WTF is wrong with spanish people?

WTF is wrong with spanish people?

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>mfw this shit is still online

You FBI too?

I found out it is still online, will need to watch it through and through for FBI reasons.

>takes out tissues



I kinda feel uncomfy right now


See... this shit is why we need Trump.

Youtube allows this shit while Sup Forums will ban your ass

Reported it :)


for what? a fully clothed girl dancing? retard

Its happening

Because creeps get off to it, faggot. Fuck you

Sooo what is the problem here? Some kid dancing stupidly. I wouldn't make a federal case out of it.

Or is this a 'murican thing and everything is sexualised and should be banned if the person is not an adult?

not that I care but what other reason would a straight adult male have for watching videos of young girls dancing? A dance coach who can't resist leaving feedback on her talent? No. I don't even think they have an age of consent in Mexico so this is probably normal fap material to them filthy fuckers.

Murican thing... there's plenty of countries that would consider this normal, then many others that would consider the clothing to be fine but the act to be shameful.

America jut loves dictating what is right and wrong, the world fucking police.. here to westernise everyone.

Jesus fucking Christ I hate Commies but I would full support them in favour of the country of Autistic dumb fucks, which is America.

>American struggles to find YouTube video/channel that's in a different language practically

Searching for that right off the bat is hard, you have to either know them or be someone looking for something to jerk off to.

So you're either a fucking pedo, too young to be a pedo but can't use google for porn so need youtube videos, or a friend of that girl.

REEEEEE, Murica, fuck yeah, gonna police the world. I hope Trump makes all you dumb fucks close minded so you stop looking outside of America only to try influence everywhere to be like yourselves.

You sound like just the degenerate that should be wiped off the face of the earth.

pic related

Even with dubs you still make yourself out to be the faggot.

That pic is more so related to you, than to me. How do I sound like the degenerate that should be wiped off the face off the earth?

That's a retarded thing to stay for a start, but go ahead.. daddy will give you another go with trying to explain why I should be instead of making yourself out to be low quality bait.

meanwhile cia agents are raping little girls in colombia but thats fine right?

What I don't understand is that if you look the way this girl and others on recommended videos are wearing.

Like. They know well what horny guys want. Why else would they we wearing that.

And this starts at such a young age.

Yeah the problem are the spics

They have it is 18

Dude, if Donald Trump wins in USA, that means that Spanish countries are not as bad as they look like

Oww the edg

Oww the bait

I've come across many dipshits on here, but you take the cake faggot.

>sees someone making an argument about Americans
>Murican so call him a faggot
>I sure won that debate

Go be a fucking autistic dick gobbler somewhere else.

Nice counter-dubs

The point is that your actions determine your worth. If you spend your time parading your sexuality on the internet, or in public, then chances are you don't have any substantial worth to society.

People that actually contribute to society either through manual labor or through critical thinking, don't flaunt their sexual freedom as if they're somehow special for doing it.

These people also have a much higher chance of coming from broken homes, or having other mental problems like depression or BPD.


trust me i'm spaniard

This yt videos are for pizza

Worth isn't purely determined by actions, granted your social status is more so entirely determined through your actions, you may have got those two mixed up?

Parading your sexuality isn't a good thing, on the internet or in public but to say doing that limits your worth to society is very close minded thinking.

People contribute through manual labour or critical thinking of course, but having sexual freedom is entirely separate from all of that unless someone won't hire you for your poor social status which I've mentioned before and how that's more effected, not your worth.

You go on to state how people that do so have a higher chance of coming from broken homes, having mental problems like depression or BPD, do you have sources to site? I'm not disagreeing but you can hardly get me to agree without showing the proof in the pudding.

I would say mental problems and depression can even develop through critical thinking. Don't get me wrong, it's not entirely acceptable where I'm from for your sexuality to be paraded around, but I'm not stranger to other countries finding it entirely acceptable and supporting their culture.

I'm strongly against changing my own culture through the influence of others, that's why I talk so angrily towards America, as it's notoriously known for doing just that.

> people have jerkedd off to this


the more that i think about it, im pretty sure you could find gold by searching well

Mexicans aren't Spanish moron

Most of Mexico is 12 user....

Google literally writes the algorithms that scrub the Internet and Gmail for cp

Kids will be kids man, it probably comes down to the parents not being strict enough but then again that creates a problem itself, they'd probably be more likely to rebel & end up worse than they are now, if the parents are too strict?

As well as the fact every child these days, is given an internet connection, smart phone & tablet etc that allows them to broadcast every moment of their lives..

moot now works for google

this is moot

and yes that's a pedobear pin

you wanna post a link?
we can be disgusted in tandem

>asks for a link
>clearly see the uploader


also, the original is actually russian girl, not mexican, and singing gangnam style

nigga its called subtly
it dont have to be in both our search histories

>what's wrong with Spanish people
>when niggers literally teach 3 year olds to twerk


With Trump as potas hes going to make it easier to access lol

If you watch the video it will be in your history...
Maybe not search history but youtube cache's that shit nigga.

stop thinking with your dicks for a second

what would you do if you found out your daughter did something like this, your daughter is 9

>stop thinking with your dicks for a second

Bany Previ I Cursa Os de Balaguer 2013

i dare you

uh no. You'd be wrong on that. Ask the 12 year old prostitutes in Juarez that sell that young snatch legally and frequently.

You seem to know a lot on this subject, aye?

A someone else from el paso who frequents the best spots...

>your daughter is 9
too old

13-16 is the perfect ages

"ninja dancing to bailado on repear 11 times"

So if I get off your pewdiepie his vids should be banned right

I'm American and I don't give a fuck about any other country. Most don't i think it's just the gov does

Aren't the rec's based on what you look at?

OP, got something to tell us...?

seeing that 12-year-old horny kids make up a larger portion then pedos, we should also ban any videos with any remote exposure of cleavage or legs. in fact, the only girls allowed on youtube are those in burkas.

Hope your government changes their ways, do you support Trump?

allahu akbar

Why are Japanese so based?

>Or is this a 'murican thing and everything is sexualised and should be banned if the person is not an adult?

This. First, children are sexualized and then Something Must be Done, so we have more happy government programs.

She looks like the standard Rosskyy whore wannabe.