How many of you anons are actually filmmakers/animators/whatever yourselves?
How many of you anons are actually filmmakers/animators/whatever yourselves?
Isaac Cooper
Brody Taylor
I was in a movie with Toni Colette
Samuel Ortiz
did you bang?
Adam Powell
How many of you anons actually, you know. . . do things?
I thought about doing something once. Nothing came of it.
William Green
I'm directing Avatar 2 as we speak nerd
Wyatt Davis
Porn parodies don't count bb
Hudson Reyes
I was raised around a hitman who was portrayed in a movie.
Benjamin Murphy
Please, all it's talked about here is "American Pie", "Ghostbusters", "Spring Breakers"... Hopefully no one is wasting a full crew time to produce more embarrassing things, hm?
Liam Phillips
The Iceman?
Easton Stewart
or Road to Perdition?