Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes...

Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart —you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you’re a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.

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I'm in love


wait i'm confused, are people actually unable to understand what he's saying? like, are they dyslexic or something?


Just a bunch of random words? I don't get it.

Just let OP be a faggot.

People try not to understand trump on purpose. Mostly on the east coast. Its like they think they're better than other Americans. And they alxp think they're British for some reason. Kinda fag really.


it's a trump quote

Hyperbolic satire. Wanna be British. Pompous american, who always tries to use the big words. That's why you lost fags.

I would like to understand him (he is our president after all), could you give a summary of what he is trying to say?

When you don't pause for 5 seconds and a few uhs between every 2 words sometimes you get toungue tied

This a direct quote

>also Donald Trump

I understand what you mean. He doesn't have a filter. He's honest. If I was American I'd rather someone who said what's on his mind good, bad or controversial. Not a liar who takes many seconds to choose what to say. Yo can't trust people like that.



You literally have no idea what he's saying, do you?



Nice response. At least now I know youre just a faggot. Maybe if Hilary had tried harder and not been so obviously corrupt we wouldn't be having this pleasant conversion. Nice try

Sooo... no clue?

Literally stupid.

eat shit


There's lots of in formation there. Yes that's how trump sometimes talks, with many many words. But half the time he doesn't, he uses short powerful sentences too. The kind you Americans love so much. Only difference is. They come to home like that*clicks fingers* rather than errrinh and umming. And once again. Nice response

Any input guys? Or just childish insults?? No wonder you lost.. Calling trump a child. Now look at you. Its your party s fault you lost. Now go cry.

I remember in elementary school English the teachers really drilled not using uhm while speaking.

Must not have done it in Kenyan elementary.

Nice use of literally. What does it mean? In your own words please. This should be good.

trump supporters on suicide watch lmao

Yes exactly. Shame its like Obamas forte. Youre great BTW.

Read my first point. I'm not a supporter. You're just a whiny child, who lost. Is osnlosing right this second..

I'm sure your English teacher would have been great with several off topic, incoherent and irrelevant side sentences.

So is a Kenyan elementary school not off topic? Just stop. Its embarrassing.

osnlosing? lmfao

You can't write this, you just can't. People walk around like this. Doing normal shit like grocery shopping, going to the dentist.

How do you function? Like does your mind work in some way that you've convinced yourself you're not a delusional idiot, or have you got that figured out and instead choose to ignore it?

It's so interesting to me. No no, go on, you were saying something about a word I used (apparently incorrectly) to distract everyone that you have nothing useful to say, probably ever.

Continue, please.

This should be good.

Sorry bro. I thought you were one of these retards for a second.

Nice try.

sorry bro you dont make ANY sense

I don't believe you

To many pointless words. Not reading them. Please make your point much more simple pls. BTW. You lost. This is futile too BTW.

Obummer is 10x better at public speaking than Trump, don't lie to yourself.

Kindly explain what he said.

He sure takes his time though if asked questions that he hasn't first read. Not that he gives a shit about you anyway. And FYI, the reason you may not understand me is because Im British, and from a good family, our language system is a tad more advanced.

>To many pointless words.
>Not reading them.
Oh, no I get it.

>This is futile too BTW.

Thanks for playing.


As futile as your antidemocratic protest s.

Huffington post. Top kek.

I've been lurking this thread in hopes that someone actually attempts to explain the central point of whatever he was saying there LOL

The game is over man, I said thanks and everything.

>Implying I care about American reality TV.

Youre having a go BC of a typo.again, nice try. Faggot.

He is saying his Uncle is a nuclear engineer, a very smart one, and he said that based on the timeframe Iran can probably refine uranium faster than Obama think, and because they are good negotiators Obama was screwed in the deal.

In that case. We part as friends...

maybe if you laid out a well thought out point instead of just spewing random bullshit like trump always does

But if you don't care about the game, why are you having a go at me? After all it makes no difference? Going on what you just said about TV..

I'm glad America chose a potatoe as their president.
Sad they put too much weight on what comes out of that shit hole of his.
This quote shows he's senile.

Why did he not just read off a piece of paper?
Same him recovering from this

Thank you. I was unable to decipher it. You should apply for a job as a cryptologist/translator in the White House.

My points are clear, and you know it. Youre just a bad loser.

I asked you if you had any clue as to what he was trying to say, and apart from trying to explain his manner of speech (of which I have no interest), you don't, so I'm kinda done with you and have moved on to google in an attempt to decipher the text.

But if you want to play the butthurt moral supremacist; be my guest.

>Polishing a massive, stinky turd.

Yes. But we both know how you intended it. I gave my point, in a polite way. And you didn't expand on it or discuss it one bit. Then the insults came. Re read the thread please. Obama out..* drops mic*

It's just that he goes on a silly sidebar about when his Uncle told him and then forgot Persia is Iran now.

And also randomly starts talking about how Repubs have to be twice as smart to get half the credit because of the media. Before going on to finish the incomplete first thought.

Don't you mean a cryptographer?

man i wont even attempt to read anything posted by a trump supporter lmfao you need to go back to highschool first idiot


I work in hr in a realllly tall building. I'm not a supporter.

It's called thinking before you speak, retards like you and Trump should try it.


Arnt Hillary supporter vandalising america right now?

No. I'm doing just fine. You should draw inspiration from Obama. And take your time more. I do just fine, faggot.






Brilliant man. Legitimately. If you don't understand him here, it's because he's not talking to you. It's just that simple. My father, he's an amazing salesman. He did public speaking with the Rice brothers, Zig Ziglar, etc. Actually sold a vacuum cleaner to Mennonites who didn't use electricity once. In any case, I spent a lot of time around him, and the times I've seen him talk like that - like Trump did then - I still don't understand them. But, people always walked away with vacuum cleaners when he did, even when they weren't intending to buy anything. If I hadn't had this experience (which I still don't understand at all), I wouldn't have recognized it when Trump did it. All I know is, whatever technique that mishmash of words is? It's powerful, and when I heard it I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt he was going to win.


Almost as coherent as his new press secretary.


hillary got a dude who raped a 12 year old girl out of jail early when she was a lawyer. she also seems to have no real conviction about any issues and says anything. but i am one voter and i hate politics and i hate cyborgs. i hate when people ask machines what their own feelings are instead of simply feeling their own feelings to know what their feelings are -- that's a cyborg.

That's how the jaw works. You're so stupid. You probably think this is right. Top kek.

if trump isn't the most brilliant man that was, so what -- maybe he has a smart enough intellect to be able to discern bullshit from other stuff when pressed to. then again maybe the fagtron cyborgs have enslaved genuine humans and are slowly converting people into "willfully" giving away their feeling capabilities and becoming cyborgs.

Some one tell me I'm wrong please?

underrated post

so a lawyer does her job and its her fault?


Why do Americans dislocate their jaws? If you get punched in the jaw like that.. Snap. Hello head brace.


>Actually sold a vacuum cleaner to Mennonites who didn't use electricity once.

Is this supposed to be encouraging? lol jk

Same guy here. Hey im part irish, seems legit hahaI agree with but not example 3.

not sure if ethics are valued in society these days. sure is starting to seem like one big facade for power.