Sneaking food into the movie theater - What has Sup Forums snuck into the movie theater?

Burritos are probably the best food to sneak into a movie theater. Here's why:

>wrapped into a perfect portable shape
>can be eaten away at bit by bit to your liking and then wrapping back up for later.
>a meal unto itself, all wrapped together
>can be configured any way you want to your liking and never gets boring
>minimal cleanup. Once you finish eating it, you just toss the wrapper and bag on the floor so the cleanup crew can scoop it up.

Can Sup Forums outdo burritos as the best sneaking food?

What has Sup Forums snuck into the movie theater?

I snuck a large 'za into the cinemas. It fit under my jacket with room to spare :)

>sneaking a hot food that smells into a theater

seems legit

me? I'd eat crab legs

I use to sneak a Gumbo in holding it with my thighs until they caught me last week when I lost balance and it spilt allover the foyer floor

Not feeling like memery so I'll just be honest:

I usually sneak in Burger King food, when I wear a cloak in fall/winter up to 5 burgers.
I do a lot of sport so I don't have to fear consequences from eating that greasy shit once every other month

I take a 0.5 liter soda or selzer water

I drink half of that and my only thought during a movie is that I need to piss

>I wear a cloak

OK harry potter

Due to my theaters single policy, I get patted down every time I want to see a flick and always get my burrito confiscated

Why can't you just eat food at a table during a designated mealtime like normal people?

l snuck a litre of full fat milk into the movies as a kid thinking it would be a good idea

the milk got warm really fast and then l spilled it leaving me with nothing to drink my cookies with

Just candy, chips, and maybe a 20oz soda.
Anyone who says otherwise is a liar.

I always sneak in a footlong with extra mustard

Crab legs. You can hide them in your pant legs and they eve articulate as you walk

I once snuck a plate of pasta into the theater, plate and all

Another time I snuck on a whole watermelon with a big ass knife and distributed slices around

My local theater doesn't have the most attentive staff

I like to enjoy a fresh deer liver with my movies

I smuggle it in In a ziploc with some onions

I gathered one yesterday for Tarzan

Two live king crabs. I told the staff that they were service animals and hid the lemon butter in my wife's son's diaper bag and told the staff the kid was autistic and had to be with his favorite propane grill at all times or he would throw a tantrum. I think the movie theater staff might have caught on after I left with only one of my crabs but they didn't give me any trouble.

Anything that Fuddruckers has

Everytime I go the movies I treat myself to budruckers, it's greasy, it's good and it's easy to sneak in if you have any sort of bag

Buttfuckers is honestly my favorite.burger joint now that I think about it

It's an American can't stop eating for a couple of hours episode.

Muh gorillion burgers

Well you have a half-empty bottle . . .

Whered you leave your bird, my dove goes mental when I sneak in my pot of of roasted sardines

Nacho hat. One day.

Quarter pounder with cheese for a matinee Pulp Fiction session (for the meme) a few weeks ago, but I usually go for Burger King or Subway's BMT.

When I went to see Batman v Superman I knew it was gonna be a long one so I got a Ragin' Cajun steampot from Joe's Crab Shack. Unfortunately, I didn't know the plastic takeout container had vent holes in the lid so I spilled a lot of the liquid all over the inside of my favorite greatcoat.

>minimal cleanup. Once you finish eating it, you just toss the wrapper and bag on the floor so the cleanup crew can scoop it up.

>even if the OP is bait, there are people that actually do this shit instead of performing the simple act of throwing your shit away on the way out

I wish nacho hats were real.

It's the usher's job to clean the theater though.


It's common human decency to not just throw shit on the floor though.

...what? this looks disgusting

In the theatre you pay for the luxury of having a slave do it.

if it was really such a problem they could just put bins on the aisles or play a message about it like they do for cell phones

At the theater it doesn't matter because people are paid to clean it up regularly. I just toss my popcorn on the floor.

prison food basically
made up of all the shit you can get from a commissary

though obviously that one's made in a restaurant of sorts in what I assume is mexico.

Quite funny lad

I go for sushi in a packet as my most daring, not too smelly

Employees are paid whether they're cleaning up or not, it's just a waste of man hours for them to be standing around for a half hour because everyone cleaned up after themselves. I get SSI from the government and don't feel like burning calories on taxpayer dollars to clean up a mess which a private business is already paying people to do regardless.

>making a working person's job harder than it already is
Did your mother not teach you to not be a fucking pig?

One time my friend snuck in a cheap sushi tray from a supermarket.
And in the last ~40 minutes of the film he ran out to shit his guts out.

>burritos aren't a thing in the UK

Why the fuck can't we get invaded by beaners instead of pakis?, I like a curry now and then but some of these burritos look god tier and i've never tried a proper one :(

I always just sneak in beer/booze. Can't imagine going to a movie without drinking.

