huh really makes you think
Huh really makes you think
Other urls found in this thread:
le gender argument face
women aren't strong
because the plot called for young sarah connor
Jewish crazy hollywood lady who likes dogs was recast as Leia too
And you are still a man.
That's the way it is.
are women in denial?
Movies = sells sex
Old Ladies = anti boner pill for everyone
Old welathy men = housewife viagra
People would rather watch old men act than old ladies in most situations.
Hell, if you are actually a good actress like Hellen Mirin or Cathy Bates then you can still be an actress when you're old...
Most modern actresses just simply can't act... they only got a job in the first place cause of Titties
I agree with her.
xena is still hot as fuck
Really does make you think
>le gender argument
>Carrie Fisher is still Leia
Is it a film or tv series?
Makes a difference
I want to bang Lucy Lawless.
Because noboddy could buy those two doing things Arnold do
>Harrison Ford is still Han Solo
>Hell, if you are actually a good actress like Hellen Mirin or Cathy Bates then you can still be an actress when you're old...
>Most modern actresses just simply can't act... they only got a job in the first place cause of Titties
I think it's this more than your first point. True Older men are more sexy then older women.
But most modern actresses only got a job cause they looked good, not because they can act.
see... jlaw, emma watson, etc...
Carrie Fisher is still Leia.
And James Bond/Batman/Superman/Spiderman get recast all the time.
They did recast Han Solo. He will be played by a young male in the next Han Solo movie. Terminator Arnold was completely cgi and then relegated to a supporting role
again, it's a society expressing human evolution
women become impotent, dry up and lose value whilst men can beget life until their balls fall off
>Hell, if you are actually a good actress like Hellen Mirin or Cathy Bates then you can still be an actress when you're old...
This. Tons of quality actresses still working in their later years.
Young hot ass who can't act get tossed after being used.
How is this hard to understand?
>suffering a WUman to live
Probably because Stallone, Schwarzenegger and Ford are infinitely more successful than fucking Lawless and Xena the TV-show.
Because lawless is busy with her super hit show, Ash vs Evil dead and chances are doesn't want to return to a show she spent years doing and got burned out on? Also, its a reboot with no connections to the original franchise so the best they can do is a cameo or risk doing alt. universe shit?
wu cant seriously be this fucking stupid
This is dumb. These old men don't do any bit of what they used to do in the old movies when they were young.
no way Lucy could do a whole new Xena now
>Tons of quality actresses still working in their later years.
>Young hot ass who can't act get tossed after being used.
>How is this hard to understand?
She's a real woman, take your trap fetish away from me.
Shit I take it all back, I didn't see who made the post.
Because Lucy Lawless doesn't want the full-time workload due to her family and political interests. Plus the physical demands of the part, she's over it.
Which she said when they asked her if she'd be interested in coming back.
Lucy Lawless is still badass. Lot more than harrison.
Bringing back Xena without lucy seems pointless
god damn those are some FAT thighs
> implying Xena is in the same universe as Star Wars or Terminator
Why do women and fags try to meme bullshit like Xena and Buffy into being classics?
Arnold wasn't the lead.
Harrison was nostalgia bait for the autists
She didn't say anything when Colin Farrel was cast in Total Recall.
no lucy no watch.
Women age worse than men.
>Men never get recast
Really does make you think
Why did they recast Ghostbusters?
Because Harold Ramis is dead and Bill Murray didn't want to do it.
Wait there will be a new Xena?
>Implying pear isn't best frame
Fuck that I want them both back.
I dont give a shit about age I refuse to see a different xena.
Came here for this
>Letting Dan Aykroyd near a Camera
Because Arnold is a fucking legend
Yes, and she'll be 100% lesbian this time. Enjoy.
They're right you know
terminator was shit and harrison didn't get the first role... stupid bitch
Remember me?
But Genesys sucked and Ford was only in episode 7 so he could die...a movie which also features an elderly Carrie Fisher reprising her role.
Women: not even once.
She wasn't in the original?
