; je n'utilise que l'anglais

Most of this is debunked by modern archaeology. All of those sacrifice stories are remnants of Spanish propaganda

It depended on the city-state, but according to Sahagun in Cholula many priests died every year due to constant-bloodletting.

Bon gros colonisé.

The natives speak Spanish, are Catholic and share many cultural traits with Spaniards. If the natives had been completely assimilated that wouldn't change the fact that those cultures are lost forever as the prerroman Hispania culture, which is the OP point. He is complaining about how the mayans, aztecs, etc don't exist anymore but I never hear the same about, for example, the Iberians. That's racist

The conquest of Hispania also lasted ~300 years btw.

t. self-hater

All of Japan's colonies in Asia are doing well.

still better than wh*tes

>”These people had no letters nor script, neither knew to write nor read. They communicated with images and paintings and all their history and books were recorded in figures and images, with which they knew about their ancestors and had memory of what they did and what they left recorded for more than a thousand years before the Spanish arrived to this land.”

>”Most of these books and recordings were burnt as other idolatries”, but many of them are still hidden. ”After we came to this land to preach our fate we gathered many young men in our homes and taught them to write, read and sing. As they did well we ensured to teach them grammar and a school in Santiago de Tlatelolco was built for this purpose. This school received the most able young men from all the neighboring towns. ”

>”The Spanish and clergymen who knew about this laughed and mocked, being sure that no one could teach grammar to people so unskillful, but working with them for two or three years they came to understand every art and subject of grammar and speak Latin, both written and spoken and even to write heroic verses. ”

>”As the secular and ecclesiastic clergymen saw this they became frightened of such thing being possible: I was the one who worked with them for the first four years and taught them about Latin and its knowledge. ”
>”As they saw that this project would continue and that they were improving, and they had ability for more, the clerics started to disapprove the school and object about the risks of idolatry this implied. ”
- Florentine Codex by Friar Bernardino de Sahagun, Tenth Book, Inform of the author

>not fighting for your heritage

>Incas had a pretty cool civ 2bh. Aztecs are durka tier though
500 years later people's only criteria to judge the Aztec civilization is sacrifices

Aztecs were not the kind of people who would just try to ignore how the man survives everyday, nor treat better their dogs just for being loyal, nor their cows just for being sacred nor even themselves just for being rational.
They couldn't just slit the throat of a goat and keep going with their lives, they had to give their life, either at battlefield or at the temple.

>Using wikipedia as a historical source

How fuckin dumb are you?

>Aztecs didn't sacrifice people

are you honestly this fucking dense?


>t. 128/512 Aztec

t. ad hominem from a country that despises violent religious extremists despite being one at the at very present day

desu, of course there was a lot of sacrifice going on, as their religion was centered on it, but I wouldn't say that the possibility of spaniards exaggerating it through propaganda doesn't exist.

I also think it's a shame their cool stuff was lost forever, now all we have is speculation and that hot girl from Road to Eldorado