>burritos aren't a thing in the UK
there's plenty of burrito places here in manchester
there's barburrito who started out here and have several locations around the country now
and then there's the smaller joints here too that are pretty decent as well.
there's also taco bell but that's shit

I don't eat in the theater
But the one I go to is cool with people bringing in food
I remember for Star Wars
A group of neckbeards brought in like 5 small pizzas

That looks fucking disgusting, can't Americans eat normal food?
They put everyfuckingthing in the firdge and kitchen on a plate. Fuck me.

I don't eat out much these days besides kfc and maccy d when i'm hungover. I live in birmingham and i've never seen an actual burrito place, yeah places do 'wraps' but they aint the same as OP's pic.

Manchester isn't part of England, it's the equivalent of Mexico in The UK.
Even wear similar clothes too.

Anyone that thinks it's suitable to do this shouldn't be allowed to go to the cinema

What is happening here? I don't get it.

Ah, Birmingham. That explains everything.
Most Barburritos are up north or in scotland.
There's a couple in london I think.


My girlfriend and I noticed that they always check bags on the way in, but they never check your gun. We usually just sneak candy in, sometimes popcorn chicken if we bring the bushmasters.

Why are you so fucking pigs, amerifats?
>Need to stuff your mouth with food during a movie
>Feel is not only fine but is your right to turn the floor into a mess
>Daring to infest the place with disgusting smelling from heavy food
>All the annoying munching and crunching
>Movie theater is probably contaminated by all your farts and burps
How can anybody stay there for more than five minutes?

I honestly can't tell if this is real or not.

People thought there was a terrorist inside the theater

What is that, foil-wrapped shit?

t. rectum ravaged theater ushers

>carrying a gun to the movies

Your second amendment sucks and needs to be changed

Explains the shootings...

It's ok to bring a gun to the movies if you are a normal, healthy person.

If a nigger or crazy person does it, though...

ive snuck in gummy watermelon candies and a six pack of coke

I understand being able to bring in a handgun for protecting your freedoms from obama and muslims, but a rifle seems a bit excessive.

Isn't it a hassle to carry around?

>I do a lot of sport

He's memeing you fuccboi
Nobody open carries rifles unless they're at some rally to make a point or nigs are chimping out and they're defending a business or themselves.

What a dumb nigger

Same here, but if I down have a gallon of brawndo to quench my thirst during ow my balls, I go apeshit


Or maybe just pass two hours without fucking eating like a fatass...

> What has Sup Forums snuck into the movie theater?
Fockin' RAW BASS

>Wear cargo pants (pic related)
>Double decker taco in every pocket

americans eat hourly

I usually stuff my pockets with beans

No need to sneak in anything here, they don't even check my backpack. Glad to live in a free, trusting society.

>dont need to sneak anything because they dont check my backpack
are you implying they let your bring in whatever food you want?

>sneaking food into your local kinoplex
>not wealthy enough to buy a first class meal at your seat

>arabic menu

fuck off shitskin

>implying Im not white
Mashallah right in your face, my brother

I once saw a family of 12 come in and the mother had a gym bag. Just before previews began she unzipped it and pulled out several buckets of kfc. Why do people think this is ok?

>they were black

Cubano sandwich.

This is my go to.


>literally invented for poor plebians who could not afford opera tickets


Nothing, I'm not a fat piece of shit that can't keep from eating for 2 hours.

You could make your own and bring it into the theater

I once went out on a first date with a /fit/ asian dude to go watch Drive a couple years back when it came out.

He complained he hadn't eaten all day so we stopped by a Subway and he got a footlong to sneak into the theater and to eat loudly while watching the movie. He would loudly voice his opinions on the trailers and laugh at inappropriate times during the movie.

Later on that night we went into the local hills to fuck and he kept on remarking on how great his abs looked in the moonlight.

Good times.

beef jerky is easier than chips

I'm so glad I'm not gay.

That's a delicious looking burrito, no shit ingredients like lettuce or sour cream

Do you bus your own table at a restaurant? Because according to you it's just common decency to do someone's job for them.

What are the white pieces in the burrito? Shrimp?

You from NJ?

How do you cover up the *CRUNCH*, Sup Forums?

My god what massive faggots. Is this supposed to be satirical? Why not just put up a big sign "no fun allowed"?

this is why latinos are fat as fuck. i'm assuming this is mexican insanity since she is utilizing tortilla chips. but dat food safety handling skillz with the tongs tho...


r u retarded nigga?

I'm sure this isn't actually thing. surely..?

a AR 15

>American """"""""""cuisine""""""""""


>Openly carrying a water bottle with me cause Florida
>Ticket ripper tells me "You can't bring any outside food or beverages but I'll let you go this time."
>Raise both my eyebrows because I can't believe this bitch is serious. They give you free water there anyway so why's it matter where I get the water from? Say "uh, ok..." and walk in.

Fuck you snow nigger! Fucking inbred ass island monkey!

>What has Sup Forums snuck into the movie theater?
Mangos, pizza, strawberries, burritos, beer(a fucking six pack), burgers, soda, jerky, weed cookies, summer sausage, and mints.