Have you ever gone to a movie and it was so bad that you asked for a refund?

Have you ever gone to a movie and it was so bad that you asked for a refund?

If so, what movie was it?


Batman v Superman

The Force Awakens

it was really bad, no adventure, ugly characters(the nigger was the least ugly one), no sense of scale

Would you go to a concert and ask for your money back after the performance?
How about a dinner that you ate in its entirety?

I've done it a few times. If you leave before the halfway point they're obliged to give you a refund.

the wicker man


I didn't ask for my money back but I walked out of National Treasure 2

Ice Age 2

Are there really people who donate to a political campaign expecting a refund if their candidate loses?

Also Sanders has said he'd support Clinton if he lost the nomination several times since the primaries started.

Do people really take this bait?

Only Sup Forums fags who care only about seeeing people they hate getting #rekt


The movie i made with your mom

>8 months later...

Dark knight

... And that is how a dumb person pretending to be smart sounds like.

Came to say this, didn't get it sadly

Fuck you Cameron and your """"""3-D""""" fucking horseshit on screen

>Are there really people who donate to a political campaign expecting a refund if their candidate loses?

Bernie supporters are so dumb they not only expect a refund,they expect everyone who donated to be refunded equally.

Example:"I donated $1,it's not fair someone else gets refunded $100 even though that's what they donated,we should all be 'matched' by getting refunded $50"

I always ask for refunds just so I can save up some cash, it's just logical. What I don't understand is the meme you posted. I did give some of my savings to Bernie, but all I would have to do is to call up their tech support and ask for a refund when I want to. It's that simple. Unless by "kids" you mean under 18, that's obvious. They need their parents permission if so.

You should not be given a refund unless the theater failed to provide you with a moving watching experience. Projector stops working, film burns up, AC breaks, loud and or violent people in the auditorium. Those are reasons to get a refund. Not because you did not like a movie.

I wonder if the Colorado theatre shooting victims got a refund. I would have asked for another ticket to finish it at a later screening, at the very least.

rewatched it today, prequels were more enjoyable

The Bridge to Terabithia.

Didn't get a refund on either of them.

Tinker, tailor, Solider, Spy.

The adverts we saw for it was like a 60s spy/action movie.Nope just some guy walking around chatting to old people. Was just so fucking boring. Left half way through.

Would have tried to get our money back if my friend didn't bitch slap another friends large popcorn over the side fucking showering the people below in pop corn.

The money was worth it for that moment.

is that an actual quote by a bernie supporter


At the very least it was posted on the burnbots reddit page. Whether it was a Sup Forums troll or not is another question.

Underworld and Crimson Peak

I don't like to bother the minimum-wage teenagers. If I spend money on a movie it's my own damn fault if I didn't like it.