Pepe thread. Post Pepe

Pepe thread. Post Pepe.







You mean
>post your best pepes





OP here. No, I want every fucking Pepe you have you little cunt.



Please remember that unauthorized Pepe saving is a federal crime. I will be happy to trade you, however, for certain rare Pepes.




pepe dump incoming






except for democracy. yea im butthurt











You ruined a pure blood Pepe thread you fucking mongoloid


Great thread OP. I'll be creating a long term archive in a Glacier Vault to ensure these aren't lost.






ONE PUNCH!!!!!!!!


Anyone who would mind valuing this pepe for free?
I dont have the money to take it to a professional but I need to sell it





Level 3 or under



That's not an incredibly rare Pepe, but it's decent. I'd rate it about medium emerald rare Hell, I'll even trade you for this Pepe.


i deleted all my pepes today

when mainstream faggots wear him on a pin on their suits and get punched in the face for it you know its over



I've already mentioned the importance of proper Pepe trading in this thread, but upon posting this level 5 diamond rare Pepe I feel I need to say it again: please no steal.

Theres like white dots on the hair and lips of that pepe, it looks like a ripoff. I think you are trying to scam me here




Hey what insurance do we have that the pepes we post itt doesn't get stolen ?

I actually made this 1 myself and I dont want it to get into the hands of normies

1.- Go App Store
2.- Search Pepe Snap
3.- Install
4.- ????
5.- Masturbate

Ill have you know I am an authorized Pepe dealer and appraiser licensed By the National Council for the Authenticity of Fine and Rare Pepes. It's a real Pepe I assure you.

I love handmade Pepes. Would you be willing to trade for this one? It's a semi-mild rare Pepe.

semi-mild in what comparison? I can see the linework is well made. But I am unsure of the shade it has. Can you show me your pepe license ?


Semi-mild according to the NCAFRP's Pepe-Barnett scale. As a Pepe enthusiast you should be aware that NCAFRP dealers do not have licenses in the normie sense, but rather they are awarded an ultra rare Pepe that only they are the owner of. I would not be able to post that Pepe on this east Mongolian Pepe appraisal board for fear of Pepe terrorists stealing and/or forging it. Here's an early 18th century level 3 full-sapphire rare Pepe to show you I have good intentions, however.





I'm stealing most pope's in this thread, even if it's illegal.

By the way, if anybody is willing to trade me a Grade AAAAA full platinum rare Pepe from 17th centruy China, it would complete my collection of full platinum rare's. I know there's not many of them left, but it's the last one I need. I would be willing to trade almost any Pepe in my collection in exchange.

I've notified the Agency for the Upholding of Meme Integrity, Pepe Distribution and Terrorism Department. Expect a visit soon. Knowing there is illegal Pepe trading, I cannot in good faith keep sharing my collection of fine and rare Pepes in this thread.

justice will come for you eventually
