i'm tired of everything edition

el chicano jajasjak

Can you tell us about yourself something other than you hate yourself because you aren't white?

La peruca

When generation are you guys?

Naturalized citizen

cállese maricón.

Venga a callarme inca cola, más bien vaya alistando un hilo nuevo con un Bart para ver si lo respetan un poquito más los argentinos literalmente putos como usted.

i like chicanos




I hate chicano gangsters they look like retards

>tfw I will never have a happy life with a qt girl
I just want to be loved it didn't ask to be a shitskin

Is this the same type as those >tfw nigger
Threads that used to come up?

That's not how browns feel you are just some whiteboi neet fag who try to make browns look bad kys

Quit making these shitty threads

>Uncles and male cousin's on mother side are normal height in the US even for CHI's
>got struck with the typical CHI manletism from my dad's side of the family

TFW 6'4" CHI with 3 brothers and they're all 5'10" or taller.

What's normal US height for you? Do you mean the national average, which is like 5'9" or 5'10"? Are you even shorter than that? How much of a manlet are you?

My parents are immigrants. I was born here


HOW!? I'm 6'0 and I'm the tallest CHI I know of

kek, you need to work out more famalam. My two CHI friends in HS were 6'1" and 6'3" respectively. Both of them where manlets up until high school, but then they started hitting the gym and grew like crazy. Sadly, I couldn't ascend to man status along with them. At least I got gains faster than them thanks to being shorter.

I don't think it works like that

If working out could end manletism you wouldn't have so many manlets on /fit/

I think it sometimes helps. I know a lot of short fatties who grew a lot once they lost weight. It didn't work for me, but you never know. Maybe you can squeeze out a few more inches. Of course the defining factor will always be your genes, but I think taking care of your body and eating healthy while growing up helps.

My brother is 5'10 and all my family won't stop mention how tall he is kek this is the price we pay for for being KANGZ

Lol my 2nd oldest brother is that tall and he's the shortest of the 4 of us.
I live in el Paso and I occasionally run into to other CHIs who are about my height and sometimes taller at the gym. Funny how a lot of the white soldiers I see from Ft. Bliss I see are manlets

My dads side of the family are all manlets lel so he is lucky to be 5'10


My dad is 5'10 as well and my mom is 5'5 but she is a castiza so maybe we get our height from her side. Although my dads side isn't too bad for half of them being dark skinned mestizos the men aren't too short.


What would the term be for a Canadian of Mexican heritage? CHInado?

According to these dumb anglos it would be "Filipino"


Bro, I'm a 6'4 CHI, I'm as common as a unicorn.

It just means your dad was more MONTEZUMA'D

>Be 6'3 CHI visiting Mexico
>Tower over everyone

How did you fags get so tall?

I attribute it to our diet growing up. My mom is like the stereotypical little old lady that always kept you slightly overfed with fucking delicious homemade meals.

Seriously, it's like as if she'd feel like a failure if her children or grandchildren ever felt even the slightest hunger.

Chicano? more like Shitcano lmao

My diet was really americanized too.

I ate a lot of red meat and I drank lots of milk growing up.


Shouldn't you answer your morning call to prayer, Mohamed?

Shouldn't you be building the wall?

Pretty much what
Said. I was a fatty growing up but thankfully got into fitness in my late teens so now I'm in shape. Although I'd guess it also has to do with genetics from my mothers side since a lot of the males are rather tall for being of Mexican heritage.

Yeah, we should be building one, actually

Unfortunately General Winter is not doing too good of a job.

Shouldn't you be letting in more refugees and losing your European union passport?

Also Minnesotans are absolute subhumans. It's no surprise Minnesota has the highest nordic population in the USA

stop making this goddamned threads, you filthy chicano. If you feel so bad about your condition, then get your things packed up and come back here, where you really belong; white burgers, or rather any other people who aren't of your ethnic group, will not be kind to you because it is in our nature to behave like that, races will always be wary of each other (and it is uderstandable to a certain extent). Come back here and try to do something to turn the table on the back-stabbing politicians that are most likely the reason your parents left and help your people. Stop whining or shut the hell up.