Yup, still adorable

yup, still adorable

Other urls found in this thread:


Clearly the who doesn't matter, so long as it's me.

eh it's ok


my fursona




Based, thanks



That's assuming I ever get enough to invest.

okey thats good, i enjoy a good selection.


I love it

I also have enough pillows for a fort if you so desire

Just remember the jews arent people

Why would you matter to me?


Oh frick yes a fort, can we put a "no girls sign" up on it?


I love you

Surprisingly enough, while you do need some capital, you don't need a lot to start out.

gross of course they aren't !!!

truck yeah we can. I have plenty of paints so we can make a bomb ass sign too!


terrific, will there be fondling of many body parts?

What do you work at anyway

How much would you say?

Also, I might have found an RGB monitor that will work for what I need.

if you wish ~

I give drugs to people to extend their miserable pathetic lives ~~~~~~

$500 - $1000 you can look it up, but that's a good start. You can start with less than $500, but it takes a bit longer to make significant gains.


Maybe if I get enough.

oh yes i do. hbu? what do you wish for in the magical Fort Kickass?

You seem to have a depressing view of people...

Stay hopeful!

I wish for snacks, cuddles, endless video games and movies.

oh honey you have no idea~

Is america great yet

oh! It's you! One of my favorite posters!

if u can bring the cuddles and movies, i will bring the snacks and video games, which vidyas?

My best friend's wife tried to kill herself yesterday.


yes tis I

I like lots of games. bring what you have and we can add it with my collection.


I don't know. Probably because she is clinically depressed, feels like an outsider living far away from her home, and hates herself.

ok ill do my best, i mean the download times will be the only downside cause all my games are on steam.

What are you up to these days?




Sure, it's always awesome when people you know and care about greatly try to end their own lives because they suffer from a mental illness.


oh. what's happened to her now?

it's ok we can time and plenty of games here to play while they download

working and being depressed~
just going with the flow and chilling around.

She is alive and currently back in her home town with her parents. She doesn't want to talk to him though.

oo ok that sounds lovely, itll be a time of our lives.

Yah same here. Kinda boring at times.


that's sad. how is he handling the whole thing?

what kinds of snack do you plan to bring?

yeah kinda, but that just makes things more interesting when something fun happens I think.

hai fags~

state your name and purpose for you visit

browsing fags and fag accessories

bbq chips, sour cream & onion chips, beef jerky, twinkies, lil debbie snack cakes, any you want me to bring?

Post your butt.


you may procede

I have never eaten a twinky. I like popcorn, dortios, cheezits, those sweet and salty asian fishy snacks.

I'm not quite sure. He said he feels terror and guilt, guilt because he is blaming himself and because he thinks he should be more upset. He told me he wants to break down and cry, but that he can't. I think he's lost, confused, hurt that she didn't tell him she was thinking about it. I talked to him for awhile, listened to him, and was able to calm him down enough to go to sleep. He is going to call me tomorrow morning when he wakes up.

That is true. The surprising and fun things do become a bit more exciting.


alroighty ill put 'em on my list

and in th mean time, i need to take a trip to my bed for a nights sleep. good night goys.

like tonight I went to a drug deal and had iced chai tea at this fancy coffee place.

you're a pretty nice guy to listen to him and help calm him down.

fare thee well and sweet dreams of lucario

Why aren't you on a VPN?

A VPN keeps you anonymous on the internet.
It bypasses any school, home, office or country blockers.
It keeps you un-banned from any website.
It keeps the government from monitoring your online activity, and disables any country enabled firewalls allowing you to browse the internet freely and anonymously.
It allows you to view region locked content from anywhere in the world.
It makes it look like you are located in a different country.

If you like your freedom, I suggest you get a VPN anonyourself.club

Anybody else would do the same thing.


Neat! What is your main product if you don't mind my asking?

I doubt that there are a lot of people that wouldn't do the same thing.

Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not. Not so today. The place I live at is not my mailing address, it's not in my name, and no one knows who I am. Plus I'm not doing anything illegal.


I am not a dealer, but we got cocaine

I think lots wouldn't know what to say or do and wouldn't be able to help calm them.

Possibly, but I think better of people than that. I think people are generally good, just stupid. Myself included.

cocaine is very fun, I don't use it that often any more though. It's more of a treat for me now.


i guess.
I must rest. later jams

yee boi
time to hit the hay. keep cool Bromethius



Are there any lurkers out there who want to start talking?

not really

I was talking. The person I was talking to left.


I'll lurk your start.

oh well

You can talk to me if you want.

depends on what?



Talk to you about what?

if I feel like it and if anyone has anything to talk about

Anything you want really.

How cute's the butt?

Fair enough. I've got nothing at the moment.

I can talk about most things.

neither do I, I guess we could start a conversation, how are you?

>Nice a cute fox thread!

anyone got good usernames?

fuck that husker is thiccccccc

My boyfriend thinks it's cute, but most don't. I'm muscular, but on the bigger side. Plus hair, so I have to shave often.
