Is 23 too old for braces?

Is 23 too old for braces?




It's never too late to try and take care of your teeth.

It's already too late to try and take care of your teeth.

Saw a 60 year old bitch with braces today at work. Sooooo... I guess not OP. Go for it.

Gonna be 26 in 15 days, Ima barely get them. How much they charging you?

the fuck you mean? bleaching doesn't have an age limit and neither do braces...

just get invisalign you dumbass

That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

then enlighten me oh wise one, you've already had two chances..

Not op but im 28. Uk. 5000 pounds. You?

I am enlightening you, you're just not listening.

tell me why with some sources otherwise it is just bullshit you are making up.

5000 pound of what?

I'm not either of them. I'm 23 and is get my teeth done if I had any money. Right now because my teeth are in a fucked position my front teeth have been grinded down and are now really thin.

Hopefully some day. What I'm trying to say is, if you have the money, do it.

Of course I am, I just wanted to test your reactions.

Thank you for your participation.

I did it at 20 because my parents were assholes and couldn't, so paid myself

Hated it pretty much the entire time and was super self conscious but after I got them off my confidence sky rocketed with smiling. I hated my smile before because my teether were seriously jacked

So yeah, now 29 and worth, girls honestly didn't care as long as you kept clean, say plenty of chicks with the same at the bar when I was 21. Nobody really cares as long as your teeth were really fucked.

Fuck no, the few years of having braces beats having bad teeth

5000 pound

Pound is british currency.

You can get it done in 6 months with an Inman aligned.

Were you at college?