Reminder to instal EZ blocker to stop ads in Spotify and not pay them because they rip off artists

Reminder to instal EZ blocker to stop ads in Spotify and not pay them because they rip off artists.

Use Apple Music or something else from now because it's hey are doing exclusive shit to the music now.

2 weeks before free users ?

Fuck that.

fuck off apple shill

Not an apple shill, if you don't like apple then don't use it.

Just don't pay for Spotify,no good will come of it.

reminder that you're a hypocrite if you have ever illegally downloaded music and argue that spotify doesn't pay artists enough.

doesn't work on my mac


Or you can not use streaming services at all like any half intelligent person

I'm just saying Spotify is really not good for the industry.

This too

I don't get this, I used to pirate all my shit and I made the switch to streaming about a year ago, never looked back. Now I'm not breaking the law, I can listen to new music without going through the trouble of downloading it, and I get an overall cleaner less buggy experience. Sure I still have to download some rare stuff, but Spotify has a Fucktonne on it. What's the problem?
It's better for the industry than piracy though surely? At least artists can take Spotify play counts to record labels and use them to negotiate

There's intelligent, and there's downright deviousness/piracy.

What exactly is unintelligent about using a streaming service with which I can also download my entire library at 320kbps mp3 if I want to?

piracy being illegal made some people pay
streaming means that even lawfags won't buy music

It's not "bad" for the industry per se, but it's throwing it in a completely new direction. Artists just have to adjust and find out a new way to make money off of what they do. But the invention of Mp3 is what REALLY should take the blame of sucking artists (but mostly a label's) income. this was the case long before spotify turned it into a business.

What i do is pirate an album and if i end up liking it, i buy it. If not I either wait and give it another chance or delete it. I have access to the album either way. Its kind of a sunk cost.

All streaming services are for plebs.
If your favorite music can be streamed, you have shite taste, end of discussion.


lemme rephrase this: if you're favorite album can be bought at best buy, you have shit taste

Your "collection" is ephemeral. Licenses will change and businesses will collapses. Music you could access one day won't be there the next. Or you might just take a trip to the mountains one afternoon and suddenly be unable to listen to anything. Or your carrier could decide that you're listening to too much music and decide to throttle you. It's dumb. Anything that you don't have local access to can't really be considered yours.

>He listens to Tool!
What a bizarre extrapolation to make.

tool isnt on spotify. just debunking a dumb "muh obscurity" argument. Tool is okay though.

>Paying money for a chance to not be allowed to download the music that you purchased
>Needing a premium data plan to listen to music you purchased

What level of faggotry is this?

Does that matter though? The inconvenience that this presents is outweighed by all the other conveniences that come with streaming. Besides, this hasn't been much of a problem for me for the past decade that I've used spotify.

That's another reason why I made this post, to tell everyone not to support them.

I didn't know about this

Thanks OP

>paying for the privilege of being data mined


Better yet, fuck all of these parasitic tech companies and buy physical media directly from real artists.

>people used to download all their favorite songs illegally yet musicians were still loaded and swimming in cash
>nobody cared about piracy destroying the music industries

>now people are paying music companies for the privilege of not being allowed to download their favorites songs even legally
>everyone is worried that piracy will destroy the music industries

daily reminder that there is literally nothing wrong with using S O U L S E E K

>not ripping off artists


Good thing I go out of my way to make sure real artist get paid.

Fuck Spotify. Fuck all the tech companies really.

>Fuck all the tech companies really.

Says while using the internet

Kill yourself.

These tech companies don't give a fuck about music. They care about controlling the communication platforms. They pay artist's poverty wages so they'll always be marginalized.

They're doing the same thing to YouTube right now.


speaking of spotify, I opened up the web player for the first time in a year or so and what the fuck happened to it? Everything's just... gone.


So you suggest I buy every single album I want physically? I mean if I keep them on a hard drive it could get corrupted, or a virus could wipe my computer, or the electricity could go down. My phone or my iPod could be lost or stolen. What if the piracy websites I use get shut down on no one else seeds the albums I want? What if I get them all as physical CDs and then the electric goes, or I can't get a CD player? Should I get them on vinyl and get a crank action charger? What about when I get old and can't operate the crank?

Point is there is no way of insuring you will always have access to all the music you want, and if that's your criteria for truly owning something then nothing can be owned. Most of us aren't autistic enough to need that kinda of infallible assurance though. And even if you're right, who cares if I own my music. I don't get pleasure out of owning it, I get pleasure out of listening to it.

Riddle me that, fucktard

Spotify is fine if you like label whores and putting money in the hands of investors and speculators instead of musicians. Id personally rather splurge a little more to support the artist and own the music. By supporting spotify youre making artists have to bend over to them in order to be heard, and they still have to shell out shekels for any chance at promotion.

How the fuck do you use spotify without electricity? Is that a premium feature?

>communism the post

fuck spotify. this user knows whats up

Technically sharethreads are the most communist form of music consumption

This argument is ridiculous. What is really being lost is intellectual property rights. When you buy or download an album you have the rights to do certain things with it, you can trade it to someone else lend it to a friend, etc. Using a streaming service you give up a lot of your consumer rights to spotify. In addition to that, music is totally free unless you want to pay for it, so why would you go out of your way to pay a company that produces no real value when you could just take that music and give it to whatever artist you happen to like.

>so why would you go out of your way to pay a company that produces no real value when you could just take that music and give it to whatever artist you happen to like.
Correct. But even more so, why would you give the power of the means of distribution to some shitty corporation?

We've all see how corrupt they are the last few years.