Guess what day it is, that's right boys and "girls" it's Caturday!

Guess what day it is, that's right boys and "girls" it's Caturday!

I want a cat, what breeds should I get?
Any tips?

The kind that are free everyday on craigslist. Purebreds are often headcases, get a mut.


Holy shit it's caturday






Did someone say cat?









Shaniquia says fuck off



Would it be uncreative to call that cat two-face?









That's not a cat, you fucking reta- ooooooh.










This lil guy just parked it on my lap





This is my other kitty. She doesn't actually like it when I give her a blanket

ITT: fucking ninjas.

One of my cats actually sneaks under blankets and sleeps like a human being, it's so goddamn adorable.


Muh cat

Well said. There are rescue cats and unwanted kittens to be adopted every day.
Another thing-it's hard to tell, if not impossible, what kind of personality a kitten will have when it's finally an adult. Adult rescues and adoptions usually come with a description of what their temperament and behavior is, and you can better choose a cat you will get along with. You never know when you're choosing a kitten that will later become an unbearable little shit.


>unbearable little shit
You mean a cat?



Where do cats end? Where do they start? We shall never know


You better also have a white cat named salt


Cats get comfortable in the weirdest ways


Not all cats are insufferable. Mine are pretty nice, even if one of them likes to pee outside the litter box ever since we moved








Aww I wish mine would cuddle. This as about as good as they get along







that cat about to murder someone



How dis make u feel, white boi?








No his bruv is called Meep above :)

thats lovely my two bruvs do this

My lil nigga


Father and sons



Here, that is...