>doing a movie theater staffworker's job for them

Daily reminder that you are not getting a paycheck for cleaning up the theater. That is the staff's job.

It's bad enough that the millennials who staff today's theaters are spoiled, entitled, feminized losers who look at their iPhone every chance they get. The last thing they need is to get a paycheck for doing very little or no work, so let them clean up after you. It is what they are being paid for.

Make these people earn their paycheck. Maybe then they will learn to put in a hard day's work instead of posting on Facebook and watching free movies.

Other urls found in this thread:


>get paid to do a job
>bitch and moan when you have to do the job you're getting paid to do
>movie theater employee logic

and they still want to replace the male leads with wageslaves for ghostbusters

I like to sneak in a big bag of starburst myself and leave all the individual wrappers everywhere.

>want to take a piss so bad
>don't want to go to the restroom because I want to enjoy the movie
>realize I'm one of the few people in my row and nobody can really see what I'm doing in my seat
>unzip my pants and take them down a bit so my cock pops out
>urinate under the seat in front of me so that the urine just puddles under the seat in front of me or just runs down the seats and everybody assumes the wet stuff under their shoes is just somebody's old soda spill
>pull pants back up and zip tight
>feel fucking great
>nobody noticed at all
>continue watching the movie

Anybody else do this?


anyone else do this? I cant remember the last time I didnt do it kek

>virgin shorts
who would have guessed

goddamn I nearly choked on my biscuits jesus lol

>eating at a restaurant
>throw my food everywhere and shit on the floor because someone is PAID to clean it up
when will I be recognized for my contributions to society?

You just helped those restaurant employees keep their jobs. Good work!