She's a big gal
CGI manlet/10
typical hollywood heightism
Why not get a real midget
will they ever learn?
>too short to play bond
>after he played bond in 4 movies
>the most successful bond movies
movie of the year tbqhimvho
So what is the goal height for not being a manlet?
Is it being taller than 180cm?
according to Sup Forums, somewhat around 259cm
Monty Python were simply not funny enough to make comedy movies either
If you don't play in the NBA, you're a manlet.
>being so mentally impaired you don't find monty python funny
because non cgi manlets are disgusting
This. If you're 5'4'' and an NBA player, you're not a manlet. If you're 6'7'' and not an NBA player, you're a manlet.
>i'm 16 and my humor is superior
Taking anything a renowned comedian says seriously...
Also Daily Mail. You might as well read the skidstains on your toilet paper.
Well Craig did play Bond for 4 movies.
Les Manlettes, quand seront-ils apprendre?
C'est moi :D
>manlet gets the girl in the end
ruined my suspension of disbelief 2bh