Can we all agree that this is a 10/10 masterpiece?

Can we all agree that this is a 10/10 masterpiece?

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no, it's the worst of Mann's post-2000 films

it would be 9/10 if it ended directly after when Max crashes the cab

Based Cruise accidentally tripped over this chair during filmed but stayed in character

L.A. at night has scarcely looked better in a movie. Crazy considering that digital filmmaking was basically unknown territory to Mann while he was shooting.

Also, the entire first half you assume Mark Ruffalo is going to save the day, then he dies the minute he shows up to help. I love that shit.

I'm glad you don't write movies.

eh plot and character development could have been better but it's an excellent action film

the last 20 minutes are an incredible letdown. i'm not saying the film should have just cut to black on the crash. i guess what i mean is that it should not have ended with a conventional chase sequence/race to save the girl.

If the chase sequence had ended with Vincent killing Max and Annie, it would be GOAT. Maybe don't even show it, just a shot of the train rolling by and you see flashes and shots coming from inside or something

I should write movies I'm really good at this.

Yeah he really managed to show the clean parts but it still felt like it had weight and verisimilitude. Some weak writing for Foxx's character IMHO but still a well made movie. Creates a certain atmosphere that Mann was unable to do in his other recent flops.


>I'm a pleb who only cares about the last 10% of a movie as if it's a real event

it's still a solid 7/10, but the last 20 minutes drag it down immensely.

yo homie

For the plebians who didn't understand the ending, Vincent loses the final gunfire exchange because he has been using the mozambique drill (two to the chest one in the head) shot placement technique throughout the movie but when he uses it here the metal center of the door takes it, meanwhile Max is firing wildly so some of his bullets go through the windows.

This is to show that if you are autistic like Vincent rigidly sticking to your rituals can be bad for you and you should try to overcome your autism.

10/10? Give me a fucking break. Watch more films, kiddo.

yeah, i get that. that scene on the subway is great. unfortunately, there's 20 minutes of boring, Hollywood-standard chase in between it and the car crash.

I agree to disagree. Throughout the movie, Vincent can't stop stressing how important it is for him to "keep his cool" and "control every situation" but once he loses both of those things, he goes full operator.

Thematically, it makes sense, even if Vincent's personality disappears among the chase.

I figured that was the whole point of the climax - Vincent's professional nature slips away while Max grows a pair and steps up. They meet in the middle, both contextually and in the subway train.

A pack of wolves, one running while the other slowly walking behind: later representing Max running to save the women.

Now that's Symbolism

Was meant to say Coyote

Terrible 3rd act. 7/10 at best.

>big-budget Hollywood movie
>stars Tom Cruise, the most recognizable A-list celebrity on the planet
>has a traditional happy ending

Were you really that shocked?

That said, the whole movie could've been Vincent talking shop with the jazz musician and I would've been cool with that.

The last act really drags it down. I hate that cat and mouse game.
Is there anything this man can't do?

>that brief look of regret on Tom's face when he kills the jazz player, a man he learned to respect in a tiny time frame, possibly the last living link to Miles Davis

That one shot of Tom's reaction to that says more about his character than any of his speeches in the rest of the movie.

what's the song?

"Ready, Steady Go (Koreatown Remix)" by Paul Oakenfold. At least that's what it says on the back of the CD case.

It was also used in the Bourne Identity

It's a slight variation on the original, the only major differences are the words are in Korea and it gets to the hook faster.

This is a good post, well done user.

Nope. What should have happened was that Max got killed. The last shot though is fantastic - Cruise hunched over, motionless.

Of course we can't. We can't agree on anything, fuckface.

Hey, he's got a decent face, meanie.

>"Guy dies on the subway. His body sitting there for SIX hours before anyone notices, riding from one end of the line to the next, back and forth, over and over... Max, you think anyone will notice me?"

I wasn't expecting feels but damn, you finally realize just how lonely Vincent felt in that moment.

>movies that tv likes that are actually kind of shit

Exactly. It's been a while since I've seen it, but that last shot really got me.

What did PTA say? "you don't remember what happens in a movie, just how it made you feel". That's true with film and people. Collateral's ending got me hard.

pure garbage

blackhat was way better.

>Tom intentionally tripped over the chair to showcase Vincent losing his cool which ultimately lead to his demise
Fucking Mann at his best.

>typing intensifies

20+ years of movies about hackers, and they still can't make it look interesting without having the camera zoom around microchips and wires at double-speed.

I will say the main girl they got was nice to look at, but that's about it.

>Max should have got killed

lol no, that entirely misses the point

For all his talk about adaptation and evolution, Vincent is so set in his "two to the chest one to the head" shooting pattern that he does it on the subway when the door's frame is in the way, which takes the bullets, while Max's erratic and untrained shots are able to hit Vincent

Saying that Max should have lost that shootout is to miss the fucking point

Forget your autstic ideas about the way Cruise shoots. Max should have saved the girl and then been killed by Cruise.

No, it is pretty bad like every Mann film.

Has the director's cut of that one released yet?

Everyone fucking understands it. Fucking Mannchilds I swear

That was even better, showed more credibility.

god i fucking love this movie, nothing compares to the feeling it gives

mann is a legend

Tom Cruise doesn't do bad movies.

Even his misfires have moments.

Cocktail is fucking great, I don't care what anyone says. It's basically partying with Tom Cruise for 90 minutes. Comfy as hell.

End yourself.

