What Lovecraft story would make the best movie?
What Lovecraft story would make the best movie?
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The one about the squid.
The transition of juan romero
would probably tank because people would get the wrong idea from the title
Rats in the Walls is my personal favorite
I don't like the too cosmic stuff. Lovecraft has some good stories that are just about cults, ruins, and madness.
The Colour Out of Space
>I don't like the too cosmic stuff
cosmic stuff is good on paper, but would be shit on screen
Like Color of Space would be impossible to do a visual adaption of at all despite being a great story
Frankly it's about as good as it gets. It's the origin story for the rest.
What is that one about? I think I tried to read it and didn't like it. Was it about a meteor that started changing colors or something?
They all tie to the cosmic stuff.
The one about the unspeakable horror, incomprehensible fear and non-euclidean structures...