Why alt-righters love him so much?

Why alt-righters love him so much?

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why do liberals love clinton so much?
do you realize that if clinton had won we'd be going to war with russia for absolutely no reason?
clinton has been bought out by the muslim nations, with billions of dollars being "donated" to her families "charity" organization. her top aid, huma abedin, is practically muslim royalty, with ties to the muslim brotherhood and other terrorist organizations. america has nothing to gain from a war with russia, russia has nothing to gain from a war with america. only the muslim nations stand to gain from us fighting each other. don't forget it was obama and clinton who helped create isis by removing heads of power in the middle east who were previously fighting eachother

tldr/ putins not the bad guy. democrats are.

Because Putin is a leader that is not afraid, nor ashamed to say that his job is to ensure that his country comes before anything and anyone else. He will do what is best for Russia and Russians. Unlike our former pres. and a lot of the EU leadership who trip over themselves to put others (immigrant, other countries, etc.) before the needs of their own nation. Putin will call a spade a spade and if what he says happens to offend you, who gives a fuck. It is better to be direct. O would drop his pants and apologize in a second if someone even looked like they might be offended at something that he said. Unless they were Republican, because those people are Nazis according to the Left. The Alt-Right respects Putin because Putin will do what he must to secure his country's future and that is the kind of leader that we've wanted. That is the kind of leader that we now have.

I don't like Putin but I love that the butthurt libfags who mocked Romney for saying Putin was dangerous now are claiming he's another Hitler, just because we got to see the DNC's subversion of democracy.

Being anti-globalist is enough to have all alt-righters sucking his cock even though he is a huge commie

Why do you cucks need to keep bringing up Clinton?

>if clinton had won we'd be going to war with russia for absolutely no reason?
We would have worse relations but a no fly zone over Syria does not mean an automatic war with them. I do believe Hillary would've ramped up our operations in Syria though and most likely throw boots on the ground.

I don't even give a shit about the rest because Shillary sucks ass, but the Clinton=WWIII meme is stale.

And Putin is a bad guy. He's a figurative dictator. Killing opposition and journalists, the corruption, fucking former KGB dude. Come on, how in the hell is he a good guy? Hurr durr, he kills terrorists!!! The Russian apartment bombings was an inside job.

He doesn't afraid of anything

Because he convinced them that being a divided, authoritarian, isolationist state is better than being a powerful world leader.

Its not that we like him. Its just that Obama and Hillary fucking hated him because Russia is outside of our western banking system. If you say that you don't hate Putin then that means that your sucking his dick, no ones allowed to have a moderate viewpoint on the subject.

Because they're proto-fascists?

Yeah he does. For example of this guy.

this tbh

also, even if russia hacked the DNC, which i don't believe he did, its far more likely to be an inside leak, but even if he did, so what? he exposed the dirty dealings of the democratic party and the liberal media with their obvious partisanship against sanders. its like if you had a closet full of dead bodies, and someone came into your house and opened the door exposing all your sins, liberals are more content trying to place blame on whoever opened the door than addressing all the skeletons in the closet.

btw hillarys IT team told podesta that obvious phishing email was legit, podestas password for his email account was "password", hillary's use of a personal, unsecured server for highly confidential emails, do you really think our countries secrets are safe with those morons? i mean even joe biden literally pointed to the guy who had nuclear codes and said, i know the guy who has the codes, hes right there! and this was during a speech saying trump isn't safe to trust with our countries nuclear codes lol

a child could've easily hacked the DNC for all we know

Because he's a fascist and alt-righters love nothing more than being dominated and bootlicking.

Obedience, conformity and stability are everything to them. It's pure delusion - they think they can have the "good old days back" by giving themselves up to a higher authority, and doing cargo-cult emulation of older societies through outdated tradition. But what they don't realize is that the good old days are never, ever coming back. The universe is too chaotic to ever be the same thing twice and demagogues like Trump and Putin are using the fuck out of them.

Fuck if you even know what a commie is you stupid faggot cum gargling asshat. If you think Russia is communist you probably think Bill Clinton isn't a rapist!


It's been proven they did. You trump shill

you do realize the clinton family is surrounded by people who conveniently die off. and shutting out opposition journalists is nothing new to them or the democratic party either.
you think just because he was KGB hes a bad guy, wtf do you think the CIA is? does that make anyone whos CIA instantly a bad guy?
also 9-11 was an inside job, so again, everyones just looking out for their personal interests. right now russias interested in stopping the islamic caliphate and NWO from spreading, where as america's gov is more interested in creating a situation in which muslims will spread throughout western civilization pushing their shariah law. this is the same american gov whos run buy the rothschilds and soros's who want a NWO.

if anything, WE (american gov) are the bad guys

His first day in office and the first thing he does is gut the individual mandate for the ACA.

