I'm developing a fantasy Sup Forums stock exchange codenamed Meme Exchange (memex) for now.
The idea is that you create an account and you get given 1000 fake dollars. You can use this to invest in boards and potentially memes.
I will have scripts running on the server analyzing each board every hour and automatically assigning value to the stocks based on a long list of factors including but not limited to: number of threads per hour, posts per hour, number of posters per thread, average thread lifetime, and so on and so on. It will obviously also be effected by how much people invest in the stock too. I want to factor in enough things that can effect price that it won't be too easy to game it but you can still have fun with manipulating the market. The idea is that you have to speculate on boards popularity (and other factors), you can make money from certain boards influx of summerfags etc.
I'm just putting it out to you guys at the moment to get your feedback, any ideas you have, what features you think would be cool etc. Especially what factors you think should effect stock prices and by what amount.
I'm planning to have leaderboards so you can try and compete on who is making the most money. They'll be graphs showing you historical prices and all that normal stuff.
I was thinking of adding memes that are text based as investment options, like Trump, kek, :^), etc. Things that I can actually track use of.