My girlfriend is going away for 6 months and is considering breaking up. Recommend me good comedies to cheer me up.
My girlfriend is going away for 6 months and is considering breaking up. Recommend me good comedies to cheer me up
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The cuckold
Poor little white boi
Are you really going to spend the next 6 months without seeing a vagina? How can nerds do that?
The Dream Team
The Jerk
Well time to move on faggot
She's already fucking another man bro. Best move on
Heh... leftists...
It's already over. Move on to a better woman.
>having a girlfriend
>sex is getting stale
>introduce girlfriend to BBC
>she decides to cut out the middleman and go to Africa for 6 months
Your work here is done OP.
>considering breaking up
theres no such thing. she already broke up with you
>My girlfriend
get out
...are you the user who got in a fight about Ghostbusters and called her a cunt?
>considering breaking up
I know this isn't /adv/ but rip the bandaid
It's already been floated out there, if you don't do it you're going to be wondering if she's cheating anyway.
Split, fuck other girls, date around. You can always get back together when she comes back if you want
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Then check out these others that could take your mind off of your problem
And you're being sad because she's a slut that can't endure 6 months without a dick in her cunt? is a good pick
Mean girls
>considering breaking up
what the fuck does this mean. How bad must your relationship be that you talk about considering breaking up.
>yfw you realise she just means she's considering telling you you've been broken up for a while now
this user is completely correct. It's over dude. She's been looking for an excuse for awhile and now she has one. sorry dude
This, man up. Tell her she doesn't have to "think about it" and that you're making the decision now.
lmaoing @ your life
I know it sucks, but have some fucking dignity and self respect and walk away. You'll feel better about yourself, and people won't loose respect for you.
Is there a more badass way to handle that conversation?
>I've been thinking about the idea of us breaking up
>Well you don't have to think about it anymore
>What do you mean?
>We're through
>considering breaking up
top kek
That would ultimately bring OP more satisfaction than painfully waiting it out.
and then she smiles in relief
Who gives a shit what she does at that point?
Man I never understood why people get so upset over breaking up. It can't be that bad. I mean there's no way you can make such strong bonds with a person you've only known for a year or two.
and says "Phew, I guess now I can tell you I fucked all your friends. Oh and your Dad"
>he thinks there's a woman alive right now who will be satisfied not having the last word
OP probably
she is already fucking someone else, bro.
t. future wizard
youre welcome
Oh I won't lie I am a virgin and am close to 30. I just don't get the big deal about ending a relationship. It's just the loss of sex isn't it?
>there's no way you can make such strong bonds with a person you've only known for a year or two.
The hardest thing about dating in the early stages is not showing your hand and letting the other person know you're more invested than they are.
The hardest part about dating at the end of a relationship is letting that other person know that you aren't as invested as they are and regardless of how upset they'll be you dont want to be with them.
it really isn't just that
She's going away for 6 fucking months and she's considering breaking up?
She ain't worth it, bro.
"I fucked you're mum and you're sister behind your back"
>you are mum
>you are sister
I wish
this you dumbass if this is even a real post act like you dont give a shit now because she will be playing you for all your worth while she thinks she can. the power level is upset she has the upper hand and shes gonna use it till shes milked you. or just keep kissing ass and hope to hold on to some one who already thinks lesser of you.
A Serbian Film, pretty good romantic comedy with a cool twist at the end
When my gf went back to Australia we thought that we gonna be seperated for about 1 year because of the fucking visa process. Now after almost a month she's coming back and i'm fucking glad about it.
But never in that time period did we both thought about breaking up, fuck that bitch OP.
Also watch Demolition.
femanon spotted.
girls freak if they are the ones being left even if they have already planned it. Ive seen it happen first hand. women hate rejection worse than men specially if their the cute kind who have never heard no.
Lel, kill yourself for getting that attached OP
never invest more in them than they invest in you, faggot
Well, there is actually a physical response to breakups. The same brain pathways that activate during a cocaine withdrawal activate during a breakup.
You can't help it, you start craving that oxytocin that was constantly flooding your brain when you were with that person. It happened to me after I broke up with a girl I was engaged with. Holy shit I was sick as a dog, couldn't eat, couldn't stop crying. It was like I was possessed or something.
Can you draw a picture of her vagina for us? Only when I know where you've been can I tell you what to watch to cheer up. Pls help me you succeed
Protip: she went back and got fucked by Chad Irwin
Then we both are even.
>never invest more in them than they invest in you, faggot
This is actually really good advice. I have to keep this in mind.
You fucked Chad Irwin too?
>cheating on your girl
Kill yourself
this is a fun summer romp
try being with a girl for over 10 years. she gets bored of you and starts cheating and you break up. let me know how that feels.
"But, my dad is dead?"
What would you do if you found out your girlfriend is a corpse fucker?
she's already been fucking dudes behind your back
Preemptive dump
ask for a three way
Gross, threeways are disgusting
>2 chicks, 1 dude
You gay as fuck
I mean, if you were just fucking the corpse that would be fine, but threeways? You are sick
you both deserve each other. Fucking trash humans
This. I have to slay pussy at least every other day or else I'd go crazy xD