Now, most of his supporters have insurance thanks to the ACA(Obamacare), so here's what's going to happen.

Most of those people that voted for him and have insurance thanks to the ACA will now lose it.

Hopefully, those people will die as a result of their stupidity in voting for the guy that immediately turned around and dry-fucked them up the ass.

But, I do hope it takes a good while for those idiots to die thanks to their illnesses. I hope they live a good year or two in suffering, confused and scared and wondering how the fuck their 'god-emperor' turned to be exactly like what everyone said he was like.

Maybe if enough of them die, full of agony and misery, their surviving family members will wake the fuck up and realize that the GOP and Trump are not their friends.

Proof that his password was password?

>That is the kind of leader that we now have.
this remains to be proven

but otherwise spot on, user. well stated.

Democrats pass law to force people to buy a product (insurance) from corporations and they fall all over themselves for the messiah Obama - the actual definition of fascist.

A free market capitalist gets in power and HE is the fascist! I will take a $1,000,000 bet you couldn't explain fascist without access to the internet or a library and you still wouldn't understand it! Fuck if a liberal even knows what a fucking fascist is!

Everyone that had a mother and went to school likes the IDEAS of communism, unfortunately they run counter to human nature. Doesn't prove a fucking thing, idiot.

>you couldn't explain fascist without access to the internet or a library and you still wouldn't understand it!

Protip: It's a kind of strict authoritatianism. The word comes from 'fasces', or the method of binding those Roman decapitation devices that the Emperor's lictors had. Youk now, for killing dissenters.

Another protip: kys, you presumptuous turd

you bring up a great point as far as the banking systems concerned. its funny how anyone who's not in the banks pocket is vilified by our media

EU fag here how can you call your self's the good guys lmfao. Your just as bad as Russia invading country's. You Americans are the BAD GUYS.

watch the interview with julian assange, the guy who owns wikileaks, where the information was released to

Mostly just idiots. Russia is an oligarchy with a thin veneer of capitalism sprinkled on top to give the illusion that they are a free market society.

Large-scale big oil is their only export, which they use to make Putin and his cronies richer. The rest of the state is poor and depressed. They provide little of value for a developed country. Most are too poor to buy groceries at the store. They have to farm their own vegetables. Average income of its citizens makes U.S. still look wealthy in comparison.

Those that support Putin or his means are just ignorant and stupid. Glastnost and Perestroika were purely ideas. It was a formal introduction to the idea of capitalism in Russia, before they routinely went back to being how they were during the cold war.

If you still like Putin after the Crimea incident, you don't understand Putin. The irony here being Reagan's one strong suit as a president was knocking Russia down a peg, now the very party that supported that is now all in on Putin because he represents demagogues and fascists like Trump. The right represents very little right now. It's obstructionist and afraid.

i have yet to see any credible proof, the only thing we have to go on is our intelligence agency's word, and they're run by liberal "shills" so i wont trust a thing they say without them presenting actual proof rather than this "take my word for it" bs. its already been stated that its extremely hard to prove when a hacking takes place so please, go back to watching your CNN

Fascism, in the modern era, was coined as a term to describe Mussolini and his government, it is a form or authoritarianism in which the state uses it's power on behalf of corporations to force down choice and push money to favored power brokers. You know, like Obama funding failing alternative energy companies that donated millions to the Democrats, or the ACA (aka Obamacare).

If all you know is that it is a form of authoritarianism and your using it to describe a free market capitalist that has never held government office and never been any kind of government authoritarian ever, than you're a fucking moron.

Because alt righters are idiots that fall in line to anything

Why do Americans talk shit about other country's so bad, but put a blind eye to its own country, that is doing just as much evil in this world as russia.
Prove me wrong . pro tip you can't

Obama said it was a leak, not a hack. You are a racist to disagree.

and one more thing, i'm not the one being paid like you clinton shills are for "correcting" information. LOL how easily you people are bought

As a fucking leaf I'm gonna have to agree with the others, Americans are the ones always stirring shit up where they don't belong. At least Trump will focus more on America instead of trying to be a world police for what THEY think is right.

Imo there are no good or bad guys, only different opinions on right and wrong.

forgot pic

Nice straw man argument.

An alternative movement is full of people that fall in line with anything?

Do you even realize how much of a mouth breathing retard you sound like saying that?

Are you one of those wonderful and original liberals that would suddenly fall in line with 50 new genders just because someone told you to?

It's been proven? Source? All I've seen is wild speculation with 0 hard evidence. If you link a news story I'm going to laugh at you.

He's a strong daddy figure that will control and punish them. It's fetishistic.

Because he's a real g

Funny. I don't remember that happening.

I want a man like him
