Just got back from the march in DC

Just got back from the march in DC.

Got my dick sucked in the back seat of the car on the way home by telling my girlfriend it'd be a funny story to tell later.

MASSIVE amount of people. everywhere. across the country, across the world

not in russia

trump is FUCKED

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Speaking of sucking dick, how's your dad been?

Tell him Blaine said, "hi".

where were they all when it was time to vote?

i will do. his memory's not so good any more. i'll ask him if he remembers some faggot named blaine.

voting. turmp lost the popular vote remember?

so women are only located in states that contributed to the electoral college loss?

I take it you campaigned for Romney when he won the popular vote against Obama? Unless you faggots want to be conistent, shut the fuck up about the popular vote

Sick Sup Forums bro here is a picture for you.

it would appear so.

or, trump and co figured out a way to game the system. combined with russia interference aiding to keep others (not just women) at home

who cares? trump is president now. and he will face protests endlessly just like W unless there's some sort of 9-11 event

i don't give a fuck. he asked where they were and i told him. trump won the electoral college which is all that matters for becoming president.

Well, good.
Got that evidence yet? Or are you just bitching about not getting your way due to the Russian boogeyman? Requiring an ID to vote is not voter suppression. I see a ton of Amish people in my line of work and almost all of them have IDs. You telling me that people that actually live near DMVs can't get a photo ID?

Fox news viewer detected.
Obama won the popular vote by a land slide.
On the other hand Bush stole it the last time by his brother messing with the votes in Florida.

Romney never won the popular vote over Obama.

Here is a picture for you. Bet you wish it was you and not Trump getting hammered.

You do realize obama won in 2012 by 5 million votes right? I can't tell if troll

i happen to believe the US's widespread intelligence agencies. i don't see any reason not to. even trump has recently admitted it was the russians. i wonder why some anonymous faggot on an image sharing board is sticking to his guns when trump even isn't

having an id is not enough to vote. you can't just walk in off the street, you little 13 year old shit stain

Simple. These Trump supporters have no care for reality. They are Ditch brains and only care for what they feel in their hearts. Trump is a God that will save them even every one else not blind knows that he will not give a flying fuck about these down and out guys..

He's a traitor.

oh yeah he'll forget about them totally for the next 3 years and then do as little as possible to get their vote again and most of them will vote for him. even if he loses, it will be closer than it ever should be.

Trump is told what to say like every other fucking dick wipe president, you'll mot know as Obama stopped any Russian news channels being available to muricans last week, but Putin told Obama to stop crying like a baby cos his party lost and accept defeat. Then he said either put the evidence up or shut up crying.....still no evidence
>in before the CIA had this and that
>research it they've got nothing on the Russians

trump stopped by the CIA first thing to snivel like a little fucking weasel. he even said it. "that's why I'm here."

he found out he was wrong. the russians, and putin, were behind it.

so what though? why does that bother you so much?

Nice deflection putin shill. They're now looking into financial transactions between the russians and illegitimate one's campaign.

It's insane how many people Trump has united people against him. Maybe that's what he meant with the whole make america great again slogan.

Only traitors would welcome a russian invasion which is what the russian throwing of the election for the illegitimate one was.


yeah exactly. most of them are russian stooges anyway i imagine

trump is no more behind the cia than trump is married to hillary.

yeah he was trying for damage control but it failed miserably. someone must have reminded him about other presidents that the CIA dind't like.

It's no surprise Hillary won the popular vote since Californians are some of the dumbest people in the country. Their average IQ is even lower than Florida's. The vast majority of liberals are extremely dim-witted but they're kept afloat by a small intellectual elite. They're feeble little minds are easily manipulated by corporate media disinformation which they then parrot mindlessly, reinforcing the false narrative.

california alone doesn't explain it. the really close races in like 6 states is more the real reason. PA came down to 30k votes, which is insane for that big a state.

no just like you can't blame a touchdown on only the last 5 yards, trump's piping close victory across the country is what caused his popular vote loss.

Says one who functioned as a useful idiot for Putin.

he might be a literal russian troll who knows