Im in complete shock. I just watched this Documentary called Sicko in my english class...

Im in complete shock. I just watched this Documentary called Sicko in my english class, and i am completely amazed about the fact that the American healthcare system wants to make money, and not patients healthy. This has been a complete eye opener for me, im glad im living in Denmark.

I thought Europeans were world renowned for their superior critical inquiry skills, far superior to moronic americans. Anything made my Michael Moore is utter nonsense. I guess because the ideas portrayed in the "documentary" fell in line with your already biased opinion, thanks to the other garbage media you consume, no doubt, you didn't even think to question the validity of the film. Sad.

Also, you know how often Americans think about your shitty country? Never. You know how often we watch your movies? Never. Listen to your music? Never. That's right. Keep consuming American culture and trying to shit on it at the same time.


Just the reaction i was after ;)
over and out.

Not OP but Jesus fuck I can taste the salt from Britain

>being this salty about the truth
some people just can't handle the facts, nice cognitive dissonance bro :^)

Nope. Other than his overestimation of u.s. ducksucking europeans, he doesnt go far enough. American medical care is absolutely first rate, we just dont do it for "free" (paid by taxpaying white people aka socialism) and our government subsidized healthcare rivals most countries in the world. Europe is shit and you niggers worship us. And Michael Moore is ignored here especially after the old documentary OP watched but you are too stupid to know. Go the fuck to eurochan, whatever that is

Regardless of the document, can we all agree that America has the least efficient healthcare in the world?

Or is this another case of "It's american so it means it's automatically the best in the world!"?

Free health care means long waits and shitty care.

Not in my experience in finland

remember that Finland is small compared tongue USA.

Britfag here.
Nhs sucks shit.
our taxes pay for it anyway.
it rather have privitised.
least tben the pakis dong get free shit

That's exactly how they think. "Free healthcare is COMMUNISM! Better pay the world's highest healthcare costs for inferior service than be called with the mean buzzword!"

I'm in Canada and the immigrants go there with 10 kids cause they have the
. It's bullshit.

long waits, yes, but not shitty. estonia here

Whilst the documentary is true, Moore is a fraud.

Did you see when Morgan Freeman went to south Korea and paid like $7000 for like every medical procedure he could think of that he needed and it was all done in one day. It would take a week to get results back in the usa and you would be in a 5 month waiting list for every appt

Finfag here. Long waits? Yes, sometimes, it depends. If you need care asap, you get it asap. Shitty care? Nope.

bu-t but freedom...

Canada here, can confirm.
Still I'd rather have to wait then either pay anywhere from a few thousand to hundreds of thousands for surgery, or just die because I can't afford it.

Yes, immigrants get the same benefits, but the immigration is the problem, not the healthcare.

Actually the issue with one bit of the movie is the Cuba healthcare system.

There is 3 tiers in reality.

Elites & Politicians: Perfect Healthcare
Tourists: Extremely cheap and Decent healthcare.
Everyone Else (Population of Cuba) Very limited, very basic, and hard to obtain.

South Korean Health care is top notch I just came back from there

Having the best doctors doesn't mean much when only a tiny percentage of the population can afford them.

I've always wondered what Americans think about things like this.

The prison system is totally fucked, the fact that we have a prison industry at all is fucked.

They don't do anything to rehabilitate people and it often creates an awful cycle where people get serious jail time for minor crimes, come out and can't get an honest job and end up going back in for the same thing or something worse.