Sup Forumslack and Sup Forumsrown Sup Forumsros, how do we dismantle this bigoted fuck and prevent him and anyone like him from holding office in America ever again?

Also, anti-drumpf meme thread and anti-drumpf discussion thread.


Yo mane das raciss

nice bait

Fuck you; you arent my voice

nigfag here, voted Trump.

No, I speak for all anonymous when I type these worlds. We are not a white supremacist website, we are an inclusive website with all races all around the world. Drumpf does not speak for us as Americans when he spews his blatant lies and racist "facts". Drumpf is already going down as the worst president in a century and he's only been in office for two days.

When he destroys the planet with his hatred, I will find you and tell you I told you so.

scared, nigger?
gonna have to go out and get a job when your welfare gets cut off?
don't mention your politics, religion, or racial leanings when you apply.

forget about leaving the country, as well. the unemployed are rejected when the visa applications are sorted through.

silly faggot. or stupid nigger
whichever applies.

Fuck off Shia.
Aren't you supposed to be intentionally living on the street for the next 4 years?

Why do you spell it drumpf? Are you autistic?

>4 years
Sorry for the rhetoric
8 years


Fuck you

Bean fags here, I voted Trump

I'm not scared. You should be scared. My Sup Forumslack and Sup Forumsrown brothers are just about sick of white people and guess what, we aren't going anywhere. With the snap of a finger we could really cause some trouble, but we bite our tongues as racism and bigotry run pampant in America. I know my brothers on this site can hear me, and I know they feel the same way. It's just a matter of timem before we run this place and then we'll see how white bitches like you talk trash. When your being forced onto boats back to your caves in europe I willlaugh at your tears

"but but i was born here! muh fambly was born here!" nope, doesn't matter, back to the cave cracker.

We start by taking pepe back from normiee's and the mainstream media

kek, with a snap of your fingers you are going to do what? Absolutely fuck all is what, get back in the field.

I like this. Pepe is a non-white character appropriated by white nationalists and white supremacists. He's OUR character and we've already seen what whites do to him (they get him labelled a symbol of HATE, which he is NOT!) Pepe is a symbol of black and brown pride which transcends fascist national boundaries and ideas.


First: campaign harder
Second: vote
Third: learn to accept vote outcome

Only then, maybe you can be a good citizen.
To fully evolve you will need to take ownership of yourself. Stop needing to be the victim.

Wise old immigrant and Trump supporter.


Why is he a bigot PO?

If white people are so terrible, why do all the brown people want so bad to come where we are? There's plenty of brown shit holes that you guys can live in, right?