>Those looks on Max's face when it appears his questioning his life

>plot and character development could have been better
What's wrong with it? I think both leads were very developed and I thought the plot was original and unpredictable.

It's definitely a 7, maybe an 8

Watched it for the first time just hours ago.

It's pretty good. I liked that the cop got his shit fucked up. I didn't care at all for the lawyer chick or Jamie Foxx as an actor so the last bit of the movie fell flat.

7.5/10 for me

Sicario is better desu.

>it's a I saw one film that isn't run-off-the-mill blockbuster shit or capeshit and i think it's the best thing in the world and now i'm a film enthusiast episode

It would have been pretty good point but the fact that you are frogposter undermines everything you said.

Definitely !!! Tom Cruise is John Wayne of our time, & is better than big duke already.

well that was meant to be a wojak post so my statement still stands

Why'd the guy on the right struggle so much with his gun?

Because normal people don't practice killing other people like Tom cruise does. Because he was panicking. Because he's never been in a fight where he might be killed before. Pick as many of these as you like

I'll pick "because the director couldn't think of a better reason for him to not kill cruise on the spot"

How fast can you draw your gun, aim and fire while you are watching your friend die? You probably think you can shoot an aggressor in the knee too

Why am I even replying to bait

he was surprised, he thought the cuck in the suit was harmless

Unfortunately Jamie Fox was in it and survived, so no.

Adrenaline rush m8

He already had his hand on his gun too

Unless he was holding his dick in the first shot?

There's no good reason he couldn't have killed Cruise then and there

I'm not even calling this movie bad. I haven't seen it. But it has a flaw; is that really so hard to accept?

What? They're not comparable at all.

I really like the movie but the climax just feels really out of place.

9/10 because of the ending

I think he's saying that because Sicario has one scene where someone's being operator.

You're the kind of person who thinks they can shoot the weapon out of someone's hand aren't you?

Adrenaline doesn't turn you into a focused emotionless killing machine. In fact shaking hands is a common symptom.

I can accept that this is a flawed movie, but the fact that random goon #2 can't draw his gun in time is not a flaw.

I didn't even motion why a likley experienced mugger would be dumb enough to get within arm's reach of a victim while he has a gun

Even if he didn't turn out to be a trained killer there had to have been some gung-ho asshole that tried to slap it out of his hand

>Adrenaline rush m8
Thats how you miss user. Especially if you lack any kind of weapons training.

Its not conventional at all. LA in the last chase sequence has a dreamlike emptyness to it. In a city that before that point wss buzzing with crime corruption and degenercy now it only serves as lifeless expanse for the final showdown between these two characters and their ideologies. Vincent takes on an almost supernatural persona like a looming spirit or angel of death always a few steps behind jamie foxes character and he foesnt stop until the life is literally drained out of him

Wtf was stereotypical about that

Black power fantasies are only 10/10 among the marginalized.

you are a kid who likes to play a lot of FPS games.

that doesn't make you a weapons expert.

The guy's a junkie who thinks he's a badass for stealing the wallet of a guy tied to his stearing wheel

the best fucking scene

I only pointed it out because of the akward little dance the actor did during that moment

You could tell he could pull it out if he wanted but knew that the script called for him to die

They just could've staged it better imo, it's a cool little moment but it's logically flawed

Maybe not have the guy have a gun at all?

look at him wriggle at least two extra times with his hand on the gun than necessary

you're defending bad choreography, you cuck

Training Day was better desu

>Wtf was stereotypical about that
That it devolves into a shoot out when most of the movie was a pretty subdued dialogue heavy atmosphere piece.

A junkie would be nervous as shit, probably wouldn't let him within ten feet of him. Hell, paranoia might actually make him come to the conclusion that Cruise is probably a trained killer.

> he doesn't remember collateral made a boatload of monies

The only fps game I play is tf2

And watching a lot of action movies doesn't make you a weapons expert just so you know

Oh come on now

The music in this scene was really out of place.

Yeah but like the other post says its not done like a run of the mill chase scene.

Lol, it's almost as if he's just some regular guy who has never come face to face with anyone like Vincent before

You're absolutely right, if he was standing alone in a field in the middle of the day, after a good night's sleep, then he'd have no trouble pulling his gun out and shooting it

No u

Recognising that you might not be able to do something when you are under pressure is hardly claiming to be a weapons expert.

>starring tom cruise

i don't have to watch it to know it's not.

Mann is bad, but what would Sup Forumsermin know about it.

>haha le epin manly man operator shooty rooty point and epic for the win.
Every thread

>he doesn't like Tom Cruise

>almost as if he's just some regular guy

Given the confidnce he has, no, he's been at this a while. An again, he might not have run into any trained killers before, but he must've run into someone willing to try and knock the gun out his hand, holding it that close to his victims.

And recognizing that you could probably do something easily even when under pressure isn't either

The guy has a good few seconds there, and already had his hand on his gun. He could've at least capped crusise in the knee.

I said it here, and then, and I can hardly believe it, you actually said this
>he could have at least capped cruise in the knee
You absolute madman

Thank you for proving your idiocy beyond a shadow of a doubt. Please fire a gun at least once, and get into a fight once or twice before you post about this sort of thing again.


>Wtf was stereotypical about that
Bad guy turns into a moron and good guy turns into Jason Bourne. Just to save some bitch he doesn't even know.

The club scene was also laughable.

>what is point-blank range
He could've shot Cruise with his eyes closed. Maybe not to kill on the first shot, but enough time to make cruise stumble and fire another few.