Is doing DMT worth it?

Is doing DMT worth it?


not that much into loli but i love how she is teasing him, just love girl teasing a guy like that

What's DMT mean educate a Sup Forumsro


Dimethyltryptamine, the potent hallucinogen.

Pretty sure it's just a synthetic version of the natural chemical found in the brain during REM sleep. Pretty much just dream juice, right?

It's identical, but the dosage found in the body naturally is many magnitudes lesser than that introduced by smoking a hit.

I've done it about half a dozen times and got what I feel was really close to a blast off. Even though I didn't it was a very interesting experience. Although my faggot friend did it once and managed to escape reality for like 13 mins, and swears it's one of the most important experiences of his life.

TL;DR. Do it for the ecperience, just research it thoroughly. And be safe.

I had this a while ago at a party, just felt like i was getting more drunk.

Can drinking whilst using this effect the outcome?


Lol fuck yes it's worth it

I once snorted 200-250mg of DMT and went catatonic and damaged my body severely and destroyed the inside of my house. I had extremely crazy hallucinations of myself dying, over and over again. Having the skin peeled from my body and my eyes exploding from my head, my teeth pulled out and my neck snapped. I had intense emotions of hopelessness and depression, and I rememeber screaming in agony the whole time. I didn't know who I was, where I was, everytime I spoke I didn't know what language was, like total amnesia. I remember begging for it to stop and to experience life in a normal state just 1 more time with the people I loved to tell them I love them.

Personally, I believe I died (from hitting my head against the walls and tables since I couldn't see my hand in front of my face), went to hell, and was sent back because wasn't my time. Because during all the horrible hallucinations, everything paused and I was suddenly in space. I walked through the stars and up to this bright white light, the brightest white ever, and I looked at it and it spoke to me telepathically. I didn't know what it said, but I somehow understood? After that, I was shot through space, towards earth (like the view if a satellite), towards my country, state, town, house, and then into my head. Once that happened, I woke up and was still tripping, but not near anything like the hallucinations before. I was in a rubble of items from my house, with chairs broken and a very thick and heavy wood/marble table on me. I saw blood everywhere, and then proceeded to leave and get medical attention.

Sincerely the most amazing experience of my life.
Nothing comparable. Nothing.

Here's a picture of what I looked like.

Do DMT if you want OP, but not every experience is pleasant. There are bad ones and some bad trips cause people to hurt themselves. You never hear about them because those people are dead and can't tell you. I had done 700ug+ amounts of LSD, and nothing was like that DMT.

dude, how old are you?

As it is very potent, make sure it's smoked in a calm environment where you feel safe, preferably along with a trip sitter.

>snorted DMT
You done goofed.

It's not a party drug. It's preferably smoked on a light stomache, and not in combination with any other drug.

Its the closest thing we can find that creates dreams, though they dont yet know how it actually works.

For anyone interested DMT is the most powerful psychedelic there is, the experience is meant to be so mind blowing that you can never truly explain it to others only tell them highlights. It is fairly "safe" as far as i know you cant OD (definitely double check that tho) and ONLY LAST FOR 10-20 minutes. In that time you will basically become unconsciousness (without the serious side affects). So you wont be able to react to anything in the real world.

Experiences range from "finding yourself" to contact with Extraterrestrials and even warping through time.

Personally i havent had the opportunity to do it yet, and would recommend anyone who's interested to do their research, and even try your hand at some easier safer Psychedelics first.

As for OP, from everyone i have spoken to about it, YES IT IS WORTH IT. If you take the right precautions and only do it in the right environment and right mindset than you'll basically just have a broader mindset and happier life with the chance at a mind blowing exp.

seconding the trying safer psychedelics part. I personally haven't done DMT yet but was planning to in March. Get a bunch of shroom/LSD trips under your belt with increasing dosages before going into DMT. Heard it's still not really comparable but it might still be better than doing the strongest psychedelic blind.

Also yeah, as others have pointed out. Do your research about dosage etc.

Take it easy, but take it.

I thought I went insane and was actually locked in a mental institution my whole life instead of being a fairly calm college student.

My trip through the void was entirely outside reality. Once I recognized that nothing would make sense again for some time then I just rode that fractal until I regained consciousness.

Hard to say if there were any lasting negative effects. I'm not very curious about psychedelics anymore though. I've seen the other side already.

Shit that didn't happen.txt

>tfw DMT was the first non weed thing I did
Felt like I was plucked off the sofa and pulled all the way out to the far edges of the universe and just told "here it is, it's all there ever will be and it's all a part of you" and then gently sent back down to my meatsuit.

Try it buddy.

I was 17 in that picture

What yu guys think of 4 aco dmt?
Fun stuff todo on it?

You look like a little nqotch no wonder you couldn't take it.


DMT is in that root ayahuasca that indigenous people in the amazonas use to cure diseases right?

Same here. Only one I saved, brings back memories of female playground bullie(s) that attitude does