

If the blue one is you, you seem way too desperate. Quit sending such long messages and apologizing.

you acting like a little bitch right now

Shorten your messages, bro.

It shows that I care


Fuck him/her right in the ass/pussy

I needed to get my point across

I agree with the other guys. You're crossing into neckbeard m'lady territory with how concerned you are being. Now that you've been niceguying it let her come to you.

Just say

"Do you like me lots? Like more than a friend?"

She couldn't fuck around with the meaning so much and it gets the point across without seeming desperate. Also if you have a phat kok it helps.

lol dealing with medical stuff thats an L, you seem v desperate take a step back and let her come to you

it shows that you care too much. people can get uneasy with these type of long messages

I'm pretty sure they're past that already.
You do seem a little forward

what are you 12.
You like her?
Say it in one sentence like a man

Bruh, stop chasing her and feeling shitty when she doesnt contact you. Go a few days, maybe a week without contacting her and see if she reaches out to you. Nothing wrong with reaching out but you come off negative and needy. After that week, contact her even if she hasnt called you. Dont have the conversation topic be too heavy. Joke with her and sneak in nice things to say about her when you can

Don't listen to these idiots. Do what feels right to you and learn from it if it doesn't work out.

you're too wordy and needy.

Also, dont push the topic of a relationship on her. Idk what your situation with this chick but it seems like youre pushing her away. Im kinda in the same situation and actually kinda had a similar convo today but was much less beta about it

Too cringe, if dubs say "medical reasons? I got some medicine and it comes out my throbbing cock" faggot

"Don't not want to force? Are you illiterate? Why the double negative (unless you are a genius, which I doubt)

She sends me selfies on Snapchat everyday, so I just send pics of my wall or something and it goes back and forth until eventually she gets bored. At first I thought it was to keep the streak up but she sends a selfie like an hour after keeping the streak going.

It shows that you're clingy. Not every chick enjoys clingy.


Respond next....

"I hope you get better. Maybe I'll chat later after Chad and I hit the bar. It's ladies night. I mean if we don't get back too late. Don't want to wake you awake or anything. Chow!".

Than never text text her again unless she texts backs. If she texts back right away, wait until late the next night. Like you been banging hot MILFS all night.

Be less talky, say alittle less, Im the exact same as you bro and I fucked up so many chances being this say, still act caring of it just say less and stop saying everything that comes to mind. just be chill and collected and less pushy of the subject

It's called a typo you dumb faggot

>Medical stuff = Tyrone is probing my cervix

you need to not worry about it, and stop sending novels of text. nothing will turn her off more than giving her emotional vomit.

She just got out of a mental health clinic for depression, she's going through some shit.

Females are a tricky subject. She may very well be sending those same selfies to other dudes. Who knows, for your sake i hope not. Trust me bro, dont go out of your way to contact her. Give it time. If she hits you up with those selfies, reply but be breif, not short.

Fukn uneducated kids these days. It's called being a moron

Oh bro, abandon ship. Shes not in the right state of mind to deal with another persons emotions

Definitely give her time if this is the case

Fucking run away like you are a huge fagget.

You don't need that shit. Bitches are mad as fuck on a good day.

The messages are too long bro

>so I just send pics of my wall or something and it goes back and forth until eventually she gets bored
>I just send pics of my wall
>she gets bored
Holy fuck dude that's not how you explode her vaginal cavity with your monster donger. Work out a bit and send her pictures of you in kinda tight clothes asking her if she thinks you look bad.

Mel DiTO?

Ik, that's where I met her. We both like eachother and I'm down but she's not. I figured I'd wait unless I meet some other qt. But it seems like everyday, she's on my mind

You think she's fat?

stop being a pussy and send her a dick pic.

If you like her, try to do right by her. Give her the time she needs and be there when she calls. Let her know youre in her corner and she can always hit you up. But while thats happening, keep an eye out for prospects.

Shit bro. You two are perfect for each other. A bitch beta boy who can't get anyone else and a crazy bitch who will probably never leave you even if you wanted her to. Great job.

>I figured I'd wait unless I meet some other qt.
>But it seems like everyday, she's on my mind

Not the user you replied, but, that's some some serious love right there, you fucking moran.

The problem is that she never talks about her feelings. She won't even admit that she has mental health issues. Idk if she'll ever get better

You faggots need to stop being so cynical. Its whats wrong with the world. Be sincere once in a while. Have some empathy, you fucking bitch

Chow dogs are pretty cool creatures.

Tell that hoe to hit you when she knows what she wants and you'll let her know what's up at that time don't send anymore hoe-ass messages


Sounds like one that you toss to the wind if you ask my honest opinion. Do better for yourself while you try to get better. Bag yourself a nice young qt. What are you, 21? Younger?

Where the fuck are you both from OP? Which state?

I'm trying to give you advice. You're acting like a beta high school kid while telling you that she's going to get really crazy. Have you ever heard of the phrase "blinded by love"? Just a friendly warning.

But because this is Sup Forums, be less of a cum-juggling ass clown and grow a pair before she gets you whipped or cucks your dumb ass.

19, I am actually. I'm taking her out on Saturday but it's just a trial. I miss Mel.

Hey OP looks like you're into the same girl I was a year ago. Said they liked you, displayed some affection, but the messages got shorter and less frequent. Unfortunately I was already dating said girl, so it was even worse. Run while you can bud.

Nigger lesbian detected


Not op but thanks bruh

>Im a real alpha unlike OP
>pic related

Nigger, lesbian, muslim, agendered actually

yeh just kill her. Fuck every girl you meet, jut kill them you'll feel better than listening to their emotional garbage.

Fuck yeah they are.

This is now a chow thread

>I'm right you're wrong leave me and my safe space alone!

Forget about mel til she gets her shit straight. Thats really all you can do. Do let her not having it together hold you back from anything.


Girls like guys that are kind and charming...I'm talking to 3 different girls right now while you're still a virgin college student

Chows are known to be very clingy. Just like op

Thanks Sup Forumsro

Nah im a grown, married man with a salary and benefits. Good effort though

It's easy to lie on the internet

>I'm right you're wrong leave me and my safe space alone!

Anytime. Was nice talking to ya kid, i gotta put mine to bed now. Be good to yourself bud

Same to you

Is it that hard to believe people learned a trade, found love and had kids? Ehh. I guess for you it might be. I was just here to help a kid who asked for help, not to argue with you. Have fun bud


This too. Actually, "Very few chicks enjoy clingy" is more correct.

And this.

For most girls one of the most unattractive things you can do is show emotional weakness or that your happiness is dependent on her. Things might change once you're well into a relationship, but when you're first meeting a girl or trying to date her?

Show her barely any emotion, if any at all. No sadness, no bitterness, no loneliness.

You have to appreciate, Disney movies aren't real. They just aren't. And I know it sucks. That's how it is.

I write long messages to girls too and I'm a 26 year old virgin. Long messages never work op. I would know. It's like an instant friend zone kind of thing

Good advice. No one wants to date someone who doesn't have their shit together. Emotion is good but don't be someone who constantly needs cheering up.

Yup. It really sucks for people who love that kind of attention, like meeee.

But it's just like any other dreams; you just gotta accept the fact that you'll never be able to fly, never read minds, whatever. It's just not part of life.

This approach only works on controlling narcissists looking for a co-dependent submissive.

I'm not saying don't keep trying the servile approach if being someone's emotional and physical submissive misery makes you feel whole and safe.

Girls that have issues like that will ruin you. They'll cheat as well