>Ford is still Han Solo
Uhh wasn't Fisher(Leia) in the SAME movie as ford, with a female protaganist, and she didn't even die and will likely be in future Star Wars movies.
What the fuck are these idiots complaining about exactly?
Arnold, Ford, and Stallone are brand power names that make products sell. Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor are not.
Don't post this vapid mancunt in mah Sup Forums again.
Yeah but Carrie Fisher doesn't count because lololol
It's implied but never outright stated and even then in the fifth season (second to last) she falls for a guy. There's a lot of build-up and subtext to it all which is what made her relationship with Gab endearing to begin with.
Would you let Ramirez in?
Wait...Sup Forums
You wouldn't want to see Xena and Gabrielle as the same actors? I would. Loved that show.
Of course. The two Ramirezes must fight to the death to determine who will be the real one.
Just ask them both what we ate on the way there.
>Carrie Fisher isn't a lady
reread those posts, user
Classic Smegmaking
Yes, they shouldn't even be reviving this shit series.
Because action movies are for middle-aged men.
Because Arnold is a superstar.
And because Lawless is a cult TV actress who never made anyone a shitload of money.
Because the current Terminator and Star Wars movies are continuations in the same universe, so exactly the same characters.
Xena is a complete reboot, she died at the end of the original series.
because men age like houses, women age like cars (or milk)
Just checked his twitter posts and I'm convinced this account is used to trigger Sup Forums and nothing else.
I don't care to see anymore characters after they're old.
It's also about properties and money in take Mr Wu you dumb fuck.
Lastly I only want Lucy to do more original content, hopefully more with less clothes.
She had a cute body in the 70s-80s.
She looked high the whole movie, what were those russians giving her?
pussy ages like bread
I got Xena and Gabrielle right here
> milfy Xena and Gabrielle having lesbian fun
fund it
>A tweet from Wu made in 2015
99% certainty that OP is Wu looking to fill his daily fix of "harassment" to swindle some more victimbux from Patreon.
This. She's not wrong.
ayyyyy lmao
70 for men is the equivalent of women at 40
>Harold Ramis is dead
Just make him appear as ghost.
As much as I like Xena, they weren't iconic enough to justify not being recast.
for once I actually agree with the tranny. Lucy is still hot as fuck.
>Lucy Lawless was one of my earliest faps.
>Lucy Lawless is still fapworthy.
Lucy Lawless is amazing, but I don't really want her to waste time with a show that won't let her show her tits once in a while.
If the Xena reboot was on a premium channel, and was going to show some actual lesbian sex, I'd want her back. With a much younger female partner. Sort of a mother-daughter/teacher-student dynamic.
Uh... hm.
>Implying Helen Mirren, Sigourney Weaver and Mary Steenburgen aren't still boner worthy
lawless is actually still pretty hot. wu just doesn't seem to understand the difference between a sequel and a reboot.
Looks like something that would appear on the Jeremy Kyle show
Those old farts barely appeared in those movies.
And Xena isn't worth reviving,
just cast them in something better.
Dont OP with mentally ill men and pretend it has a real opinion.
>wun can't seriously be this fucking stupid
No he's the alien
Surely repair missions are scheduled enough to not forget about someone and have a guy randomly knocking on the door to be let back in.
>le transphobia
people like you are the only reason people even pay attention to this fucking idiot.
I already knew Lucy's still hot, but goddamn Renee is cute as ever. Why not just keep them and fix the mess that was the final few seasons?
They just cast a young Han Solo, and they've cast a number of younger Terminators over the various films.
This is a terrible argument.
Because xena is a fucking reboot. The other two films are continuation you fucking cunt.
>I think a man in a dress is a woman because it says so
kill yourself but first go back
Because they aren't huge stars like Harrison and Arnold are
ITT Sup Forumstards so young they didnt see Xena
Nobody who watched the show would replace them for some other bimbos
Wrong, the patriarchy clearly couldn't handle a strong WOMYN to play the part of an infant.