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Draw an album cover
Others guess
Magic Eye thread
Hid a what
Reposting from last time, would draw one but I'm on mobile
Kid A
poorly drawn but i tried
How the fuck do you do these
I would have tried writing it on the dick, but it would have taken way more space than I actually had and I figured that it was an iconic enough album as it was so I just let it be.
I still dont know how the fuck to do this, I tried crossing my eyes, I tried blurring my vision, I tried unfocusing my eyes, I've tried everything but nothing's fucking working
Someone redpill me on this shit
If you can't see this then I suggest you work on your inner vision in a house of God
I am 100% convinced that magic eye is bullshit and people pretend to be able to do it
Justice - Cross
Oh ye of little faith
Matthew 8:26
Pretty much you unfocus your eyes ("looking behind the image") and make the two images move in a way that reveals a 3d image.
Or at least that's how id describe how I do it
808s and Heartbreak
I really can't see shit in this, I can see some indents where it looks like you drew/wrote something but it's too thin to actually see. If I had to guess I'd say Sunbather?
No idea. Don't recognize the shape and words don't work very well with this
Weezer. Beautiful penmanship
Looks like the title card to a Rugrats episode.
Correct, and thanks :)
it's supposed to be nonagon infinity but i got annoyed and just started scribbling and then tried to write the words.
A circle with a line at the top?
i tried
Open one of the images
Put your face close enough to the screen so your eyes can't focus on the screen
touch your nose to the screen if you have to
Now start pulling back but keep your eyes not focused on the screen. Just do it until you can make it work.
Talking Heads
Remain in Light?
Wire - Pink Flag
I think this one should be pretty clear.
Oh shit good one
Looks like a coffin or a keyhole or some shit mane
Shit's hard, yo. I tried too.
Aphex nigga
Selected Ambient Works 85–92
Selected Ambient Works Volume II
SAW 85-92. Very nice
Oczy M'lady
Death Magnetic maybe?
Looks like the Radiohead bear or some bullshit mane
And yep
Some crazy fuckin tree or vine or something
FORGET by Xiu Xiu
I don't have the album cover with me to compare, but it looks really accurate.
Both correct
This just looks like a bunch of cocks to me
The Glowing Man
Looks like I'm gonna meet the drummer Thor tomorrow at a show in a literal garage. I'm gonna ask him to autograph To Be Kind and add his autograph to this which I just now found out he plays a song on. Should I ask him any rape questions?
what the fuck
what the fuck are you even talking about
there are slightly darker parts if you put your face close enough