Im sad lets be friends

Im sad lets be friends...

Okay OP, how's your day going my dubz friend?

This bag is stuck on my head... and i cant figure out how to take it off...

What've you tried so far OP? I hope we can get it off...

I tried wood glue because i thought it would make it slippery and easily come off....

Oh dear OP, that's not good at all :( maybe some nail polish remover would help?

the bag will never come off. This is your initiation into the Jihad

Though there may be dubz here, we're friends only here, none of that meany beany stuff here user

I smeels it all the night before theres none left.... im so upset...

This is how it was and this is how it will always be. First you get a bag stuck on your head. Then you get mad. Then you get even.

No no im not bad boy those are bad boys im not like them....

Oh deary me, that's not good, not good at all OP, have you ever thought of leaving it on?
And honestly that made me kek

Im too week the bag consumes me..

The bag is mean to me i dont like him hes bully he talks bad to me and doesnt givr me spaces!!

Buy me drugs if you want to be friends

Oh no, that's not nice of the bag at all OP, maybe tell it to not be so hecking mean? The bag doesn't sound very friendly :(

I cant im to week...

sir, you appear to have an oddly shaped brown growth on your face

That dosh darn bag >:V what a monster... sending mental support OP, may you find rest from that meanie bag

learn to flip pictures you fucking idiot. We are not in the 1990's

Hush, there's no room for meanie weanies here

Theres too many meanies in the worrld

If you tilt your head to the left it looks like Groot.

I call that a win.

did u try taking the glasses off first

You are wrong. There is no space for commiescum like you. Hush hush

read that as commies cum

Write something on your bag. Something off-putting so you don't attract attention to yourself.

YES, draw a smiley face maybe?

They keep the darknesd in

I have no craola markers thouss

if you're afraid to post your face on Sup Forums I automatically assume you have autism

Come on bag bro, draw a smiley face on your bag

I cant takes it off thous..

I tries my best

Dude, that's awesome!! I'm going sleepy, goodnight bag friend! I hope you find a way our of the bag

Tanks!!! Farewells

what does it smell like inside the bag?

Paper and alchols ):

You upgrade more facial features bag man

I starting to accepts it

They always do.

Nos i must fught it!!!

too late.


Perhaps bag makes meme then i cannot fight its power i cant stops it

No... the bag may have power, but you have the will of a friendo behind you, I believe in you frienderoni, also it's 4 am and I might stop doing me a conscious pretty soon friendo

This is the bag speaking, i have full control over your "friend" now.

;-; If only he hadn't drunk all of the nail polish remover... it wouldn't have come to this... I'll avenge him, "bag"... I'll avenge my friend...