Man, I'm really pissing off those kids over at r/criterion

Man, I'm really pissing off those kids over at r/criterion

What a disgusting circlejerk that is

Congratulations. What do you want? A cookie?

Stay on Reddit

>l-look at these losers on reddit hehe
>please validate my existence Sup Forums

I mean... I wouldn't say no to a cookie if you have one that you want to give.


Basically. I'm pretty bored right now.

Once again OP "pretends" to be autistic not realizing that he actually is autistic. Not even an entire thread of people calling OP autistic will convince him that he suffers from severe autism.

This post is why I like Sup Forums more than reddit.

You'd get a bunch of "downvotes" on reddit for using the term autism but here, no one fucking cares and most will be likely to agree with you.

Sleep tight, pupper.

>Primer (2004) - Shane Carruth

sleep tight, pupper

That's a pretty good list honestly.

I just don't get why you're such a shit about it.

Sleep tight, pupper

what is criterion?
like i have one DVD with that logo on it. what is special about it? I cant recall if it had any new special features, or a voice commentary.

like what is the big deal?

>Criterion release for Primer
I fucking wish.

Its just a bunch of shitty low budget 3rd worlder flicks with a designated fedora tier approval stamp

They must be fucking pissed The New World is getting a Criterion release

Sleep tight, pupper

Fancy artwork and packaging so they can literally jack the price up 100% more than it should be.

Somehow morons eat it up.

Still a better film discussion thread than almost every thread in Sup Forums

They're discussing BvS.

A lot of them have won awards at the Cannes Film Festival. They have a bunch of classics restored in great quality, plus their art and booklets make them great collector's items. Idk, kinda cool if you're into movies I guess.

Cannes is a politicized trash can.
Granted, Criterion gives the spotlight to some movies that deserve it occasionally, but it's still a dump with bias too.


see ya